module Reporter::TimeIterator public VALID_TIME_STEP_SIZES = :total, :year, :quarter, :month, :week, :day def iterate_time axis, *steps, &block options = steps.extract_options! scope = data_source.scopes.get axis raise "Scope is not of Date type" unless scope.is_a? Reporter::Scope::DateScope steps.each do |step| raise "invalid stepsize: #{step}. must be one of #{VALID_TIME_STEP_SIZES.inspect}" unless VALID_TIME_STEP_SIZES.include? step end date_tree = build_date_tree steps iterate_date_tree scope, date_tree, scope.limit, &block scope.change nil end private DATE_PART_VALUES = { :total => 6, :year => 5, :quarter => 4, :month => 3, :week => 2, :day => 1 } def build_date_tree date_parts date_parts = date_parts.dup return nil if date_parts.empty? # [6, 4, 3, 5] # 2010 - 2011, q1, 1,2,3, q2, 4,5,6, q3, 7,8,9, q4, 10,11,12, 2010, q1, 1,2,3, q2, 4,5,6, q3, 7,8,9, q4, 10,11,12, 2011 date_coded = date_parts.collect { |part| DATE_PART_VALUES[part] } if date_coded.first == date_coded.max parent = date_parts.shift {:children_first => false, :name => parent, :children => build_date_tree(date_parts)} elsif date_coded.last == date_coded.max parent = date_parts.pop {:children_first => true, :name => parent, :children => build_date_tree(date_parts)} else raise "invalid sequence: #{date_parts.inspect}" end end def iterate_date_tree scope, tree, time_frame, &block iterate_time_periods time_frame, tree[:name] do |new_time_frame, optimization| iterate_date_tree scope, tree[:children], time_frame, &block if tree[:children_first] and tree[:children] scope.change new_time_frame @time_iteration_row ||=, nil, scope, time_frame) @time_iteration_row.current_iteration = optimization @time_iteration_row.scope = data_source.scopes.current_scope yield @time_iteration_row iterate_date_tree scope, tree[:children], time_frame, &block if !tree[:children_first] and tree[:children] end end def iterate_time_periods period, block_type, &block if block_type == :total yield period return end advancement, filter = case block_type when :year : [{ :years => 1 }, [:year]] when :quarter : [{ :months => 3 }, [:quarter, :year]] when :month : [{ :months => 1 }, [:month, :year]] when :week : [{ :weeks => 1 }, [:week, :year]] when :day : [{ :days => 1 }, [:day, :month, :year]] else raise "Unsupported type: #{block_type}" end iterate_period = period.begin.send("beginning_of_#{block_type}".to_sym) .. period.begin.send("end_of_#{block_type}".to_sym) optimization = { :type => block_type, :filter => filter, :period => {} } while iterate_period.begin < period.end optimization[:period] = {} optimization[:filter].each { |field| optimization[:period][field] = iterate_period.begin.send(field) } yield iterate_period, optimization iterate_period = iterate_period.begin.advance(advancement).send("beginning_of_#{block_type}".to_sym) .. iterate_period.end.advance(advancement).send("end_of_#{block_type}".to_sym) end end end