# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'mdwa/dsl' MDWA::DSL.entities.register "<%= name.singularize.camelize %>" do |e| <%- if options.user -%> # NOTE: Users have the following attributes predefined (Devise defaults): # "email", "password", "password_confirmation", "encrypted_password", "name", "type", "reset_password_token", # "reset_password_sent_at", "remember_created_at", "sign_in_count", "current_sign_in_at", "last_sign_in_at", # "current_sign_in_ip", "last_sign_in_ip", "created_at", "updated_at" e.user = true <%- end -%> <%- unless options.no_comments -%> # e.purpose = %q{To-do} # what this entity does? # e.resource = true # should it be stored like a resource? # e.ajax = true # scaffold with ajax? # e.user = false # is this entity a loggable user? # e.scaffold_name = 'a/<%= name.singularize.underscore %>' # mdwa sandbox specific code? # e.model_name = 'a/<%= name.singularize.underscore %>' # use specific model name? or different namespace? ## ## Define entity attributes ## # e.attribute do |attr| # attr.name = 'name' # attr.type = 'string' # end # e.attribute do |attr| # attr.name = 'category' # attr.type = 'integer' # end ## ## Define entity associations ## # e.association do |a| # a.type = 'many_to_one' # a.destination = 'Category' # entity name # a.description = '<%= name.singularize.humanize %> belongs to category' # end # # e.association do |a| # a.name = 'address' # specify a name for the associations # a.type = 'one_to_one' # a.destination = 'Address' # a.composition = true # a.description = 'This entity has a composite address.' # end ## ## Entity specifications. ## Define restrictions and rules so this entity will work properly. ## # e.specify "fields should not be invalid" do |s| # s.such_as "date should be valid" # s.such_as "administrator must not be empty" # s.such_as "description must not be empty" # end # e.specify "date should not be in the past" ## ## Entity actions. Define controller and routes for new operations with this entity. ## # e.member_action :publish, :get, :html # e.collection_action :export, :post, [:csv, :xml] # e.collection_action :report, :get, [:ajax] <%- end -%> end