%= render 'account/shared/workflow/box' do |box| %> <% box.title t('devise.headers.sign_in') %> <% box.body do %> <% within_fields_namespace(:self) do %> <%# TODO: Turbo is set to `false` for now, but we may want to only bypass Turbo for JavaScript-based requests in the future. %> <%= form_for resource, as: resource_name, url: two_factor_authentication_enabled? ? users_pre_otp_path : session_path(resource_name), remote: two_factor_authentication_enabled?, html: {class: 'form'}, authenticity_token: true, data: {turbo: false} do |form| %> <% with_field_settings form: form do %> <%= render 'account/shared/notices', form: form %> <%= render 'account/shared/forms/errors', form: form %> <% email_field = capture do %> <%= render 'shared/fields/email_field', method: :email, options: {autofocus: true} do %> <% if show_sign_up_options? %> <% content_for :help do %> <%= link_to t('devise.links.account'), new_user_registration_path %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if two_factor_authentication_enabled? %>