REGION_TYPE_CIDR REGION_TYPE_REGION REGION_TYPE_CONTINENT REGION_TYPE_COUNTRY REGION_TYPE_STATE REGION_TYPE_POOL REGION_TYPE_DATA_CENTER REGION_TYPE_ISP_REGION REGION_TYPE_GEOIP_ISP Gets a list of of topology records. Adds or creates the specified topology records. Deletes the specified topology records. Deletes all topology records. Sets the description of the given topology records. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the description of the given topology records. Sets the weights for the specified topology records. Gets the weights for the specified links. Sets the sort orders used when longest match sorting is not available for the specified topology records. Note: As of version 11.0.0, the system computes the sort orders automatically, overriding any setting made here, when longest match sorting is enabled (and it is enabled by default; see GlobalLB::Globals). In previous releases, the orders set here were ignored then, but not recomputed. Gets the sort orders for the specified topology records. Gets the version information for this interface. Gets a list of of topology records. Adds or creates the specified topology records. Deletes the specified topology records. Deletes all topology records. Sets the description of the given topology records. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the description of the given topology records. Sets the weights for the specified topology records. Gets the weights for the specified links. Sets the sort orders used when longest match sorting is not available for the specified topology records. Note: As of version 11.0.0, the system computes the sort orders automatically, overriding any setting made here, when longest match sorting is enabled (and it is enabled by default; see GlobalLB::Globals). In previous releases, the orders set here were ignored then, but not recomputed. Gets the sort orders for the specified topology records. Gets the version information for this interface. The Topology interface enables you to work with topology attributes. For example, you can create and delete a topology. You can also use the Topology interface to add virtual server entries to, or remove virtual server entries from, a topology.