var FancyBoxCloseFunctionState = { // object literal for tracking important // state information so we know // how to change the url in response // to user actions such as // dismissing fancybox from clicking or using back button popcalled: false, fancyboxvisible: false, pathname: window.location.pathname.replace(/\/?$/, '/') }; // listen for popstate (back/forward, etc.) function listenforpopstate() { window.onpopstate = function(){ if ($('body').is(".lentil-images_show")) { // if we're on the images page // and this doesn't look like an image url // switch to page that matches the url if (!/images\/[0-9]/.test(window.location.pathname)) { window.location.href = window.location.pathname; } } else { // if we're on any other page (not an image) // but the url looks like an image url // switch to the image page that matches the url if (/images\/[0-9]/.test(window.location.pathname)) { window.location.href = window.location.pathname; } } }; } function pushimageurl() { // extract application root url var approot = FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.pathname.replace(/(photographers\/\d+|images|thisorthat\/battle|thisorthat\/battle_leaders)\/\D*\/?/, ""); // construct an image show url with the right image id replacementUrl = approot + "images/" + imageId.replace("image_",""); // get rid of any double slashes (TO DO: remove this?) if (/\/\//.test(replacementUrl)) { replacementUrl = replacementUrl.replace("//","/"); } // push the url for the displayed image to the browser window.history.pushState(null, null, replacementUrl); Lentil.ga_track(['_trackPageview', replacementUrl]); // listen for popstate (back/forward button) window.onpopstate = function(){ if (/images\/[0-9]/.test(window.location.pathname)) { // if this url looks like an image show url then switch // the browser to the displayed url window.location.href = window.location.pathname; } else { // otherwise switch the popcalled state to true // and close the fancybox FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.popcalled = true; $.fancybox.close(); // switch the popcalled flag to false // and the fancybox visible flag to false FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.popcalled = false; FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.fancyboxvisible = false; } }; } function addfancybox() { $(".fancybox").fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', nextEffect : 'none', prevEffect : 'none', loop : false, minWidth : '250px', type: 'image', helpers : { title : { type : 'inside' }, overlay : { locked : false } }, afterLoad: function(current, previous) { // pushing base url so that back/close returns to image gallery // instead of image show window.history.pushState(null,null,FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.pathname); }, beforeShow : function() { this.title = $(this.element).next(".text-overlay").html(); imageId = $(this.element).parents("div").attr("id"); $(".fancybox-wrap").attr('id', imageId); pushimageurl(imageId); }, afterShow : function() { // checks whether browser understands touch events // if so the next/prev buttons are disabled // and swipe down/right is added to advance slides if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement){ $('.fancybox-nav').css('display','none'); $('.fancybox-wrap').swipe({ swipe : function(event, direction) { if (direction === 'right' || direction === 'down') { $.fancybox.prev( direction ); } else { $ direction ); } } }); } // adds button handling script to displayed fancybox buttons buttonhandler(); // this is to check that the fancybox is really visible // afterClose is fired off on fancybox open -- a bug FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.fancyboxvisible = true; imageId = $(this.element).parents("div").attr("id"); // check whether we're on the last image in the gallery // and whether there's more than one page of images // if so, launch the spinner, fetch the next set of images // and scroll to the current image // (callback on addininfintescroll() does the work of reloading fancybox) if (this.index == - 1 && $("div#paging a").length > 0) { $('#spinner-overlay').show(); $('#spinner-overlay').css("z-index", 10000000); target = document.getElementById('spinner-overlay'); FANCYBOX_SPINNER = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); //$("body").animate({scrollTop: $("div#" + imageId).offset().top }, 1500); $('div.images').infinitescroll('retrieve'); } }, afterClose : function() { if (FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.popcalled === false && FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.fancyboxvisible === true) { // if after closing the fancybox there is no pop event // and the fancybox is visible // (this afterClose event also fires when fancybox opens // -- a bug we're getting around with this hack) // switch the flags and point the url at the previous page // should be an image tile view (recent, popular, staff picks, etc.) FancyBoxCloseFunctionState.fancyboxvisible = false; window.history.back(); } } }); }