# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Debates # The data store for a Debate in the Decidim::Debates component. It stores a # title, description and any other useful information to render a custom # debate. class Debate < Debates::ApplicationRecord include Decidim::HasComponent include Decidim::HasCategory include Decidim::Resourceable include Decidim::Followable include Decidim::Comments::Commentable include Decidim::ScopableResource include Decidim::Authorable include Decidim::Reportable include Decidim::HasReference include Decidim::Traceable include Decidim::Loggable include Decidim::DataPortability include Decidim::NewsletterParticipant include Decidim::Searchable include Decidim::TranslatableResource include Decidim::TranslatableAttributes include Decidim::Endorsable include Decidim::Randomable belongs_to :last_comment_by, polymorphic: true, foreign_key: "last_comment_by_id", foreign_type: "last_comment_by_type", optional: true component_manifest_name "debates" validates :title, presence: true translatable_fields :title, :description, :instructions, :information_updates searchable_fields({ participatory_space: { component: :participatory_space }, A: :title, D: :description, datetime: :start_time }, index_on_create: ->(debate) { debate.visible? }, index_on_update: ->(debate) { debate.visible? }) scope :open, -> { where(closed_at: nil) } scope :closed, -> { where.not(closed_at: nil) } scope :authored_by, ->(author) { where(author: author) } scope :commented_by, lambda { |author| joins(:comments).where( decidim_comments_comments: { decidim_author_id: author.id, decidim_author_type: author.class.base_class.name } ) } def self.log_presenter_class_for(_log) Decidim::Debates::AdminLog::DebatePresenter end # Public: Overrides the `reported_content_url` Reportable concern method. def reported_content_url ResourceLocatorPresenter.new(self).url end # Public: Calculates whether the current debate is an AMA-styled one or not. # AMA-styled debates are those that have a start and end time set, and comments # are only open during that timelapse. AMA stands for Ask Me Anything, a type # of debate inspired by Reddit. # # Returns a Boolean. def ama? start_time.present? && end_time.present? end # Public: Checks whether the debate is an AMA-styled one and is open. # # Returns a boolean. def open_ama? ama? && Time.current.between?(start_time, end_time) end # Public: Checks if the debate is open or not. # # Returns a boolean. def open? (ama? && open_ama?) || !ama? end # Public: Overrides the `commentable?` Commentable concern method. def commentable? component.settings.comments_enabled? end # Public: Overrides the `accepts_new_comments?` Commentable concern method. def accepts_new_comments? return false unless open? return false if closed? commentable? && !comments_blocked? end # Public: Overrides the `comments_have_alignment?` Commentable concern method. def comments_have_alignment? true end # Public: Overrides the `comments_have_votes?` Commentable concern method. def comments_have_votes? true end # Public: Identifies the commentable type in the API. def commentable_type self.class.name end # Public: Override Commentable concern method `users_to_notify_on_comment_created` def users_to_notify_on_comment_created return Decidim::User.where(id: followers).or(Decidim::User.where(id: component.participatory_space.admins)).distinct if official? followers end def self.export_serializer Decidim::Debates::DataPortabilityDebateSerializer end # Public: Whether the object can have new comments or not. def user_allowed_to_comment?(user) can_participate_in_space?(user) end def self.newsletter_participant_ids(component) authors_ids = Decidim::Debates::Debate.where(component: component) .where(decidim_author_type: Decidim::UserBaseEntity.name) .where.not(author: nil) .group(:decidim_author_id) .pluck(:decidim_author_id).flatten.compact commentators_ids = Decidim::Comments::Comment.user_commentators_ids_in(Decidim::Debates::Debate.where(component: component)) (authors_ids + commentators_ids).flatten.compact.uniq end # Checks whether the user can edit the debate. # # user - the user to check for authorship def editable_by?(user) !closed? && authored_by?(user) end # Checks whether the debate is closed or not. # def closed? closed_at.present? && conclusions.present? end # Checks whether the user can edit the debate. # # user - the user to check for authorship def closeable_by?(user) authored_by?(user) end # Public: Updates the comments counter cache. We have to do it these # way in order to properly calculate the counter with hidden # comments. # # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations def update_comments_count comments_count = comments.not_hidden.count last_comment = comments.not_hidden.order("created_at DESC").first update_columns( last_comment_at: last_comment&.created_at, last_comment_by_id: last_comment&.decidim_author_id, last_comment_by_type: last_comment&.decidim_author_type, comments_count: comments_count, updated_at: Time.current ) end # rubocop:enable Rails/SkipsModelValidations private def comments_blocked? component.current_settings.comments_blocked end end end end