# frozen_string_literal: true require 'erb' module J1 module Commands class Generate < Command class << self def init_with_program(prog) prog.command(:generate) do |c| c.description 'Generates a J1 project scaffold in PATH' c.syntax 'generate PATH' c.option 'force', '--force', 'Force a site to be created even the PATH already exists' c.option 'skip-bundle', '--skip-bundle', 'Skip bundle install' c.option 'skip-patches', '--skip-patches', 'Skip install any PATCHES build-in with J1' c.option 'system', '--system', 'Run "bundle install" for the Ruby SYSTEM gem folder' c.action do |args, options| J1::Commands::Generate.process(args, options) end end end def process(args, options = {}) timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") raise ArgumentError, "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: You must specify a path." if args.empty? new_blog_path = File.expand_path(args.join(' '), Dir.pwd) FileUtils.mkdir_p new_blog_path if preserve_source_location?(new_blog_path, options) J1.logger.abort_with "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Conflict:", "#{new_blog_path} exists and is not empty." end if options['blank'] create_blank_site new_blog_path else create_site new_blog_path end after_install(new_blog_path, options) timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: To setup the site, change to the project folder #{new_blog_path} and run: j1 setup" end def create_blank_site(path) Dir.chdir(path) do FileUtils.mkdir(%w(_layouts posts/public/featured/_posts _drafts)) FileUtils.touch('index.html') end end def scaffold_post_content ERB.new(File.read(File.expand_path(scaffold_path, starter_web))).result end # Internal: Gets the filename of the sample post to be created # Returns the filename of the sample post, as a String def initialized_post_name "collections/posts/public/featured/_posts/#{Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}-welcome-to-j1.adoc" end private def create_site(new_blog_path) create_sample_files new_blog_path File.open(File.expand_path(initialized_post_name, new_blog_path), 'w') do |f| f.write(scaffold_post_content) end end def preserve_source_location?(path, options) !options['force'] && !Dir["#{path}/**/*"].empty? end def create_sample_files(path) FileUtils.cp_r starter_web + '/.', path FileUtils.rm File.expand_path(scaffold_path, path) end def starter_web File.expand_path('../../starter_web', File.dirname(__FILE__)) end def scaffold_path 'collections/posts/public/featured/_posts/0000-00-00-welcome-to-j1.adoc.erb' end # After a generate blog has been created, print a success notification and # then automatically execute bundle install from within the generate blog dir # unless the user opts to generate a blank blog or skip 'bundle install'. def after_install(path, options = {}) timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") unless options['skip-bundle'] bundle_install(path, options) if options['skip-patches'] J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Install build-in patches skipped ..." else patch_install(options) end end timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if options['force'] J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Generated Jekyll site force installed in folder #{path}" else J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Generated Jekyll site installed in folder #{path}" end J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Installation (bundle) of RubyGems skipped" if options['skip-bundle'] end def bundle_install(path, options) timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") J1::External.require_with_graceful_fail 'bundler' J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Running bundle install in #{path} ..." Dir.chdir(path) do if options['system'] J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Install bundle in Ruby gem SYSTEM folder ..." else J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Install bundle in USER gem folder ~/.gem ..." process = J1::Utils::Exec2.run('GENERATE','bundle', 'config', 'set', '--local', 'path', '~/.gem') raise SystemExit unless process.success? end process = J1::Utils::Exec2.run( 'GENERATE', 'bundle', 'install') raise SystemExit unless process.success? end end def patch_install(options) timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if J1::Utils::is_windows? major, minor = RUBY_VERSION.split('.') lib_version = major + '.' + minor curr_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) patch_gem_eventmachine = 'eventmachine-1.2.7-x64-mingw32' patch_gem_execjs = 'execjs-2.7.0' patch_eventmachine_source_path = curr_path + '/patches/rubygems' + '/' + patch_gem_eventmachine + '/lib/' + lib_version patch_execjs_source_path = curr_path + '/patches/rubygems' + '/' + patch_gem_execjs + '/lib/execjs/external_runtime.rb' process, output = J1::Utils::Exec1.run('gem', 'env', 'gempath') output.to_s.each_line do |line| J1.logger.info("#{timestamp} - GENERATE: ", line.strip) unless line.to_s.empty? end raise SystemExit unless process.success? result = output.split(';') user_path = result[0] system_path = result[1] timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if options['system'] J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Install patches in SYSTEM folder ..." J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Install patches on path #{system_path} ..." dest = system_path + '/gems/' + patch_gem_eventmachine + '/lib' else J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Install patches in USER gem folder ~/.gem ..." J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Install patches on path #{user_path} ..." dest = user_path + '/gems/' + patch_gem_eventmachine + '/lib' end src = patch_eventmachine_source_path FileUtils.cp_r(src, dest) if lib_version === '2.7' if options['system'] dest = system_path + '/gems/' + patch_gem_execjs + '/lib/execjs' else dest = user_path + '/gems/' + patch_gem_execjs + '/lib/execjs' end src = patch_execjs_source_path if Dir.exist?(dest) FileUtils.cp(src, dest) else J1.logger.info "#{timestamp} - GENERATE: Skipped install patches for execjs-2.7.0 ..." end end end end end end end end