# frozen_string_literal: true # @see https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/blob/main/lib/sidekiq/web/helpers.rb module Karafka module Web module Ui # Namespace for helpers used by the Web UI module Helpers # Main application helper module ApplicationHelper # Default attribute names mapped from the attributes themselves # It makes it easier as we do not have to declare those all the time SORT_NAMES = { id: 'ID', partition_id: 'Partition', memory_usage: 'RSS', started_at: 'Started', committed_offset: 'Committed', last_offset: 'Last', first_offset: 'First', lo_offset: 'Low', hi_offset: 'High', ls_offset: 'LSO', lag_hybrid: 'Lag', lag_stored: 'Stored', stored_offset: 'Stored', fetch_state: 'Fetch', poll_state: 'Poll', lso_risk_state: 'LSO' }.freeze private_constant :SORT_NAMES # Adds active class to the current location in the nav if needed # @param location [Hash] def nav_class(location) comparator, value = location.to_a.first local_location = request.path.gsub(env.fetch('SCRIPT_NAME'), '') local_location.public_send(:"#{comparator}?", value) ? 'active' : '' end # Converts object into a string and for objects that would anyhow return their # stringified instance value, it replaces it with the class name instead. # Useful for deserializers, etc presentation. # # @param object [Object] # @return [String] def object_value_to_s(object) object.to_s.include?('#<') ? object.class.to_s : object.to_s end # Renders per scope breadcrumbs def render_breadcrumbs scope = request.path.delete_prefix(root_path).split('/')[0] render "#{scope}/_breadcrumbs" end # Takes a status and recommends background style color # # @param status [String] status # @return [String] background style def status_bg(status) case status when 'initialized' then 'bg-success' when 'supervising' then 'bg-success' when 'running' then 'bg-success' when 'quieting' then 'bg-warning' when 'quiet' then 'bg-warning text-dark' when 'stopping' then 'bg-warning text-dark' when 'stopped' then 'bg-danger' when 'terminated' then 'bg-danger' else raise ::Karafka::Errors::UnsupportedCaseError, status end end # Takes the lag trend and gives it appropriate background style color for badge # # @param trend [Numeric] lag trend # @return [String] bg classes def lag_trend_bg(trend) bg = 'bg-success' if trend.negative? bg ||= 'bg-warning text-dark' if trend.positive? bg ||= 'bg-secondary' bg end # Renders tags one after another # # @param tags_array [Array] # @return [String] tags badges def tags(tags_array) tags_array .map { |tag| %(#{tag}) } .join(' ') end # Takes a kafka report state and recommends background style color # @param state [String] state # @return [String] background style def kafka_state_bg(state) case state when 'up' then 'bg-success text-white' when 'active' then 'bg-success text-white' when 'steady' then 'bg-success text-white' else 'bg-warning text-dark' end end # @param mem_kb [Integer] memory used in KB # @return [String] formatted memory usage def format_memory(mem_kb) return '0' if !mem_kb || mem_kb.zero? if mem_kb < 10_240 "#{number_with_delimiter(mem_kb)} KB" elsif mem_kb < 1_000_000 "#{number_with_delimiter((mem_kb / 1024.0).to_i)} MB" else "#{number_with_delimiter((mem_kb / (1024.0 * 1024.0)).round(1))} GB" end end # Converts number to a more friendly delimiter based version # @param number [Numeric] # @param delimiter [String] delimiter (comma by default) # @return [String] number with delimiter def number_with_delimiter(number, delimiter = ',') return '' unless number parts = number.to_s.to_str.split('.') parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{delimiter}") parts.join('.') end # @param time [Float] UTC time float # @return [String] relative time tag for timeago.js def relative_time(time) stamp = Time.at(time).getutc.iso8601(3) %() end # @param time [Time] time object we want to present with detailed ms label # @return [String] span tag with raw timestamp as a title and time as a value def time_with_label(time) stamp = (time.to_f * 1000).to_i %(#{time}) end # @param state [String] poll state # @param state_ch [Integer] time until next change of the poll state # (from paused to active) # @return [String] span tag with label and title with change time if present def poll_state_with_change_time_label(state, state_ch) year_in_seconds = 131_556_926 state_ch_in_seconds = state_ch / 1_000.0 # If state is active, there is no date of change if state == 'active' %( #{state} ) elsif state_ch_in_seconds > year_in_seconds %( #{state} ) else %( #{state} ) end end # @param lag [Integer] lag # @return [String] lag if correct or `N/A` with labeled explanation # @see #offset_with_label def lag_with_label(lag) if lag.negative? title = 'Not available until first offset commit' %(N/A) else lag.to_s end end # @param topic_name [String] name of the topic for explorer path # @param partition_id [Integer] partition for the explorer path # @param offset [Integer] offset # @param explore [Boolean] should we generate (when allowed) a link to message explorer # @return [String] offset if correct or `N/A` with labeled explanation for offsets # that are less than 0. Offset with less than 0 indicates, that the offset was not # yet committed and there is no value we know of def offset_with_label(topic_name, partition_id, offset, explore: false) if offset.negative? title = 'Not available until first offset commit' %(N/A) elsif explore path = explorer_path(topic_name, partition_id, offset) %(#{offset}) else offset.to_s end end # @param details [::Karafka::Web::Ui::Models::Partition] partition information with # lso risk state info # @return [String] background classes for row marking def lso_risk_state_bg(details) case details.lso_risk_state when :active '' when :at_risk 'bg-warning bg-opacity-25' when :stopped 'bg-danger bg-opacity-25' else raise ::Karafka::Errors::UnsupportedCaseError end end # Returns the view title html code # # @param title [String] page title # @param hr [Boolean] should we add the hr tag at the end # @return [String] title html def view_title(title, hr: false) <<-HTML


#{hr ? '
' : ''}
HTML end # @param hash [Hash] we want to flatten # @param parent_key [String] key for recursion # @param result [Hash] result for recursion # @return [Hash] def flat_hash(hash, parent_key = nil, result = {}) hash.each do |key, value| current_key = parent_key ? "#{parent_key}.#{key}" : key.to_s if value.is_a?(Hash) flat_hash(value, current_key, result) elsif value.is_a?(Array) value.each_with_index do |item, index| flat_hash({ index => item }, current_key, result) end else result[current_key] = value end end result end # @param name [String] link value # @param attribute [Symbol, nil] sorting attribute or nil if we provide only symbol name # @param rev [Boolean] when set to true, arrows will be in the reverse position. This is # used when the description in the link is reverse to data we sort. For example we have # order on when processes were started and we display "x hours" ago but we sort on # their age, meaning that it looks like it is the other way around. This flag allows # us to reverse just he arrow making it look consistent with the presented data order # @return [String] html link for sorting with arrow when attribute sort enabled def sort_link(name, attribute = nil, rev: false) unless attribute attribute = name name = SORT_NAMES[attribute] || attribute.to_s.tr('_', ' ').tr('?', '').capitalize end arrow_both = '⇕' arrow_down = '▾' arrow_up = '▴' desc = "#{attribute} desc" asc = "#{attribute} asc" path = current_path(sort: desc) full_name = "#{name} #{arrow_both}" if params.sort == desc path = current_path(sort: asc) full_name = "#{name} #{rev ? arrow_up : arrow_down}" end if params.sort == asc path = current_path(sort: desc) full_name = "#{name} #{rev ? arrow_down : arrow_up}" end "#{full_name}" end # Truncates given text if it is too long and wraps it with a title with full text. # Can use a middle-based strategy that keeps beginning and ending of a string instead of # keeping just the beginning. # # The `:middle` strategy is useful when we have strings such as really long process names # that have important beginning and end but middle can be removed without risk of not # allowing user to recognize the content. # # @param string [String] string we want to truncate # @param length [Integer] max length of the final string that we accept before truncating # @param omission [String] truncation omission # @param strategy [Symbol] `:default` or `:middle` how should we truncate # @return [String] HTML span tag with truncated content and full content title def truncate(string, length: 50, omission: '...', strategy: :default) return string if string.length <= length case strategy when :default truncated = string[0...(length - omission.length)] + omission when :middle part_length = (length - omission.length) / 2 truncated = string[0...part_length] + omission + string[-part_length..] else raise Karafka::Errors::UnsupportedCaseError, "Unknown strategy: #{strategy}" end %(#{truncated}) end end end end end end