#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rex/post/dir' require 'rex/post/meterpreter/extensions/stdapi/stdapi' module Rex module Post module Meterpreter module Extensions module Stdapi module Fs ### # # This class implements directory operations against the remote endpoint. It # implements the Rex::Post::Dir interface. # ### class Dir < Rex::Post::Dir class << self attr_accessor :client end ## # # Constructor # ## # # Initializes the directory instance. # def initialize(path) self.path = path self.client = self.class.client end ## # # Enumeration # ## # # Enumerates all of the contents of the directory. # def each(&block) client.fs.dir.foreach(self.path, &block) end # # Enumerates all of the files/folders in a given directory. # def Dir.entries(name = getwd) request = Packet.create_request('stdapi_fs_ls') files = [] request.add_tlv(TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH, client.unicode_filter_decode(name)) response = client.send_request(request) response.each(TLV_TYPE_FILE_NAME) { |file_name| files << client.unicode_filter_encode( file_name.value ) } return files end # # Enumerates files with a bit more information than the default entries. # def Dir.entries_with_info(name = getwd) request = Packet.create_request('stdapi_fs_ls') files = [] request.add_tlv(TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH, client.unicode_filter_decode(name)) response = client.send_request(request) fname = response.get_tlvs(TLV_TYPE_FILE_NAME) fpath = response.get_tlvs(TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH) sbuf = response.get_tlvs(TLV_TYPE_STAT_BUF) if (!fname or !sbuf) return [] end fname.each_with_index { |file_name, idx| st = nil if (sbuf[idx]) st = ::Rex::Post::FileStat.new st.update(sbuf[idx].value) end files << { 'FileName' => client.unicode_filter_encode( file_name.value ), 'FilePath' => client.unicode_filter_encode( fpath[idx].value ), 'StatBuf' => st, } } return files end ## # # General directory operations # ## # # Changes the working directory of the remote process. # def Dir.chdir(path) request = Packet.create_request('stdapi_fs_chdir') request.add_tlv(TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH, client.unicode_filter_decode( path )) response = client.send_request(request) return 0 end # # Creates a directory. # def Dir.mkdir(path) request = Packet.create_request('stdapi_fs_mkdir') request.add_tlv(TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH, client.unicode_filter_decode( path )) response = client.send_request(request) return 0 end # # Returns the current working directory of the remote process. # def Dir.pwd request = Packet.create_request('stdapi_fs_getwd') response = client.send_request(request) return client.unicode_filter_encode( response.get_tlv(TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH).value ) end # # Synonym for pwd. # def Dir.getwd pwd end # # Removes the supplied directory if it's empty. # def Dir.delete(path) request = Packet.create_request('stdapi_fs_delete_dir') request.add_tlv(TLV_TYPE_DIRECTORY_PATH, client.unicode_filter_decode( path )) response = client.send_request(request) return 0 end # # Synonyms for delete. # def Dir.rmdir(path) delete(path) end # # Synonyms for delete. # def Dir.unlink(path) delete(path) end ## # # Directory mirroring # ## # # Downloads the contents of a remote directory a # local directory, optionally in a recursive fashion. # def Dir.download(dst, src, recursive = false, force = true, &stat) self.entries(src).each { |src_sub| dst_item = dst + ::File::SEPARATOR + client.unicode_filter_encode( src_sub ) src_item = src + client.fs.file.separator + client.unicode_filter_encode( src_sub ) if (src_sub == '.' or src_sub == '..') next end src_stat = client.fs.filestat.new(src_item) if (src_stat.file?) stat.call('downloading', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) begin client.fs.file.download(dst_item, src_item) stat.call('downloaded', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) rescue ::Rex::Post::Meterpreter::RequestError => e if force stat.call('failed', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) else raise e end end elsif (src_stat.directory?) if (recursive == false) next end begin ::Dir.mkdir(dst_item) rescue end stat.call('mirroring', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) download(dst_item, src_item, recursive, force, &stat) stat.call('mirrored', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) end } end # # Uploads the contents of a local directory to a remote # directory, optionally in a recursive fashion. # def Dir.upload(dst, src, recursive = false, &stat) ::Dir.entries(src).each { |src_sub| dst_item = dst + client.fs.file.separator + client.unicode_filter_encode( src_sub ) src_item = src + ::File::SEPARATOR + client.unicode_filter_encode( src_sub ) if (src_sub == '.' or src_sub == '..') next end src_stat = ::File.stat(src_item) if (src_stat.file?) stat.call('uploading', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) client.fs.file.upload(dst_item, src_item) stat.call('uploaded', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) elsif (src_stat.directory?) if (recursive == false) next end begin self.mkdir(dst_item) rescue end stat.call('mirroring', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) upload(dst_item, src_item, recursive, &stat) stat.call('mirrored', src_item, dst_item) if (stat) end } end # # The path of the directory that was opened. # attr_reader :path protected attr_accessor :client # :nodoc: attr_writer :path # :nodoc: end end; end; end; end; end; end