module Ratatouille # Module used to provide Hash-specific validation methods # # All of the Hash methods perform validation on the *ratifiable_object* defined in # scope of their given block. module HashMethods # Runs validation in block against object for the given key. It is used to # scope its given block to the key value. Useful to reduce the need to # explicitly namespace nested keys in *ratifiable_object*. # # * This method doesn't perform any validation and must be used with a # block to get any use out of it. # * Changes *ratifiable_object* to *key value* (original scope will # return on block exit. # # @param [String, Symbol] key # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Class] :is_a (nil) # Used to ensure that the value of the required key is of the given class. # * Performed before all other validation (if defined). # * Validation will be skipped if option not defined. # @option options [String, Symbol] :name (key.to_s) # Name of ratifiable_object for use with validation error messages. # @option options [Boolean] :required (false) # Ensure that ratifiable_object has the given key def given_key(key, options={}, &block) options[:name] = options.fetch(:name, (Symbol === key ? ":#{key}" : key.to_s) ) parse_options(options) unless @unwrap_block == true # WRAPPED VALIDATION if @required == true unless @ratifiable_object.has_key?(key) validation_error("Missing key #{key.inspect}") return end end end if @ratifiable_object.has_key?(key) unless @unwrap_block == true # WRAPPED VALIDATION unless @is_a.nil? unless @is_a === @ratifiable_object[key] validation_error("key value is not of type #{@is_a}") return end end end if block_given? child_object =[key], options, &block) @errors[key] = child_object.errors unless child_object.valid? end end rescue Exception => e validation_error("#{e.message}") end#given_key # Perform validation on a single key that must be present in the Hash to validate. # Otherwise, an error will be added. # # * Eliminates the need to perform given_key methods within a required_keys block. # * Evaluates an optional block in context of key value (same as given_key) # # @param key Required Key # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Class] :is_a (nil) # Used to ensure that the value of the required key is of the given class. # * Performed before all other validation (if defined). # * Validation will be skipped if option not defined. # @option options [Boolean] :required (true) Used to call given_key. # @return [void] def required_key(key, options={}, &block) options[:required] = true # Pass on processing to given_key with :required => true option given_key(key, options, &block) rescue Exception => e validation_error("#{e.message}") end # Provide a list of keys that must be present in the Hash to validate. # Otherwise, an error will be added. # # * block is optional # # *NOTE:* Due to the addition of the optional hash in 1.3.0, required\_keys has been modified # considerably and will break compatibility with previous versions of Ratatouille code. # # @example pre 1.3.0 vs 1.3.0+ # # Old Way # required_keys(:foo, :bar) { validation_here } # # New Way # required_keys(:key_list => [:foo, :bar]) { validation_here } # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :key_list ([]) Required Keys # @option options [Boolean] :unwrap_block (false) # Perform block validation only -- skip required_keys validation logic. # Useless unless block provided # @return [void] def required_keys(options={}, &block) parse_options(options) unless @unwrap_block == true req_keys = options.fetch(:key_list, []) # Wrapped Validation common_keys = (@ratifiable_object.keys & req_keys) if @ratifiable_object.empty? validation_error("Cannot find required keys") return end if req_keys.nil? || req_keys.empty? validation_error("No required keys given to compare against.") return end unless common_keys.size == req_keys.size (req_keys - common_keys).each do |missed| validation_error("Missing #{missed.inspect}") end return end end instance_eval(&block) if block_given? rescue Exception => e validation_error("#{e.message}") end#required_keys # Provide a list of keys to choose from and a choice size. # When the Hash does not contain at least 'choice_size' keys of the key # list provided, an error will be added. # # *NOTE:* Due to the addition of the optional hash in version 1.3.0, choice\_of has been modified # considerably and will break compatibility with previous versions of Ratatouille code. # # @example pre 1.3.0 vs 1.3.0+ # # Old Way # choice_of(1, :foo, :bar) { validation_here } # # New Way # choice_of(:key_list => [:foo, :bar]) { validation_here } # # # Old Way # choice_of(2, :foo, :bar, :biz) { validation_here } # # New Way # choice_of(:choice_size => 2, :key_list => [:foo, :bar, :biz]) { validation_here } # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Integer] :choice_size (1) Number of choices required # @option options [Array] :key_list ([]) Keys to choose from # @option options [Boolean] :unwrap_block (false) # Perform block validation only -- skip choice_of validation logic. # Useless unless block provided # @return [void] def choice_of(options={}, &block) parse_options(options) unless @unwrap_block == true choice_size = options.fetch(:choice_size, 1) key_list = options.fetch(:key_list, []) # Wrapped Validation if key_list.nil? || key_list.empty? validation_error("choice_of requires a key list to choose from") return end key_list.flatten! # I can work with a non-zero integer or any object that responds case choice_size when Integer unless choice_size > 0 validation_error("choice_of requires a positive integer for choice size") return end else unless choice_size.respond_to?(:to_i) validation_error("choice_of requires an object that responds to :to_i for choice size") return end choice_size = choice_size.to_i end unless choice_size > 0 validation_error("choice size for choice_of must be positive non-zero number") return end unless key_list.size > choice_size validation_error("Key list size for 'choice_of' should be larger than choice size. Consider using required_keys instead.") return end common_keys = (@ratifiable_object.keys & key_list) unless common_keys.size == choice_size choices = key_list.collect{|a| case a when Symbol then ":#{a}" when String then "#{a}" end } validation_error("Require #{choice_size} of the following: #{choices.join(', ')}") return end end instance_eval(&block) if block_given? rescue Exception => e validation_error("#{e.message}") end#choice_of end#HashMethods end