# toc.html
## Usage
{% include toc.html html=content %}
## Parameters
Except `html`, all other parameters are optional.
| Param | Type | Default | |
| :------ | :----- | :---------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| html | string | | html of markdown generated by kramdown in Jekyll |
| min | int | 2 | min header level value in toc |
| max | int | 3 | max header level value in toc |
| ordered | bool | false | true => `
false => `` |
| id | string | "toc" | id name for toc element |
| class | string | "toc" | class name for toc element |
| a | string | "toc-a" | class name for each anchor element |
| li | string | "toc-li-%level%" | class name for each list item
`%level%` => current heading level |
| sub | string | "toc-sub-%level%" | class name for each child group of list
`%level%` => current heading level |
| base | string | "" | base url to the toc links |
> If your TOC is on another page than the actual content, parameter `base` is useful.
## Thanks
This `toc.html` is modified from [@allejo](https://github.com/allejo)'s project.
@see https://github.com/allejo/jekyll-toc/blob/master/_includes/toc.html
## License