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Harrison", "Roy B. Sessions", "Waun Ki Hong" ], "publisher": "Lippincott Williams & Wilkins", "publishedDate": "2009", "description": "This comprehensive, multidisciplinary text addresses all aspects of head and neck cancer and represents a wide spectrum of specialists, including surgical, radiation, and medical oncologists, dentists, pathologists, radiologists, and nurses. The book focuses on a two-part approach to treatment that maximizes the chance for a cure while maintaining a strong emphasis on quality of life. This Third Edition's updated techniques section includes new radiation techniques such as IMRT and IGRT and new endoscopic and laser surgical techniques. Other highlights include a new chapter on reconstructive techniques; significant updates to all site-specific chapters; updates on chemoprevention and molecular targeting; and discussions of new imaging modalities such as fused PET/CT. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text with all images.", "industryIdentifiers": [ { "type": "ISBN_10", "identifier": "0781771366" }, { "type": "ISBN_13", "identifier": "9780781771368" } ], "readingModes": { "text": false, "image": true }, "pageCount": 960, "printType": "BOOK", "categories": [ "Medical" ], "averageRating": 5.0, "ratingsCount": 1, "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "allowAnonLogging": false, "contentVersion": "", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "http://books.google.com/books/content?id=-sfJeOq731MC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api", "thumbnail": "http://books.google.com/books/content?id=-sfJeOq731MC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api" }, "language": "en", "previewLink": "http://books.google.com/books?id=-sfJeOq731MC&printsec=frontcover&dq=cancer&hl=&cd=41&source=gbs_api", "infoLink": "http://books.google.com/books?id=-sfJeOq731MC&dq=cancer&hl=&source=gbs_api", "canonicalVolumeLink": "http://books.google.com/books/about/Head_and_Neck_Cancer.html?hl=&id=-sfJeOq731MC" }, "saleInfo": { "country": "US", "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE", "isEbook": false }, "accessInfo": { "country": "US", "viewability": "PARTIAL", "embeddable": true, "publicDomain": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "epub": { "isAvailable": false }, "pdf": { "isAvailable": false }, "webReaderLink": "http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=-sfJeOq731MC&hl=&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&source=gbs_api", "accessViewStatus": "SAMPLE", "quoteSharingAllowed": false }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "This comprehensive, multidisciplinary text addresses all aspects of head and neck cancer and represents a wide spectrum of specialists, including surgical, radiation, and medical oncologists, dentists, pathologists, radiologists, and nurses ..." } }, { "kind": "books#volume", "id": "FhaII7PMHZcC", "etag": "4Lbdbc4moBc", "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/FhaII7PMHZcC", "volumeInfo": { "title": "Cancer Pain Relief", "subtitle": "With a Guide to Opioid Availability", "authors": [ "World Health Organization" ], "publisher": "World Health Organization", "publishedDate": "1996-01-01", "description": "The second edition of a guide, which introduced a simple, yet highly effective method for the relief of cancer pain. 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Information ranges from explanations of how specific drugs work, through the precautions to take in the presence of certain disorders, to a list of factors that influence the effectiveness of opioids. Concerning the use of opioids, readers are reminded that psychological dependence does not occur in cancer patients and that the only correct dose of morphine is the one that relieves the pain. Part two provides a guide to opioid availability. 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This period of time has been marked by a number of key discoveries that have led to the opening up of entirely new areas for investigation as well as new therapies which combine surgery and biological therapeutic approaches. Bone is a common site of cancer metastases - cancer cells commonly develop in bone and spread to other organ systems through the bloodstream. For example, the incidence of bone metastases in breast and prostate cancers is 70%, whereas it is only 30 to 40% in metastatic lung cancer. In clinical terms, bone metastases have substantial negative effects on a patient's quality of life and are a main cause of patient mortality. Given the global prevalence of breast and prostate cancers, knowledge of bone biology has become essential for the medical and cancer research communities. This book provides, all in one resource, the most recent data on bone cancer development (cellular and molecular mechanisms), genomic and proteomic analyses, clinical analyses (histopathology, imaging, pain monitoring), as well as new therapeutic approaches and clinical trials for primary bone tumors and bone metastases. Feature Presents a comprehensive, translational source for all aspects of bone cancer in one reference work Bone cancer experts (from all areas of research and practice) take readers from the bench research (cellular and molecular mechanism), through genomic and proteomic analysis, all the way to clinical analysis (histopathology and imaging) and new therapeutic approaches. Clear presentation by bone biologists of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying bone tumors and bone cancer metastasis as well as the genomic and proteomic assays used in detecting cancer within given organ systems Clear presentation by oncologists and radiologists of how histopathology, imaging, and pain monitoring can lead to new therapeutic approaches Benefit Saves researchers and clinicians time in quickly accessing the very latest details on a broad range of bone cancer issues, as opposed to searching through thousands of journal articles. 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