desc 'Download relevant ruby/spec tests, adapt to CharacterSet and its variants' task :sync_ruby_spec do require 'fileutils' variants = { 'CharacterSet' => "#{__dir__}/../spec/ruby-spec/library/character_set", 'CharacterSet::Pure' => "#{__dir__}/../spec/ruby-spec/library/character_set_pure", } # download fresh specs from ruby/spec repository variants.each do |_, dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) `svn export #{dir}` end # make copies for each CharacterSet variant base = variants.first[1] variants.each_value { |dir| FileUtils.copy_entry(base, dir) unless dir == base } # adapt specs to work with CharacterSet variants.each do |class_name, dir| Dir["#{dir}/**/*.rb"].each do |spec| # ignore some tests that do not apply or are covered otherwise if spec =~ %r{/(classify|divide|flatten|initialize|pretty_print)} File.delete(spec) next end adapted_content = # adapt class name gsub('SortedSet', (spec['/shared/'] ? 'variant' : class_name)). gsub(/(it_behaves_like :[^,\n]+), (:[^,\n]+)/, "\\1, #{class_name}, \\2"). # get shared specs from a single shared dir at the parent level gsub(/(require_relative ['"])(shared\/)/, '\1../\2'). # make 'mspec' syntax rspec-compatible gsub(/describe (.*), shared.*$/, 'shared_examples \1 do |variant, method|'). gsub(/be_(false|true)/, 'be \1'). gsub('stub!', 'stub'). gsub('mock', 'double'). gsub('@method', 'method'). # remove unneeded requires gsub(/require 'set'\n/, ''). gsub(/require.*spec_helper.*\n/, ''). gsub(/\A\n+/, ''). # make examples use Integers/codepoints gsub(/1\.0|"cat"|"dog"|"hello"|"test"/, '0'). gsub('"one"', '1'). gsub('"two"', '2'). gsub('"three"', '3'). gsub('"four"', '4'). gsub('"five"', '5'). gsub(/x.(size|length) == 3/, 'x != 3'). gsub(/x.(size|length) != 3/, 'x == 3'). gsub(/(add)\(\d\)(\.to_a \}.should raise)/, '\1(:foo)\2'), 'w') { |f| f.puts adapted_content } end end # keep only one copy of the shared specs, at the parent level FileUtils.rm_rf(base + '/../shared') + '/shared', base + '/../') variants.each_value { |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir + '/shared') } end