#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'matchers/json' describe Puppet::Resource::Catalog, "when compiling" do include JSONMatchers include PuppetSpec::Files before do @basepath = make_absolute("/somepath") # stub this to not try to create state.yaml Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) end # audit only resources are unmanaged # as are resources without properties with should values it "should write its managed resources' types, namevars" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") resourcefile = tmpfile('resourcefile') Puppet[:resourcefile] = resourcefile res = Puppet::Type.type('file').new(:title => File.expand_path('/tmp/sam'), :ensure => 'present') res.file = 'site.pp' res.line = 21 res2 = Puppet::Type.type('exec').new(:title => 'bob', :command => "#{File.expand_path('/bin/rm')} -rf /") res2.file = File.expand_path('/modules/bob/manifests/bob.pp') res2.line = 42 res3 = Puppet::Type.type('file').new(:title => File.expand_path('/tmp/susan'), :audit => 'all') res3.file = 'site.pp' res3.line = 63 res4 = Puppet::Type.type('file').new(:title => File.expand_path('/tmp/lilly')) res4.file = 'site.pp' res4.line = 84 comp_res = Puppet::Type.type('component').new(:title => 'Class[Main]') catalog.add_resource(res, res2, res3, res4, comp_res) catalog.write_resource_file expect(File.readlines(resourcefile).map(&:chomp)).to match_array([ "file[#{File.expand_path('/tmp/sam')}]", "exec[#{File.expand_path('/bin/rm')} -rf /]" ]) end it "should log an error if unable to write to the resource file" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") Puppet[:resourcefile] = File.expand_path('/not/writable/file') catalog.add_resource(Puppet::Type.type('file').new(:title => File.expand_path('/tmp/foo'))) catalog.write_resource_file expect(@logs.size).to eq(1) expect(@logs.first.message).to match(/Could not create resource file/) expect(@logs.first.level).to eq(:err) end it "should be able to write its list of classes to the class file" do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") @catalog.add_class "foo", "bar" Puppet[:classfile] = File.expand_path("/class/file") fh = mock 'filehandle' File.expects(:open).with(Puppet[:classfile], "w").yields fh fh.expects(:puts).with "foo\nbar" @catalog.write_class_file end it "should have a client_version attribute" do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") @catalog.client_version = 5 expect(@catalog.client_version).to eq(5) end it "should have a server_version attribute" do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") @catalog.server_version = 5 expect(@catalog.server_version).to eq(5) end it "defaults code_id to nil" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") expect(catalog.code_id).to be_nil end it "should include a catalog_uuid" do SecureRandom.stubs(:uuid).returns ("827a74c8-cf98-44da-9ff7-18c5e4bee41e") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") expect(catalog.catalog_uuid).to eq("827a74c8-cf98-44da-9ff7-18c5e4bee41e") end it "should include the current catalog_format" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") expect(catalog.catalog_format).to eq(1) end describe "when compiling" do it "should accept tags" do config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one") expect(config).to be_tagged("one") end it "should accept multiple tags at once" do config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one", "two") expect(config).to be_tagged("one") expect(config).to be_tagged("two") end it "should convert all tags to strings" do config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one", :two) expect(config).to be_tagged("one") expect(config).to be_tagged("two") end it "should tag with both the qualified name and the split name" do config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one::two") expect(config).to be_tagged("one") expect(config).to be_tagged("one::two") end it "should accept classes" do config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") config.add_class("one") expect(config.classes).to eq(%w{one}) config.add_class("two", "three") expect(config.classes).to eq(%w{one two three}) end it "should tag itself with passed class names" do config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") config.add_class("one") expect(config).to be_tagged("one") end it "handles resource titles with brackets" do config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") expect(config.title_key_for_ref("Notify[[foo]bar]")).to eql(["Notify", "[foo]bar"]) end end describe "when converting to a RAL catalog" do before do @original = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") @original.tag(*%w{one two three}) @original.add_class *%w{four five six} @top = Puppet::Resource.new :class, 'top' @topobject = Puppet::Resource.new :file, @basepath+'/topobject' @middle = Puppet::Resource.new :class, 'middle' @middleobject = Puppet::Resource.new :file, @basepath+'/middleobject' @bottom = Puppet::Resource.new :class, 'bottom' @bottomobject = Puppet::Resource.new :file, @basepath+'/bottomobject' @resources = [@top, @topobject, @middle, @middleobject, @bottom, @bottomobject] @original.add_resource(*@resources) @original.add_edge(@top, @topobject) @original.add_edge(@top, @middle) @original.add_edge(@middle, @middleobject) @original.add_edge(@middle, @bottom) @original.add_edge(@bottom, @bottomobject) @catalog = @original.to_ral end it "should add all resources as RAL instances" do @resources.each do |resource| # Warning: a failure here will result in "global resource iteration is # deprecated" being raised, because the rspec rendering to get the # result tries to call `each` on the resource, and that raises. expect(@catalog.resource(resource.ref)).to be_a_kind_of(Puppet::Type) end end it "should copy the tag list to the new catalog" do expect(@catalog.tags.sort).to eq(@original.tags.sort) end it "should copy the class list to the new catalog" do expect(@catalog.classes).to eq(@original.classes) end it "should duplicate the original edges" do @original.edges.each do |edge| expect(@catalog.edge?(@catalog.resource(edge.source.ref), @catalog.resource(edge.target.ref))).to be_truthy end end it "should set itself as the catalog for each converted resource" do @catalog.vertices.each { |v| expect(v.catalog.object_id).to equal(@catalog.object_id) } end # This tests #931. it "should not lose track of resources whose names vary" do changer = Puppet::Resource.new :file, @basepath+'/test/', :parameters => {:ensure => :directory} config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new('test') config.add_resource(changer) config.add_resource(@top) config.add_edge(@top, changer) catalog = config.to_ral expect(catalog.resource("File[#{@basepath}/test/]")).to equal(catalog.resource("File[#{@basepath}/test]")) end after do # Remove all resource instances. @catalog.clear(true) end end describe "when filtering" do before :each do @original = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("mynode") @original.tag(*%w{one two three}) @original.add_class *%w{four five six} @r1 = stub_everything 'r1', :ref => "File[/a]" @r1.stubs(:respond_to?).with(:ref).returns(true) @r1.stubs(:copy_as_resource).returns(@r1) @r1.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Resource).returns(true) @r2 = stub_everything 'r2', :ref => "File[/b]" @r2.stubs(:respond_to?).with(:ref).returns(true) @r2.stubs(:copy_as_resource).returns(@r2) @r2.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Resource).returns(true) @resources = [@r1,@r2] @original.add_resource(@r1,@r2) end it "should transform the catalog to a resource catalog" do @original.expects(:to_catalog).with { |h,b| h == :to_resource } @original.filter end it "should scan each catalog resource in turn and apply filtering block" do @resources.each { |r| r.expects(:test?) } @original.filter do |r| r.test? end end it "should filter out resources which produce true when the filter block is evaluated" do expect(@original.filter do |r| r == @r1 end.resource("File[/a]")).to be_nil end it "should not consider edges against resources that were filtered out" do @original.add_edge(@r1,@r2) expect(@original.filter do |r| r == @r1 end.edge?(@r1,@r2)).not_to be end it "copies the version" do @original.version = '123' expect(@original.filter.version).to eq(@original.version) end it 'copies the code_id' do @original.code_id = 'b59e5df0578ef411f773ee6c33d8073c50e7b8fe' expect(@original.filter.code_id).to eq(@original.code_id) end it 'copies the catalog_uuid' do @original.catalog_uuid = '827a74c8-cf98-44da-9ff7-18c5e4bee41e' expect(@original.filter.catalog_uuid).to eq(@original.catalog_uuid) end it 'copies the catalog_format' do @original.catalog_format = 42 expect(@original.filter.catalog_format).to eq(@original.catalog_format) end end describe "when functioning as a resource container" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") @one = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new :name => "one" @two = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new :name => "two" @three = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new :name => "three" @dupe = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new :name => "one" end it "should provide a method to add one or more resources" do @catalog.add_resource @one, @two expect(@catalog.resource(@one.ref)).to equal(@one) expect(@catalog.resource(@two.ref)).to equal(@two) end it "should add resources to the relationship graph if it exists" do relgraph = @catalog.relationship_graph @catalog.add_resource @one expect(relgraph).to be_vertex(@one) end it "should set itself as the resource's catalog if it is not a relationship graph" do @one.expects(:catalog=).with(@catalog) @catalog.add_resource @one end it "should make all vertices available by resource reference" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) expect(@catalog.resource(@one.ref)).to equal(@one) expect(@catalog.vertices.find { |r| r.ref == @one.ref }).to equal(@one) end it "tracks the container through edges" do @catalog.add_resource(@two) @catalog.add_resource(@one) @catalog.add_edge(@one, @two) expect(@catalog.container_of(@two)).to eq(@one) end it "a resource without a container is contained in nil" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) expect(@catalog.container_of(@one)).to be_nil end it "should canonize how resources are referred to during retrieval when both type and title are provided" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) expect(@catalog.resource("notify", "one")).to equal(@one) end it "should canonize how resources are referred to during retrieval when just the title is provided" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) expect(@catalog.resource("notify[one]", nil)).to equal(@one) end it "adds resources before an existing resource" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) @catalog.add_resource_before(@one, @two, @three) expect(@catalog.resources).to eq([@two, @three, @one]) end it "raises if adding a resource before a resource not in the catalog" do expect { @catalog.add_resource_before(@one, @two) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Cannot add resource Notify[two] before Notify[one] because Notify[one] is not yet in the catalog") end it "adds resources after an existing resource in reverse order" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) @catalog.add_resource_after(@one, @two, @three) expect(@catalog.resources).to eq([@one, @three, @two]) end it "raises if adding a resource after a resource not in the catalog" do expect { @catalog.add_resource_after(@one, @two) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Cannot add resource Notify[two] after Notify[one] because Notify[one] is not yet in the catalog") end describe 'with a duplicate resource' do def resource_at(type, name, file, line) resource = Puppet::Resource.new(type, name) resource.file = file resource.line = line Puppet::Type.type(type).new(resource) end let(:orig) { resource_at(:notify, 'duplicate-title', '/path/to/orig/file', 42) } let(:dupe) { resource_at(:notify, 'duplicate-title', '/path/to/dupe/file', 314) } it "should print the locations of the original duplicated resource" do @catalog.add_resource(orig) expect { @catalog.add_resource(dupe) }.to raise_error { |error| expect(error).to be_a Puppet::Resource::Catalog::DuplicateResourceError expect(error.message).to match %r[Duplicate declaration: Notify\[duplicate-title\] is already declared] expect(error.message).to match %r[in file /path/to/orig/file:42] expect(error.message).to match %r[cannot redeclare] expect(error.message).to match %r[at /path/to/dupe/file:314] } end end it "should remove all resources when asked" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.add_resource @two @one.expects :remove @two.expects :remove @catalog.clear(true) end it "should support a mechanism for finishing resources" do @one.expects :finish @two.expects :finish @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.add_resource @two @catalog.finalize end it "should make default resources when finalizing" do @catalog.expects(:make_default_resources) @catalog.finalize end it "should add default resources to the catalog upon creation" do @catalog.make_default_resources expect(@catalog.resource(:schedule, "daily")).not_to be_nil end it "should optionally support an initialization block and should finalize after such blocks" do @one.expects :finish @two.expects :finish config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") do |conf| conf.add_resource @one conf.add_resource @two end end it "should inform the resource that it is the resource's catalog" do @one.expects(:catalog=).with(@catalog) @catalog.add_resource @one end it "should be able to find resources by reference" do @catalog.add_resource @one expect(@catalog.resource(@one.ref)).to equal(@one) end it "should be able to find resources by reference or by type/title tuple" do @catalog.add_resource @one expect(@catalog.resource("notify", "one")).to equal(@one) end it "should have a mechanism for removing resources" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) expect(@catalog.resource(@one.ref)).to be expect(@catalog.vertex?(@one)).to be_truthy @catalog.remove_resource(@one) expect(@catalog.resource(@one.ref)).to be_nil expect(@catalog.vertex?(@one)).to be_falsey end it "should have a method for creating aliases for resources" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias(@one, "other") expect(@catalog.resource("notify", "other")).to equal(@one) end it "should ignore conflicting aliases that point to the aliased resource" do @catalog.alias(@one, "other") expect { @catalog.alias(@one, "other") }.not_to raise_error end it "should create aliases for isomorphic resources whose names do not match their titles" do resource = Puppet::Type::File.new(:title => "testing", :path => @basepath+"/something") @catalog.add_resource(resource) expect(@catalog.resource(:file, @basepath+"/something")).to equal(resource) end it "should not create aliases for non-isomorphic resources whose names do not match their titles" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => "testing", :command => "echo", :path => %w{/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin}) @catalog.add_resource(resource) # Yay, I've already got a 'should' method expect(@catalog.resource(:exec, "echo").object_id).to eq(nil.object_id) end # This test is the same as the previous, but the behaviour should be explicit. it "should alias using the class name from the resource reference, not the resource class name" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias(@one, "other") expect(@catalog.resource("notify", "other")).to equal(@one) end it "should fail to add an alias if the aliased name already exists" do @catalog.add_resource @one expect { @catalog.alias @two, "one" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not fail when a resource has duplicate aliases created" do @catalog.add_resource @one expect { @catalog.alias @one, "one" }.not_to raise_error end it "should not create aliases that point back to the resource" do @catalog.alias(@one, "one") expect(@catalog.resource(:notify, "one")).to be_nil end it "should be able to look resources up by their aliases" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias @one, "two" expect(@catalog.resource(:notify, "two")).to equal(@one) end it "should remove resource aliases when the target resource is removed" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias(@one, "other") @one.expects :remove @catalog.remove_resource(@one) expect(@catalog.resource("notify", "other")).to be_nil end it "should add an alias for the namevar when the title and name differ on isomorphic resource types" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => @basepath+"/something", :title => "other", :content => "blah" resource.expects(:isomorphic?).returns(true) @catalog.add_resource(resource) expect(@catalog.resource(:file, "other")).to equal(resource) expect(@catalog.resource(:file, @basepath+"/something").ref).to eq(resource.ref) end it "should not add an alias for the namevar when the title and name differ on non-isomorphic resource types" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => @basepath+"/something", :title => "other", :content => "blah" resource.expects(:isomorphic?).returns(false) @catalog.add_resource(resource) expect(@catalog.resource(:file, resource.title)).to equal(resource) # We can't use .should here, because the resources respond to that method. raise "Aliased non-isomorphic resource" if @catalog.resource(:file, resource.name) end it "should provide a method to create additional resources that also registers the resource" do args = {:name => "/yay", :ensure => :file} resource = stub 'file', :ref => "File[/yay]", :catalog= => @catalog, :title => "/yay", :[] => "/yay" Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with(args).returns(resource) @catalog.create_resource :file, args expect(@catalog.resource("File[/yay]")).to equal(resource) end describe "when adding resources with multiple namevars" do before :each do Puppet::Type.newtype(:multiple) do newparam(:color, :namevar => true) newparam(:designation, :namevar => true) def self.title_patterns [ [ /^(\w+) (\w+)$/, [ [:color, lambda{|x| x}], [:designation, lambda{|x| x}] ] ] ] end end end it "should add an alias using the uniqueness key" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:multiple).new(:title => "some resource", :color => "red", :designation => "5") @catalog.add_resource(@resource) expect(@catalog.resource(:multiple, "some resource")).to eq(@resource) expect(@catalog.resource("Multiple[some resource]")).to eq(@resource) expect(@catalog.resource("Multiple[red 5]")).to eq(@resource) end it "should conflict with a resource with the same uniqueness key" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:multiple).new(:title => "some resource", :color => "red", :designation => "5") @other = Puppet::Type.type(:multiple).new(:title => "another resource", :color => "red", :designation => "5") @catalog.add_resource(@resource) expect { @catalog.add_resource(@other) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Cannot alias Multiple\[another resource\] to \["red", "5"\].*resource \["Multiple", "red", "5"\] already declared/) end it "should conflict when its uniqueness key matches another resource's title" do path = make_absolute("/tmp/foo") @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => path) @other = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => "another file", :path => path) @catalog.add_resource(@resource) expect { @catalog.add_resource(@other) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Cannot alias File\[another file\] to \["#{Regexp.escape(path)}"\].*resource \["File", "#{Regexp.escape(path)}"\] already declared/) end it "should conflict when its uniqueness key matches the uniqueness key derived from another resource's title" do @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:multiple).new(:title => "red leader") @other = Puppet::Type.type(:multiple).new(:title => "another resource", :color => "red", :designation => "leader") @catalog.add_resource(@resource) expect { @catalog.add_resource(@other) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Cannot alias Multiple\[another resource\] to \["red", "leader"\].*resource \["Multiple", "red", "leader"\] already declared/) end end end describe "when applying" do before :each do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") @transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(@catalog, nil, Puppet::Graph::RandomPrioritizer.new) Puppet::Transaction.stubs(:new).returns(@transaction) @transaction.stubs(:evaluate) @transaction.stubs(:for_network_device=) Puppet.settings.stubs(:use) end it "should create and evaluate a transaction" do @transaction.expects(:evaluate) @catalog.apply end it "should return the transaction" do expect(@catalog.apply).to equal(@transaction) end it "should yield the transaction if a block is provided" do @catalog.apply do |trans| expect(trans).to equal(@transaction) end end it "should default to being a host catalog" do expect(@catalog.host_config).to be_truthy end it "should be able to be set to a non-host_config" do @catalog.host_config = false expect(@catalog.host_config).to be_falsey end it "should pass supplied tags on to the transaction" do @transaction.expects(:tags=).with(%w{one two}) @catalog.apply(:tags => %w{one two}) end it "should set ignoreschedules on the transaction if specified in apply()" do @transaction.expects(:ignoreschedules=).with(true) @catalog.apply(:ignoreschedules => true) end describe "host catalogs" do # super() doesn't work in the setup method for some reason before do @catalog.host_config = true Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) end it "should initialize the state database before applying a catalog" do Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:load) # Short-circuit the apply, so we know we're loading before the transaction Puppet::Transaction.expects(:new).raises ArgumentError expect { @catalog.apply }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should sync the state database after applying" do Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:store) @transaction.stubs :any_failed? => false @catalog.apply end end describe "non-host catalogs" do before do @catalog.host_config = false end it "should never send reports" do Puppet[:report] = true Puppet[:summarize] = true @catalog.apply end it "should never modify the state database" do Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:load).never Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:store).never @catalog.apply end end end describe "when creating a relationship graph" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") end it "should get removed when the catalog is cleaned up" do @catalog.relationship_graph.expects(:clear) @catalog.clear expect(@catalog.instance_variable_get("@relationship_graph")).to be_nil end end describe "when writing dot files" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("host") @name = :test @file = File.join(Puppet[:graphdir], @name.to_s + ".dot") end it "should only write when it is a host catalog" do File.expects(:open).with(@file).never @catalog.host_config = false Puppet[:graph] = true @catalog.write_graph(@name) end end describe "when indirecting" do before do @real_indirection = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection @indirection = stub 'indirection', :name => :catalog end it "should use the value of the 'catalog_terminus' setting to determine its terminus class" do # Puppet only checks the terminus setting the first time you ask # so this returns the object to the clean state # at the expense of making this test less pure Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.reset_terminus_class Puppet.settings[:catalog_terminus] = "rest" expect(Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.terminus_class).to eq(:rest) end it "should allow the terminus class to be set manually" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.terminus_class = :rest expect(Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.terminus_class).to eq(:rest) end after do @real_indirection.reset_terminus_class end end describe "when converting to yaml" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("me") @catalog.add_edge("one", "two") end it "should be able to be dumped to yaml" do expect(YAML.dump(@catalog)).to be_instance_of(String) end end describe "when converting from yaml" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("me") @catalog.add_edge("one", "two") text = YAML.dump(@catalog) @newcatalog = YAML.load(text) end it "should get converted back to a catalog" do expect(@newcatalog).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource::Catalog) end it "should have all vertices" do expect(@newcatalog.vertex?("one")).to be_truthy expect(@newcatalog.vertex?("two")).to be_truthy end it "should have all edges" do expect(@newcatalog.edge?("one", "two")).to be_truthy end end end describe Puppet::Resource::Catalog, "when converting a resource catalog to pson" do include JSONMatchers include PuppetSpec::Compiler it "should validate an empty catalog against the schema" do empty_catalog = compile_to_catalog("") expect(empty_catalog.to_pson).to validate_against('api/schemas/catalog.json') end it "should validate a noop catalog against the schema" do noop_catalog = compile_to_catalog("create_resources('file', {})") expect(noop_catalog.to_pson).to validate_against('api/schemas/catalog.json') end it "should validate a single resource catalog against the schema" do catalog = compile_to_catalog("create_resources('file', {'/etc/foo'=>{'ensure'=>'present'}})") expect(catalog.to_pson).to validate_against('api/schemas/catalog.json') end it "should validate a virtual resource catalog against the schema" do catalog = compile_to_catalog("create_resources('@file', {'/etc/foo'=>{'ensure'=>'present'}})\nrealize(File['/etc/foo'])") expect(catalog.to_pson).to validate_against('api/schemas/catalog.json') end it "should validate a single exported resource catalog against the schema" do catalog = compile_to_catalog("create_resources('@@file', {'/etc/foo'=>{'ensure'=>'present'}})") expect(catalog.to_pson).to validate_against('api/schemas/catalog.json') end it "should validate a two resource catalog against the schema" do catalog = compile_to_catalog("create_resources('notify', {'foo'=>{'message'=>'one'}, 'bar'=>{'message'=>'two'}})") expect(catalog.to_pson).to validate_against('api/schemas/catalog.json') end it "should validate a two parameter class catalog against the schema" do catalog = compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST) class multi_param_class ($one, $two) { notify {'foo': message => "One is $one, two is $two", } } class {'multi_param_class': one => 'hello', two => 'world', } MANIFEST expect(catalog.to_pson).to validate_against('api/schemas/catalog.json') end end describe Puppet::Resource::Catalog, "when converting to pson" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new("myhost") end { :name => 'myhost', :version => 42, :code_id => 'b59e5df0578ef411f773ee6c33d8073c50e7b8fe', :catalog_uuid => '827a74c8-cf98-44da-9ff7-18c5e4bee41e', :catalog_format => 42 }.each do |param, value| it "emits a #{param} equal to #{value.inspect}" do @catalog.send(param.to_s + "=", value) pson = PSON.parse(@catalog.to_pson) expect(pson[param.to_s]).to eq(@catalog.send(param)) end end it "emits an array of classes" do @catalog.add_class('foo') pson = PSON.parse(@catalog.to_pson) expect(pson['classes']).to eq(['foo']) end it "should convert its resources to a PSON-encoded array and store it as the 'resources' data" do one = stub 'one', :to_data_hash => "one_resource", :ref => "Foo[one]" two = stub 'two', :to_data_hash => "two_resource", :ref => "Foo[two]" @catalog.add_resource(one) @catalog.add_resource(two) # TODO this should really guarantee sort order expect(PSON.parse(@catalog.to_pson,:create_additions => false)['resources'].sort).to eq(["one_resource", "two_resource"].sort) end it "should convert its edges to a PSON-encoded array and store it as the 'edges' data" do one = stub 'one', :to_data_hash => "one_resource", :ref => 'Foo[one]' two = stub 'two', :to_data_hash => "two_resource", :ref => 'Foo[two]' three = stub 'three', :to_data_hash => "three_resource", :ref => 'Foo[three]' @catalog.add_edge(one, two) @catalog.add_edge(two, three) @catalog.edges_between(one, two )[0].expects(:to_data_hash).returns "one_two_pson" @catalog.edges_between(two, three)[0].expects(:to_data_hash).returns "two_three_pson" expect(PSON.parse(@catalog.to_pson,:create_additions => false)['edges'].sort).to eq(%w{one_two_pson two_three_pson}.sort) end end describe Puppet::Resource::Catalog, "when converting from pson" do before do @data = { 'name' => "myhost" } end it "should create it with the provided name" do @data['version'] = 50 @data['code_id'] = 'b59e5df0578ef411f773ee6c33d8073c50e7b8fe' @data['catalog_uuid'] = '827a74c8-cf98-44da-9ff7-18c5e4bee41e' @data['catalog_format'] = 42 @data['tags'] = %w{one two} @data['classes'] = %w{one two} @data['edges'] = [Puppet::Relationship.new("File[/foo]", "File[/bar]", :event => "one", :callback => "refresh").to_data_hash] @data['resources'] = [Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/foo").to_data_hash, Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/bar").to_data_hash] catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.from_data_hash PSON.parse @data.to_pson expect(catalog.name).to eq('myhost') expect(catalog.version).to eq(@data['version']) expect(catalog.code_id).to eq(@data['code_id']) expect(catalog.catalog_uuid).to eq(@data['catalog_uuid']) expect(catalog.catalog_format).to eq(@data['catalog_format']) expect(catalog).to be_tagged("one") expect(catalog).to be_tagged("two") expect(catalog.classes).to eq(@data['classes']) expect(catalog.resources.collect(&:ref)).to eq(["File[/foo]", "File[/bar]"]) expect(catalog.edges.collect(&:event)).to eq(["one"]) expect(catalog.edges[0].source).to eq(catalog.resource(:file, "/foo")) expect(catalog.edges[0].target).to eq(catalog.resource(:file, "/bar")) end it "defaults the catalog_format to 0" do catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.from_data_hash PSON.parse @data.to_pson expect(catalog.catalog_format).to eq(0) end it "should fail if the source resource cannot be found" do @data['edges'] = [Puppet::Relationship.new("File[/missing]", "File[/bar]").to_data_hash] @data['resources'] = [Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/bar").to_data_hash] expect { Puppet::Resource::Catalog.from_data_hash PSON.parse @data.to_pson }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Could not find relationship source/) end it "should fail if the target resource cannot be found" do @data['edges'] = [Puppet::Relationship.new("File[/bar]", "File[/missing]").to_data_hash] @data['resources'] = [Puppet::Resource.new(:file, "/bar").to_data_hash] expect { Puppet::Resource::Catalog.from_data_hash PSON.parse @data.to_pson }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Could not find relationship target/) end end