Class Atom::HTTP
In: lib/atom/http.rb
Parent: Object

An object which handles the details of HTTP - particularly authentication and caching (neither of which are fully implemented).

This object can be used on its own, or passed to an Atom::Service, Atom::Collection or Atom::Feed, where it will be used for requests.

All its HTTP methods return a Net::HTTPResponse


delete   get   get_atom_entry   post   put   put_atom_entry   when_auth  

Included Modules



allow_all_redirects  [RW]  automatically handle redirects, even for POST/PUT/DELETE requests?

defaults to false, which will transparently redirect GET requests but return a Net::HTTPRedirection object when the server indicates to redirect a POST/PUT/DELETE

always_auth  [RW]  when set to :basic, :wsse or :authsub, this will send an Authentication header with every request instead of waiting for a challenge from the server.

be careful; always_auth :basic will send your username and password in plain text to every URL this object requests.

:digest won‘t work, since Digest authentication requires an initial challenge to generate a response

defaults to nil

pass  [RW]  used by the default when_auth
token  [RW]  the token used for Google‘s AuthSub authentication
user  [RW]  used by the default when_auth

Public Instance methods

DELETEs to url


     # File lib/atom/http.rb, line 165
165:     def delete url, body = nil, headers = {}
166:       http_request(url, Net::HTTP::Delete, body, headers)
167:     end

GETs an url


     # File lib/atom/http.rb, line 150
150:     def get url, headers = {}
151:       http_request(url, Net::HTTP::Get, nil, headers)
152:     end

GET a URL and turn it into an Atom::Entry


     # File lib/atom/http.rb, line 186
186:     def get_atom_entry(url)
187:       res = get(url, "Accept" => "application/atom+xml")
189:       # be picky for atom:entrys
190:       res.validate_content_type( [ "application/atom+xml" ] )
192:       # XXX handle other HTTP codes
193:       if res.code != "200"
194:         raise Atom::HTTPException, "expected Atom::Entry, didn't get it"
195:       end
197:       Atom::Entry.parse(res.body, url)
198:     end

POSTs body to an url


     # File lib/atom/http.rb, line 155
155:     def post url, body, headers = {}
156:       http_request(url, Net::HTTP::Post, body, headers)
157:     end

PUTs body to an url


     # File lib/atom/http.rb, line 160
160:     def put url, body, headers = {}
161:       http_request(url, Net::HTTP::Put, body, headers)
162:     end

PUT an Atom::Entry to a URL


     # File lib/atom/http.rb, line 201
201:     def put_atom_entry(entry, url = entry.edit_url)
202:       raise "Cowardly refusing to PUT a non-Atom::Entry (#{entry.class})" unless entry.is_a? Atom::Entry
203:       headers = {"Content-Type" => "application/atom+xml" }
205:       put(url, entry.to_s, headers)
206:     end

a block that will be called when a remote server responds with 401 Unauthorized, so that your application can prompt for authentication details.

the default is to use the values of @user and @pass.

your block will be called with two parameters

abs_url:the base URL of the request URL
realm:the realm used in the WWW-Authenticate header

(will be nil if there is no WWW-Authenticate header)

it should return a value of the form [username, password]


     # File lib/atom/http.rb, line 181
181:     def when_auth &block # :yields: abs_url, realm
182:       @get_auth_details = block
183:     end
