module PolishGeeks module DevTools # Configurator for enabling specific command runners # @note No commands are enabled by default # @example Enable only rubocop # Config.configure do |conf| # conf.rubocop = true # end class Config class << self attr_accessor :config # @return [PolishGeeks::DevTools::Config] config for dev tools # @note We check if it initialized, because if user wants to use it # with all the commands enabled and without any changes, he won't create # a polishgeeks_dev_tools.rb initializer file so we need to configure it # with defaults def config @config || setup {} end end %i( required_files_include rspec_files_structure_ignored expires_in_files_ignored final_blank_line_ignored empty_methods_ignored simplecov_threshold ).each do |attr| attr_accessor attr end # Available commands # All commands will be executed in this order (first rubocop, then rspec, etc) COMMANDS = %i( required_files gemfile expires_in examples_comparator allowed_extensions yml_parser final_blank_line brakeman rubocop bundler_audit empty_methods haml_lint rspec_files_names rspec_files_structure tasks_files_names rspec simplecov yard rubycritic ).freeze # Additional options for commands COMMANDS_OPTIONS = %i( rubocop_rspec rspec_disallow_pending ).freeze (COMMANDS + COMMANDS_OPTIONS).each do |attr_name| attr_accessor attr_name # @return [Boolean] is given command enabled define_method :"#{attr_name}?" do public_send(attr_name) == true end end # Initializes configuration and turn on by default # all the commands def initialize (COMMANDS + COMMANDS_OPTIONS).each do |attr_name| public_send(:"#{attr_name}=", true) end self.simplecov_threshold = 100 end # Configurating method def self.setup(&block) self.config = new config.freeze end end end end