#!/usr/bin/env rake # -*- Ruby -*- require 'rubygems'; require 'require_relative' ROOT_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) Gemspec_filename='trepan8.gemspec' require_relative './app/options' def gemspec @gemspec ||= eval(File.read(Gemspec_filename), binding, Gemspec_filename) end require 'rake/gempackagetask' desc 'Build the gem' task :package=>:gem task :gem=>:gemspec do Dir.chdir(ROOT_DIR) do sh "gem build #{Gemspec_filename}" FileUtils.mkdir_p 'pkg' FileUtils.mv gemspec.file_name, 'pkg' end end desc 'Install the gem locally' task :install => :gem do Dir.chdir(ROOT_DIR) do sh %{gem install --local pkg/#{gemspec.file_name}} end end require 'rake/testtask' require 'rbconfig' def RbConfig.ruby File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME'] + RbConfig::CONFIG['EXEEXT']) end unless defined? RbConfig.ruby def run_standalone_ruby_files(list, opts={}) puts '*' * 40 list.each do |ruby_file| system(RbConfig.ruby, ruby_file) p $?.exitstatus break if $?.exitstatus != 0 && !opts[:continue] end end def run_standalone_ruby_file(directory, opts={}) puts(('*' * 10) + ' ' + directory + ' ' + ('*' * 10)) Dir.chdir(directory) do Dir.glob('*.rb').each do |ruby_file| puts(('-' * 20) + ' ' + ruby_file + ' ' + ('-' * 20)) system(RbConfig.ruby, ruby_file) break if $?.exitstatus != 0 && !opts[:continue] end end end desc 'Create a GNU-style ChangeLog via git2cl' task :ChangeLog do system('git log --pretty --numstat --summary | git2cl > ChangeLog') end desc 'Test units - the smaller tests' Rake::TestTask.new(:'test:unit') do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/unit/**/test-*.rb'] # t.pattern = 'test/**/*test-*.rb' # instead of above t.options = '--verbose' if $VERBOSE end desc 'Test functional - the medium-sized tests' Rake::TestTask.new(:'test:functional') do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/functional/**/test-*.rb'] t.options = '--verbose' if $VERBOSE end desc 'Test integration - end-to-end blackbox tests' Rake::TestTask.new(:'test:integration') do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/integration/**/test-*.rb'] t.options = '--verbose' if $VERBOSE end desc 'Test everything - unit tests for now.' task :test do exceptions = %w(test:unit test:integration).collect do |task| begin Rake::Task[task].invoke nil rescue => e e end end.compact exceptions.each {|e| puts e;puts e.backtrace } raise 'Test failures' unless exceptions.empty? end desc 'Run each Ruby app file in standalone mode.' task :'check:app' do run_standalone_ruby_file(File.join(%W(#{ROOT_DIR} app))) end desc 'Run each command in standalone mode.' task :'check:commands' do run_standalone_ruby_file(File.join(%W(#{ROOT_DIR} processor command))) end desc 'Run each of the sub-sub commands in standalone mode.' task :'check:sub:commands' do p "#{ROOT_DIR}/processor/command/*_subcmd/*_subcmd/*.rb" Dir.glob("#{ROOT_DIR}/processor/command/*_subcmd").each do |sub_dir| run_standalone_ruby_file(sub_dir) end end desc 'Run each of the sub-sub commands in standalone mode.' task :'check:subsub:commands' do subsub_files = FileList["#{ROOT_DIR}/processor/command/*_subcmd/*_subcmd/*.rb"] run_standalone_ruby_files(subsub_files) end desc 'Run each processor Ruby file in standalone mode.' task :'check:lib' do run_standalone_ruby_file(File.join(%W(#{ROOT_DIR} lib))) end desc 'Run each processor Ruby file in standalone mode.' task :'check:processor' do run_standalone_ruby_file(File.join(%W(#{ROOT_DIR} processor))) end desc 'Run each processor Ruby file in standalone mode.' task :'check:unit' do run_standalone_ruby_file(File.join(%W(#{ROOT_DIR} test unit))) end desc 'Run functional tests in standalone mode.' task :'check:functional' do run_standalone_ruby_file(File.join(%W(#{ROOT_DIR} test functional))) end desc 'Run command parser grammar.' task :'check:cmd_parse' do sh "kpeg --test --debug #{File.join(ROOT_DIR, %w(app cmd_parse.kpeg))}" end desc 'Generate command parser.' task :'cmd_parse' do require 'tmpdir' temp_file = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, Dir::Tmpname.make_tmpname(['cmd_parser_', '.rb'], nil)) sh('kpeg --name CmdParse --verbose --stand-alone ' + "#{File.join(ROOT_DIR, %w(app cmd_parse.kpeg))} " + "--output #{temp_file}") end task :'check:integration' do run_standalone_ruby_files(FileList['test/integration/**/test-*.rb']) end task :check => %w(check:lib check:processor check:commands).map{|c| c.to_sym} desc "Default action is same as 'test'." task :default => :test desc 'Generate the gemspec' task :generate do puts gemspec.to_ruby end desc 'Validate the gemspec' task :gemspec do gemspec.validate end # --------- RDoc Documentation ------ require 'rake/rdoctask' desc 'Generate rdoc documentation' Rake::RDocTask.new('rdoc') do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' rdoc.title = "Trepanning #{Trepan::VERSION} Documentation" rdoc.rdoc_files.include(%w(lib/*.rb app/*.rb intf/*.rb io/*.rb bin/trepan8 )) end desc 'Same as rdoc' task :doc => :rdoc task :clobber_package do FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'pkg') end task :clobber_rdoc do FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'doc') end desc 'Remove residue from running patch' task :rm_patch_residue do FileUtils.rm_rf FileList['**/*.{rej,orig}'].to_a, :verbose => true end desc 'Remove ~ backup files' task :rm_tilde_backups do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob('**/*~'), :verbose => true FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob('**/*.rbc'), :verbose => true end desc 'Remove built files' task :clean => [:clobber_package, :clobber_rdoc, :rm_patch_residue, :rm_tilde_backups]