require 'rubygems' require 'mharris_ext' #require "/Code/mharris_ext/lib/mharris_ext" require 'fastercsv' require 'active_record' require 'facets/enumerable' %w(migration column table_module batch_insert).each { |x| require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/#{x}" } Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/ext/*.rb"].each { |x| require x } class Object def fattr_tm(name,&b) fattr(name) do tm(name) do instance_eval(&b) end end end end class TableLoader include TableModule attr_accessor_nn :source_filename fattr(:delimiter) { "," } fattr(:block_size) { 1000 } def master MasterLoader.instance end def effective_block_size if master.db_ops[:adapter].to_s == 'sqlserver' 100000 else block_size end end fattr(:columns) { [] } fattr(:source_row_groups) do e = enum(FasterCSV,:foreach,source_filename,:headers => true, :col_sep => delimiter) enum(e,:each_by,effective_block_size) end def target_hash_for_row(row) columns.inject({}) { |h,col| h.merge(col.target_name => col.target_value(row)) } end def target_hashes(rows) { |x| target_hash_for_row(x) } end def target_hash_groups source_row_groups.each_with_index do |rows,i| yield(target_hashes(rows),i*effective_block_size+rows.size) end end def load! migrate! Dataload.log "Starting load of table '#{table_name}'" total = 0 target_hash_groups do |hs,num_inserted| => hs, :table_name => table_name, :ar_class => ar_cls, :block_size => block_size).insert! Dataload.log "Inserted #{num_inserted - total} rows into table '#{table_name}'. Total of #{num_inserted} rows inserted." total = num_inserted end Dataload.log "Finished load of table '#{table_name}'. Loaded #{total} rows." end end module TableCreation fattr(:migration) do DataloadMigration.new_migration(:cols => columns, :table_name => table_name) do create_table(table_name, :id => false) do |t| cols.each do |col| t.column col.target_name, col.column_type end end end end def migrate! migration.migrate(:up) unless ar_cls.table_exists? end end TableLoader.send(:include,TableCreation)