## vim_printer Print any files to html using the power of Vim. Output will be saved to `output.tar.gz` and ready for extract and viewing in your favourite browser. - Unlimited support for [vim colorschemes][] if enabled, or `default` colorscheme that comes with Vim. - Can print any files in any languages that you can open with Vim. - Use the power of [Vim][] to print the code without any other tools. - Tested in Linux/OSX and should also works with Windows. [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/vim_printer.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/vim_printer) ### Example Outputs: - The original input using [seoul256.vim][] colorscheme in Vim ![](https://github.com/agilecreativity/vim_printer/raw/master/01-seoul256-input.png) The html output as rendered in the browser ![](https://github.com/agilecreativity/vim_printer/raw/master/01-seoul256-output.png) - The original input using `Tomorrow-Night` colorscheme from [Tomorrow-theme][] in Vim ![](https://github.com/agilecreativity/vim_printer/raw/master/02-Tomorrow-Night-input.png) The html output as renderd in the browser ![](https://github.com/agilecreativity/vim_printer/raw/master/02-Tomorrow-Night-output.png) ### Requirements - [Vim][] - any recent version should be ok. - Any decent `~/.vimrc` should do * There are so many great vim dotfiles in github repos. * [NeoBundle][] is a very good start if you are new to Vim. * If you like you can use [my dotvim][] which is based on the [NeoBundle][]. * Use any [vim colorschemes][] if not the `default` scheme will be used. My personal favourite are [seoul256.vim][] and [Tomorrow-Theme][] - Any valid file types that are supported by Vim will be shown proper color in the output. * By default Vim comes with supported for major languages so you should see the proper syntax with color in the output. * On newer language like [Elixir][], you may have to first install [vim-elixir][] to see the proper syntax in the output. If this is not installed then you will get the output but will not have the beautiful color syntax. ### Sample session - Run with the sample fixture files ```sh vim_printer print -b test/fixtures/inputs -e rb java -r ``` Will produce the file `output.tar.gz` with the following result on the screen. ``` FYI: process file 1 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/demo1.xxx.rb FYI: process file 2 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/demo1.yyy.rb FYI: process file 3 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/demo2.xxx.rb FYI: process file 4 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/demo2.yyy.rb FYI: process file 5 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/java/demo3.xxx.java FYI: process file 6 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/java/demo3.yyy.java FYI: process file 7 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/java/demo4.xxx.java FYI: process file 8 of 8 : test/fixtures/inputs/java/demo4.yyy.java Your output file is output.tar.gz ``` ### Usage - Install the gem for your version of ruby e.g. for rbenv your session will be something like ```sh rbenv local 2.1.1 # or whatever the version of you ruby rbenv rehash gem install vim_printer ``` - Print any files using the gem ```sh vim_printer ``` - Print any files that you like using the simple command The following command will print out all java, and ruby files recursively using the `solarized` colorscheme. ```sh vim_printer print --base-dir ./test/fixtures \ --exts rb \ --theme solarized ``` Your output will be saved to the default `output.tar.gz` in the directory where you run this command. To see the output in your browser just type: ```sh mkdir -p ~/Desktop/vim_printer mv output.tar.gz ~/Desktop/vim_printer cd ~/Desktop/vim_printer tar zxvf output.tar.gz ``` - Print only files that contain the word `xxx` in the title ```sh vim_printer print --base-dir ./test/fixtures \ --exts java \ --theme solarized \ --n xxx ``` - For help in using the gem just type `vim_printer` without any parameter You should see something like the following: ``` Usage: vim_printer print [OPTIONS] Options: -b, [--base-dir=BASE_DIR] # Base directory # Default: . (current directory) -e, [--exts=one two three] # List of extensions to search for -f, [--non-exts=one two three] # List of extensions to search for -n, [--inc-words=one two three] # List of words to be included in the result -x, [--exc-words=one two three] # List of words to be excluded from the result -i, [--ignore-case], [--no-ignore-case] # Match case insensitively # Default: true -r, [--recursive], [--no-recursive] # Search for files recursively # Default: true -t, [--theme=THEME] # Vim colorscheme to use # Default: default -v, [--version], [--no-version] # Display version information Print the list of files ``` ### Development/Testing ```sh git clone https://github.com/agilecreativity/vim_printer.git cd vim_printer bundle # run default test rake ``` ### Known Issues - Will be listed here if any. ### Disclaimers - This is still early release of the gem, I may make several changes to the API. - If you find any issues please let me know. - Pull request is always welcome. ### Changelog #### 0.0.6 - Move the theme option to [vim_printer][] - Use [agile_utils][] versino 0.0.8 - Make location of the 'index.html' to the current run directory #### 0.0.5 - Use [agile_utils][] version 0.0.5 that have the option bug fix #### 0.0.4 - Fix the output path of 'index.html' to root directory to make links valid. - Update [agile_utils][] to '0.0.4' - Code cleanup using rubocop #### 0.0.3 - Use generic functions from [agile_utils][] gem - Update [index_html][] gem to 0.0.7 - Fix the bug in generated 'index.html' due to bug from index_html gem #### 0.0.2 - Add the 'index_html' gem to generate the 'index.html' to the output - Fix the error in documentation (YARD syntax error) #### 0.0.1 - Initial release ### Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Make sure that you add the tests and ensure that all tests are passed 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create new Pull Request [NeoBundle]: https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim [Vim]: https://www.vim.org [my dotvim]: https://github.com/agilecreativity/dotvim [Elixir]: http://elixir-lang.org [vim-elixir]: https://github.com/elixir-lang/vim-elixir [vim colorschemes]: https://github.com/flazz/vim-colorschemes/tree/master/colors [seoul256.vim]: https://github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim [Tomorrow-theme]: https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme [agile_utils]: https://rubygems.org/gems/agile_utils [index_html]: https://rubygems.org/gems/index_html