require "tempfile" require "facter" CStruct =, :name, :block_count, :var_list, :method_list, :inherit_list, :composition_list) def get_rufo_path ENV["PATH"].split(";").each do |path| rufo_path = "#{path}\\rufo" if File.exists? rufo_path return rufo_path end end return "" end def print_uml(out, out_list) out_list.each do |o_list| if o_list.type == :class_start # nop elsif o_list.type == :module_start out.push "namespace #{} {" elsif o_list.type == :class_end pp o_list if == "" out.push "class #{} {" # インスタンス変数の出力 o_list.var_list.uniq.each do |iv| out.push iv end # メソッドの出力 o_list.method_list.each do |ml| out.push ml end out.push "}" # 継承リストの出力 o_list.inherit_list.each do |ih| out.push "#{} --|> #{ih}" end # compo o_list.composition_list.uniq.each do |co| out.push "#{} *-- #{co}" end elsif o_list.type == :module_end # インスタンス変数がある場合はモジュール名と同じクラスを定義 if o_list.var_list.size != 0 or o_list.method_list.size != 0 or o_list.inherit_list.size != 0 or o_list.composition_list.size != 0 pp o_list if == "" out.push "class #{} {" # インスタンス変数の出力 o_list.var_list.uniq.each do |iv| out.push iv end # メソッドの出力 o_list.method_list.each do |ml| out.push ml end out.push "}" # 継承リストの出力 o_list.inherit_list.each do |ih| out.push "#{} --|> #{ih}" end # compo o_list.composition_list.uniq.each do |co| out.push "#{} *-- #{co}" end end out.push "}" else # error puts "error!" end end return out end def delete_here_doc(buf) new_buf = [] here_doc = false here_word = "" buf.each_line do |line| if line =~ /(<<|<<~|<<-)[A-Z]+/ here_doc = true here_word = line.match(/(<<|<<~|<<-)[A-Z]+/).to_s.gsub(/[<~-]/, "") end if here_word != "" and line =~"^\s*#{here_word}$") here_word = "" here_doc = false #pp line end if here_doc == false new_buf.push line else #pp line end end return new_buf.join("") end def create_uml_class(in_dir, out_file) out = [] out.push "@startuml" puts "in_dir = #{in_dir}" main_composition_list = [] main_method_list = [] global_var = [] Dir.glob("#{in_dir}/**/*.{rb,ru}") do |f| if f =~["exclude_path"]) puts "skip #{f}" next end puts f buf = "" Tempfile.create("rufo") do |tmp_file| FileUtils.cp(f, tmp_file.path) kernel = Facter.value(:kernel) if kernel == "windows" open("|rubyw #{get_rufo_path} #{tmp_file.path}") do |f| if =~ /error/ puts "rufo error #{f}" return else buf = File.binread tmp_file.path end end else open("|rufo #{tmp_file.path}") do |f| if =~ /error/ puts "rufo error #{f}" return else buf = File.binread tmp_file.path end end end end # コメント削除 buf.gsub!(/(([\/\"\'].*?[\/\"\'])|([^\/\"\'\)\s]*#.+?$))/) do |m| if m[0] == "#" and m[0] != "{" #puts "comment #{m}" # コメント "" else #puts "not comment #{m}" # コメント以外 m end end # ヒアドキュメント削除 buf = delete_here_doc(buf) out_list = [] cstruct_list = [] block_count = 0 method_type = :public class_name = "" # ソースを解析 buf.each_line do |line| next if line =~ /^[\r\n]*$/ # 空行は対象外 # ブロックの開始/終了 indent_num = line.match(/^[ ]+/).to_s.size / 2 if block_count == indent_num # 変化なし elsif block_count > indent_num # ブロックの終了 block_count = indent_num else # ブロックの開始 block_count = indent_num end #line.gsub!(/\".+\"/, "\"delete_string\"") # 文字列を削除 if line =~ /^\s*class\s/ unless line =~ /< 1 method = sp[0].to_s + "(" + sp[1..-1].to_s + ")" else method = method + "()" end end if cstruct_list.size != 0 method_list = cstruct_list[-1].method_list case method_type when :public method_list.push "+ #{method}" when :private method_list.push "- #{method}" when :protected method_list.push "# #{method}" end else main_method_list.push "+ #{method}" end end # composition_list line.match(/[A-Z]([a-zA-Z:]+)\.[a-z]/) do |m| #pp m c_name = m.to_s.split(".")[0] if cstruct_list.size != 0 cstruct_list[-1].composition_list.push c_name else main_composition_list.push "main *-- #{c_name}" end end # インスタンス変数 if line =~ /\s*@\S+/ if cstruct_list.size != 0 line.match(/@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/) { |m| instance_var = cstruct_list[-1].var_list val = m.to_s.gsub(/@/, "") case method_type when :public instance_var.push "+ #{val}" when :private instance_var.push "- #{val}" when :protected instance_var.push "# #{val}" end } end end # 外部変数 line.match(/\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/) { |m| global_var.push "+ #{m.to_s}" } # クラスの終了 if cstruct_list.size != 0 if block_count == cstruct_list[-1].block_count # block_countが一致 #puts "end of #{cstruct_list[-1].name}" out_list.push cstruct_list[-1] cstruct_list.slice!(-1) # 最後の要素を削除 end end #puts "#{block_count} #{line.chomp}" end if block_count != 0 # エラー puts f return "" end # UMLの出力 out = print_uml(out, out_list) end if main_method_list.size != 0 or main_composition_list.size != 0 or main_method_list.size != 0 out.push "class main {" main_method_list.each do |mml| out.push mml end # グローバル変数の出力 global_var.uniq.each do |gv| out.push gv end out.push "}" main_composition_list.uniq.each do |mcl| out.push mcl end end out.push "@enduml" return out.join("\n") end