require 'equivalent-xml' module Dor module Processable extend ActiveSupport::Concern include SolrDocHelper include Upgradable included do has_metadata :name => 'workflows', :type => Dor::WorkflowDs, :label => 'Workflows', :control_group => 'E' after_initialize :set_workflows_datastream_location end #verbiage we want to use to describe an item when it has completed a particular step STATUS_CODE_DISP_TXT = { 0 => 'Unknown Status', #if there are no milestones for the current version, someone likely messed up the versioning process. 1 => 'Registered', 2 => 'In accessioning', 3 => 'In accessioning (described)', 4 => 'In accessioning (described, published)', 5 => 'In accessioning (described, published, deposited)', 6 => 'Accessioned', 7 => 'Accessioned (indexed)', 8 => 'Accessioned (indexed, ingested)', 9 => 'Opened' } #milestones from accessioning and the order they happen in STEPS = { 'registered' => 1, 'submitted' => 2, 'described' => 3, 'published' => 4, 'deposited' => 5, 'accessioned' => 6, 'indexed' => 7, 'shelved' => 8, 'opened' => 1 } def set_workflows_datastream_location # This is a work-around for some strange logic in ActiveFedora that # don't allow to work if we load the object using # .load_instance_from_solr. return if self.respond_to? :inner_object and self.inner_object.is_a? ActiveFedora::SolrDigitalObject if workflows.mimeType = 'application/xml' workflows.dsLocation = File.join(Dor::Config.workflow.url,"dor/objects/#{}/workflows") end end def empty_datastream?(datastream) if true elsif datastream.class.respond_to?(:xml_template) datastream.content.to_s.empty? or EquivalentXml.equivalent?(datastream.content, datastream.class.xml_template) else datastream.content.to_s.empty? end end # Takes the name of a datastream, as a string. # Tries to find a file for the datastream. # Returns the path to it or nil. def find_metadata_file(datastream) druid =, Dor::Config.stacks.local_workspace_root) return druid.find_metadata("#{datastream}.xml") end # Takes the name of a datastream, as a string (fooMetadata). # Builds that datastream using the content of a file if such a file # exists and is newer than the object's current datastream; otherwise, # builds the datastream by calling build_fooMetadata_datastream. def build_datastream(datastream, force = false, is_required = false) # See if the datastream exists as a file and if the file's # timestamp is newer than the datastream's timestamp. ds = datastreams[datastream] filename = find_metadata_file(datastream) use_file = filename && (ds.createDate.nil? || File.mtime(filename) >= ds.createDate) # Build datastream. if use_file content = ds.content = content ds.ng_xml = Nokogiri::XML(content) if ds.respond_to?(:ng_xml) unless elsif force or empty_datastream?(ds) meth = "build_#{datastream}_datastream".to_sym if respond_to?(meth) content = self.send(meth, ds) unless end end # Check for success. if is_required && empty_datastream?(ds) raise "Required datastream #{datastream} could not be populated!" end return ds end def cleanup() CleanupService.cleanup(self) end def milestones Dor::WorkflowService.get_milestones('dor', end # @return [Hash] including :current_version, :status_code and :status_time def status_info() current_version = '1' begin current_version = self.versionMetadata.current_version_id rescue end current_milestones = [] #only get steps that are part of accessioning and part of the current version. That can mean they were archived with the current version #number, or they might be active (no version number). milestones.each do |m| if STEPS.keys.include?(m[:milestone]) and (m[:version].nil? or m[:version] == current_version) current_milestones << m unless m[:milestone] == 'registered' and current_version.to_i > 1 end end status_code = 0 status_time = '' #for each milestone in the current version, see if it comes after the current 'last' step, if so, make it the last and record the date/time current_milestones.each do |m| name = m[:milestone] time = m[:at].utc.xmlschema if STEPS.keys.include? name if STEPS[name] > status_code status_code = STEPS[name] status_time = time end end end return {:current_version => current_version, :status_code => status_code, :status_time => status_time} end # @param [Boolean] include_time # @return [String] single composed status from status_info def status(include_time=false) status_info_hash = status_info() current_version, status_code, status_time = status_info_hash[:current_version], status_info_hash[:status_code], status_info_hash[:status_time] #use the translation table to get the appropriate verbage for the latest step result = "v#{current_version} #{STATUS_CODE_DISP_TXT[status_code]}" result += " #{format_date(status_time)}" if include_time return result end # return the text translation of the status code, minus any trailing parenthetical explanation # e.g. 'In accessioning (described)' and 'In accessioning (described, published)' both come back # as 'In accessioning' def simplified_status_code_disp_txt(status_code) return STATUS_CODE_DISP_TXT[status_code].gsub(/\(.*\)$/, '').strip end def to_solr(, *args) super(solr_doc, *args) sortable_milestones = {} current_version='1' begin current_version = self.versionMetadata.current_version_id rescue end current_version_num=current_version.to_i if self.respond_to?('versionMetadata') #add an entry with version id, tag and description for each version while current_version_num > 0 add_solr_value(solr_doc, 'versions', current_version_num.to_s + ';' + self.versionMetadata.tag_for_version(current_version_num.to_s) + ';' + self.versionMetadata.description_for_version(current_version_num.to_s), :string, [:displayable]) current_version_num -= 1 end end self.milestones.each do |milestone| timestamp = milestone[:at].utc.xmlschema sortable_milestones[milestone[:milestone]] ||= [] sortable_milestones[milestone[:milestone]] << timestamp milestone[:version] ||= current_version solr_doc['lifecycle_ssim'] ||= [] solr_doc['lifecycle_ssim'] << milestone[:milestone] add_solr_value(solr_doc, 'lifecycle', "#{milestone[:milestone]}:#{timestamp};#{milestone[:version]}", :symbol) end sortable_milestones.each do |milestone, unordered_dates| dates = unordered_dates.sort #create the published_dttsi and published_day fields and the like dates.each do |date| solr_doc["#{milestone}_dttsim"] ||= [] solr_doc["#{milestone}_dttsim"] << date unless solr_doc["#{milestone}_dttsim"].include?(date) end #fields for OAI havester to sort on: _dttsi is trie date +stored +indexed (single valued, i.e. sortable) solr_doc["#{milestone}_earliest_dttsi"] = dates.first solr_doc["#{milestone}_latest_dttsi" ] = dates.last end solr_doc["status_ssi"] = status # status is singular (i.e. the current one) solr_doc["current_version_isi"] = current_version.to_i solr_doc["modified_latest_dttsi"] = self.modified_date.to_datetime.utc.strftime('%FT%TZ') add_solr_value(solr_doc, "rights", rights, :string, [:symbol]) if self.respond_to? :rights status_info_hash = status_info() status_code = status_info_hash[:status_code] add_solr_value(solr_doc, 'processing_status_text', simplified_status_code_disp_txt(status_code), :string, [:stored_sortable]) solr_doc['processing_status_code_isi'] = status_code # no _isi in Solrizer's default descriptors return solr_doc end # Initilizes workflow for the object in the workflow service # It will set the priorty of the new workflow to the current_priority if it is > 0 # It will set lane_id from the item's APO default workflow lane # @param [String] name of the workflow to be initialized # @param [Boolean] create_ds create a 'workflows' datastream in Fedora for the object # @param [Integer] priority the workflow's priority level def initialize_workflow(name, create_ds=true, priority=0) priority = workflows.current_priority if priority == 0 opts = { :create_ds => create_ds, :lane_id => default_workflow_lane } opts[:priority] = priority if(priority > 0) Dor::WorkflowService.create_workflow(Dor::WorkflowObject.initial_repo(name),, name, Dor::WorkflowObject.initial_workflow(name), opts) end private #handles formating utc date/time to human readable # XXX: bad form to hardcode TZ here. Code smell abounds. def format_date datetime begin d = datetime.is_a?(Time) ? datetime : DateTime.parse(datetime).in_time_zone("Pacific Time (US & Canada)")) I18n.l(d).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%p') rescue d = datetime.is_a?(Time) ? datetime : Time.parse(datetime.to_s) d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%p') end end end end