module ActionView # Modify DateHelper to use localization keys module Helpers #Modify DateHelper distance_of_time_in_words module DateHelper def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time = 0, include_seconds = false) from_time = from_time.to_time if from_time.respond_to?(:to_time) to_time = to_time.to_time if to_time.respond_to?(:to_time) distance_in_minutes = (((to_time - from_time).abs)/60).round distance_in_seconds = ((to_time - from_time).abs).round case distance_in_minutes when 0..1 return (distance_in_minutes==0) ? :date_helper_less_than_a_minute.l : :date_helper_one_minute.l unless include_seconds case distance_in_seconds when 0..5 then format( :date_helper_less_than_x_seconds.l , 5 ) when 6..10 then format( :date_helper_less_than_x_seconds.l , 10 ) when 11..20 then format( :date_helper_less_than_x_seconds.l , 20 ) when 21..40 then :date_helper_half_a_minute.l when 41..59 then :date_helper_less_than_a_minute.l else :date_helper_one_minute.l end when 2..44 then format(:date_helper_x_minutes.l, distance_in_minutes) when 45..89 then :date_helper_one_hour.l when 90..1439 then format( :date_helper_x_hours.l , (distance_in_minutes.to_f / 60.0).round ) when 1440..2879 then :date_helper_one_day.l when 2880..43199 then format( :date_helper_x_days.l , (distance_in_minutes / 1440).round ) when 43200..86399 then :date_helper_one_month.l when 86400..525959 then format( :date_helper_x_months.l , (distance_in_minutes / 43200).round ) when 525960..1051919 then :date_helper_one_year.l else format( :date_helper_x_years.l , (distance_in_minutes / 525960).round ) end end end module NumberHelper # modify number_to_currency to accept :order option def number_to_currency(number, options = {}) # Blend default options with localized currency options options.reverse_merge!({:unit => :number_helper_unit.l, :separator => :number_helper_separator.l, :delimiter => :number_helper_delimiter.l, :order => :number_helper_order.l}) options = options.stringify_keys precision, unit, separator, delimiter = options.delete("precision") { 2 }, options.delete("unit") { "$" }, options.delete("separator") { "." }, options.delete("delimiter") { "," } separator = "" unless precision > 0 #add leading space before trailing unit unit = " " + unit if options["order"] == ['number', 'unit'] output = '' begin options["order"].each do |param| case param when 'unit' output << unit when 'number' parts = number_with_precision(number, precision).split('.') output << number_with_delimiter(parts[0], delimiter) + separator + parts[1].to_s end end rescue output = number end output end end# module NumberHelper module DateHelper # Blend default options with localized :order option and add locale support # Example: # <% form_for(@page) do |f| %> #

# <%= :published_date.l_in(@locale) %>
# <%= f.date_select :published_date, :locale => @locale %> #

# def date_select(object_name, method, options = {}) if options[:locale] @original_locale = Locale.code Locale.code = options[:locale] end options.reverse_merge!( :order => :date_helper_order.l ) @selector =, method, self, nil, options.delete(:object)).to_date_select_tag(options) Locale.code = @original_locale if options[:locale] return @selector end # Blend default options with localized :order option # Look at date_select for an usage example def datetime_select(object_name, method, options = {}) if options[:locale] @original_locale = Locale.code Locale.code = options[:locale] end options.reverse_merge!( :order => :date_helper_order.l ) @selector =, method, self, nil, options.delete(:object)).to_datetime_select_tag(options) Locale.code = @original_locale if options[:locale] return @selector end def select_month(date, options = {}) if options[:locale] @original_locale = Locale.code Locale.code = options[:locale] end val = date ? (date.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? date : date.month) : '' if options[:use_hidden] hidden_html(options[:field_name] || 'month', val, options) else month_options = [] monthnames = :date_helper_month_names.l abbr_monthnames = :date_helper_abbr_month_names.l month_names = options[:use_month_names] || (options[:use_short_month] ? abbr_monthnames : monthnames) month_names.unshift(nil) if month_names.size < 13 1.upto(12) do |month_number| month_name = if options[:use_month_numbers] month_number elsif options[:add_month_numbers] month_number.to_s + ' - ' + month_names[month_number] else month_names[month_number] end month_options << ((val == month_number) ? %(\n) : %(\n) ) end @selector = select_html(options[:field_name] || 'month', month_options, options) end Locale.code = @original_locale if options[:locale] return @selector end end #module DateHelper module FormOptionsHelper def country_options_for_select(selected = nil, priority_countries = nil) country_options = "" if priority_countries country_options += options_for_select(priority_countries, selected) country_options += "\n" end if priority_countries && priority_countries.include?(selected) country_options += options_for_select(:countries_list.l - priority_countries, selected) else country_options += options_for_select(:countries_list.l, selected) end return country_options end end #module FormOptionsHelper module ActiveRecordHelper def error_messages_for(*params) options = params.last.is_a?(Hash) ? params.pop.symbolize_keys : {} objects = params.collect {|object_name| instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}") }.compact count = objects.inject(0) {|sum, object| sum + object.errors.count } unless html = {} [:id, :class].each do |key| if options.include?(key) value = options[key] html[key] = value unless value.blank? else html[key] = 'errorExplanation' end end original_header_message = "#{pluralize(count, 'error')} prohibited this #{(options[:object_name] || params.first).to_s.gsub('_', ' ')} from being saved" header_message = :active_record_helper_header_message.l_with_args({:error_count => count, :failed_object => (options[:object_name] || params.first).to_s.gsub('_', ' ') }, original_header_message) error_messages = {|object| {|msg| content_tag(:li, msg) } } content_tag(:div, content_tag(options[:header_tag] || :h2, header_message) << # content_tag(:p, 'There were problems with the following fields:') << content_tag(:p, :active_record_helper_error_description.l('There were problems with the following fields:')) << content_tag(:ul, error_messages), html ) else '' end end end #module ActiveRecordHelper end #module Helpers end #module ActionView