require 'ib/verify' require 'ib/market-price' module IB class Contract # returns the Option Chain (monthly options, expiry: third friday) # of the contract (if available) # # ## parameters ### right:: :call, :put, :straddle ( default: :put ) ### ref_price:: :request or a numeric value ( default: :request ) ### sort:: :strike, :expiry ### exchange:: List of Exchanges to be queried (Blank for all available Exchanges) ### trading_class ( optional ) def option_chain ref_price: :request, right: :put, sort: :strike, exchange: '', trading_class: nil ib = Connection.current # binary interthread communication finalize = ## Enable Cashing of Definition-Matrix @option_chain_definition ||= [] my_req = nil # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get OptionChainDefinition from IB ( instantiate cashed Hash ) if @option_chain_definition.blank? sub_sdop = ib.subscribe( :SecurityDefinitionOptionParameterEnd ) { |msg| finalize.push(true) if msg.request_id == my_req } sub_ocd = ib.subscribe( :OptionChainDefinition ) do | msg | if msg.request_id == my_req message = # transfer the first record to @option_chain_definition if @option_chain_definition.blank? @option_chain_definition = end # override @option_chain_definition if a decent combination of attributes is met # us- options: use the smart dataset # other options: prefer options of the default trading class if message[:exchange] == 'SMART' @option_chain_definition = finalize.push(true) end if message[:trading_class] == symbol @option_chain_definition = finalize.push(true) end end end c = verify.first # ensure a complete set of attributes my_req = ib.send_message :RequestOptionChainDefinition, con_id: c.con_id, symbol: c.symbol, exchange: c.sec_type == :future ? : "", # BOX,CBOE', sec_type: c[:sec_type] finalize.pop # wait until data appeared ib.unsubscribe sub_sdop, sub_ocd else { "#{to_human} : using cached data" } end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # select values and assign to options # unless @option_chain_definition.blank? requested_strikes = if block_given? ref_price = market_price if ref_price == :request if ref_price.nil? ref_price = @option_chain_definition[:strikes].min + ( @option_chain_definition[:strikes].max - @option_chain_definition[:strikes].min ) / 2 Connection.logger.warn { "#{to_human} :: market price not set – using midpoint of available strikes instead: #{ref_price.to_f}" } end atm_strike = @option_chain_definition[:strikes].min_by { |x| (x - ref_price).abs } the_grouped_strikes = @option_chain_definition[:strikes].group_by{|e| e <=> atm_strike} begin the_strikes = yield the_grouped_strikes the_strikes.unshift atm_strike unless the_strikes.first == atm_strike # the first item is the atm-strike the_strikes rescue Connection.logger.error "#{to_human} :: not enough strikes :#{@option_chain_definition[:strikes].map(&:to_f).join(',')} " [] end else @option_chain_definition[:strikes] end # third Friday of a month monthly_expirations = @option_chain_definition[:expirations].find_all {|y| (15..21).include? } # puts @option_chain_definition.inspect option_prototype = -> ( ltd, strike ) do symbol: symbol, exchange: @option_chain_definition[:exchange], trading_class: @option_chain_definition[:trading_class], multiplier: @option_chain_definition[:multiplier], currency: currency, last_trading_day: ltd, strike: strike, right: right).verify &.first end options_by_expiry = -> ( schema ) do # Array: [ yymm -> Options] prepares for the correct conversion to a Hash Hash[ do | l_t_d | [ l_t_d.strftime('%y%m').to_i , { | strike | option_prototype[ l_t_d, strike ]}.compact ] end ] # by Hash[ ] end options_by_strike = -> ( schema ) do Hash[ do | strike | [ strike , { | l_t_d | option_prototype[ l_t_d, strike ]}.compact ] end ] # by Hash[ ] end if sort == :strike options_by_strike[ requested_strikes ] else options_by_expiry[ requested_strikes ] end else Connection.logger.error "#{to_human} ::No Options available" nil # return_value end end # def # return a set of AtTheMoneyOptions def atm_options ref_price: :request, right: :put, **params option_chain( right: right, ref_price: ref_price, sort: :expiry, **params) do | chain | chain[0] end end # return InTheMoneyOptions def itm_options count: 5, right: :put, ref_price: :request, sort: :strike, exchange: '' option_chain( right: right, ref_price: ref_price, sort: sort, exchange: exchange ) do | chain | if right == :put above_market_price_strikes = chain[1][0..count-1] else below_market_price_strikes = chain[-1][-count..-1].reverse end # branch end end # def # return OutOfTheMoneyOptions def otm_options count: 5, right: :put, ref_price: :request, sort: :strike, exchange: '' option_chain( right: right, ref_price: ref_price, sort: sort, exchange: exchange ) do | chain | if right == :put # puts "Chain: #{chain}" below_market_price_strikes = chain[-1][-count..-1].reverse else above_market_price_strikes = chain[1][0..count-1] end end end end # class end # module