// VARIABLES // ============================= // Fonts $font-family-paragraph: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; $font-family-headings: 'Roboto', sans-serif; $font-family-power: 'Libre Franklin', sans-serif; $font-family-kcc: 'Eurostile', sans-serif; $font-family-oswald: 'Oswald', sans-serif; $font-family-icons: 'Material Icons'; $font-size-base: 1rem; $font-weight-light: 300; $font-weight-regular: 400; $font-weight-boldish: 500; $font-weight-bolder: 600; $font-weight-bold: 700; $font-weight-black: 900; //Image path for most of global style sheet $imagedir:'/assets/img/'; // Colors //KCC colors $primary-blue: #0f3b63; // Primary red-color $primary-red: #c61f48; // Primary blue-color $accent-blue: #005bac; // Accent blue-color used in all links and link buttons; $black: #000; $grey-1: #666; $grey-2: #e5e8ed; $grey-3: #f1f2f7; // Background color for slick tracks $grey-4: #f8f9fa; // Background color for footer (and Bootstrap 4 light navbar) $grey-5: #b1b1b1; // Border-bottom for local-nav navigation bar $grey-6: #58585b; $grey-7: #868686; $white: #fff; $landing-bg: $grey-2; // Landing page's background-color $default-bg: $white; // Background color for non-landing pages $footer-bg: $white; // Footer's background color $grey-heading: $grey-1; // Grey headings used within page content $fa-color: $primary-red; $slide-bg: $white; // Background color for the upcoming games slick slides $sub-nav-heading: $white; // Font color for h1.page-heading heading of sub-nav $nav-link: $white; // Color for nav-link-main links in mega-nav $btn-primary-bg: #0051a7; $btn-primary-border: #003773; $btn-hover-bg: #022b55; $btn-hover-border: #021e3d; $darker-link: #006ce0; $orange-heading: #f99e1b; // Ensure no horizontal scrolling html, body { overflow-x: hidden; }