# RSpec matcher to spec delegations. # Gist Version https://gist.github.com/joeytheman/0fe021821e4c62f552ce # # # Usage: # # describe Post do # it { should delegate(:name).to(:author).with_prefix } # post.author_name # it { should delegate(:name).to(:author).with_prefix(:any) } # post.any_name # it { should delegate(:month).to(:created_at) } # it { should delegate(:year).to(:created_at) } # it { should delegate(:something).to(:'@instance_var') } # end RSpec::Matchers.define :delegate do |method| match do |delegator| @method = @prefix ? :"#{@prefix}_#{method}" : method @delegator = delegator if @to.to_s[0] == '@' # Delegation to an instance variable old_value = @delegator.instance_variable_get(@to) begin @delegator.instance_variable_set(@to, receiver_double(method)) @delegator.send(@method) == :called ensure @delegator.instance_variable_set(@to, old_value) end elsif @delegator.respond_to?(@to, true) unless [0,-1].include?(@delegator.method(@to).arity) raise "#{@delegator}'s' #{@to} method does not have zero or -1 arity (it expects parameters)" end allow(@delegator).to receive(@to).and_return(receiver_double(method)) @delegator.send(@method) == :called else raise "#{@delegator} does not respond to #{@to}" end end description do "delegate :#{@method} to its #{@to}#{@prefix ? ' with prefix' : ''}" end failure_message do |text| "expected #{@delegator} to delegate :#{@method} to its #{@to}#{@prefix ? ' with prefix' : ''}" end failure_message_when_negated do |text| "expected #{@delegator} not to delegate :#{@method} to its #{@to}#{@prefix ? ' with prefix' : ''}" end chain(:to) { |receiver| @to = receiver } chain(:with_prefix) { |*prefix| @prefix = prefix.first || @to } def receiver_double(method) double('receiver').tap do |receiver| allow(receiver).to receive(method).and_return(:called) end end end