require File.expand_path('../../test/helper', __FILE__) if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) databases = [:test_mysql, :test_jdbc, :test_sqlite3, :test_derby, :test_hsqldb, :test_h2] databases << :test_postgres if have_postgres? if File.exist?('test/fscontext.jar') databases << :test_jndi end task :test => databases else task :test => [:test_mysql] end def set_compat_version(task) task.ruby_opts << '-v' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.8/ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) task.ruby_opts << "--#{RUBY_VERSION[/^(\d+\.\d+)/, 1]}" end end def declare_test_task_for(adapter, options = {}) driver = options[:driver] || adapter"test_#{adapter}" => (options[:prereqs] || [])) do |t| files = FileList["test/#{adapter}*test.rb"] if adapter == "derby" files << 'test/activerecord/connection_adapters/type_conversion_test.rb' end t.test_files = files t.libs = [] set_compat_version(t) if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) t.ruby_opts << "-rjdbc/#{driver}" t.libs << "lib" << "jdbc-#{driver}/lib" t.libs.push *FileList["activerecord-jdbc#{adapter}*/lib"] end t.libs << "test" t.verbose = true end end declare_test_task_for :derby declare_test_task_for :h2 declare_test_task_for :hsqldb declare_test_task_for :mssql, :driver => :jtds declare_test_task_for :mysql, :prereqs => "db:mysql" declare_test_task_for :postgres, :prereqs => "db:postgres" declare_test_task_for :sqlite3 do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/generic_jdbc_connection_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' << 'jdbc-mysql/lib' set_compat_version(t) end do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/jndi*_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' << 'jdbc-derby/lib' set_compat_version(t) end task :test_postgresql => [:test_postgres] task :test_pgsql => [:test_postgres] # Ensure driver for these DBs is on your classpath %w(oracle db2 cachedb informix).each do |d|"test_#{d}") do |t| t.test_files = FileList["test/#{d}*_test.rb"] t.libs = [] t.libs << 'lib' if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) t.libs << 'test' set_compat_version(t) end end # Tests for JDBC adapters that don't require a database. do | t | t.test_files = FileList[ 'test/jdbc_adapter/jdbc_sybase_test.rb' ] t.libs << 'test' set_compat_version(t) end # Ensure that the jTDS driver is in your classpath before launching rake do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/sybase_jtds_simple_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' set_compat_version(t) end # Ensure that the jConnect driver is in your classpath before launching rake do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/sybase_jconnect_simple_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' set_compat_version(t) end