require 'test_helper' class HypermediaTest < MiniTest::Spec describe "inheritance" do before do module BaseRepresenter include Roar::Representer::JSON include Roar::Representer::Feature::Hypermedia link(:base) { "http://base" } end module Bar include Roar::Representer::JSON include Roar::Representer::Feature::Hypermedia link(:bar) { "http://bar" } end module Foo include Roar::Representer::JSON include Roar::Representer::Feature::Hypermedia include BaseRepresenter include Bar link(:foo) { "http://foo" } end end it "inherits parent links" do foo = assert_equal "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"base\",\"href\":\"http://base\"},{\"rel\":\"bar\",\"href\":\"http://bar\"},{\"rel\":\"foo\",\"href\":\"http://foo\"}]}", foo.to_json end it "inherits links from all mixed-in representers" do skip "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"base\",\"href\":\"http://base\"},{\"rel\":\"bar\",\"href\":\"http://bar\"}]}" end end describe "#links_array" do subject { } representer_for do link(:self) { "//self" } end describe "#to_json" do it "renders" do subject.to_json.must_equal "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"self\",\"href\":\"//self\"}]}" end end describe "#from_json" do it "parses" do subject.from_json "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"self\",\"href\":\"//self\"}]}" subject.links.must_equal({"self" => link(:rel => :self, :href => "//self")}) end end describe "#link" do describe "with any options" do representer_for do link(:rel => :self, :title => "Hey, @myabc") { "//self" } end it "renders options" do subject.to_json.must_equal "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"self\",\"title\":\"Hey, @myabc\",\"href\":\"//self\"}]}" end end describe "with string rel" do representer_for do link("ns:self") { "//self" } end it "renders rel" do subject.to_json.must_equal "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"ns:self\",\"href\":\"//self\"}]}" end end describe "passing options to serialize" do representer_for do link(:self) { |opts| "//self/#{opts[:id]}" } end it "receives options when rendering" do subject.to_json(:id => 1).must_equal "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"self\",\"href\":\"//self/1\"}]}" end describe "in a composition" do representer_for do property :entity, :extend => self link(:self) { |opts| "//self/#{opts[:id]}" } end it "propagates options" do => => 1).must_equal "{\"entity\":{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"self\",\"href\":\"//self/1\"}]},\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"self\",\"href\":\"//self/1\"}]}" end end end describe "returning option hash from block" do representer_for do link(:self) do {:href => "//self", :type => "image/jpg"} end end it "is rendered as link attributes" do subject.to_json.must_equal "{\"links\":[{\"rel\":\"self\",\"href\":\"//self\",\"type\":\"image/jpg\"}]}" end end describe "not calling #link" do representer_for {} it "still allows rendering" do subject.to_json.must_equal "{}" end end end # private tests: it "returns array of links for rendering" do subject.send :prepare_links! subject.links_array.must_equal [link(:rel => :self, :href => "//self")] end it "#links_array maps array to LinkCollection hash" do subject.links_array= [link(:rel => :self, :href => "//self")] subject.links.must_equal({"self" => link(:rel => :self, :href => "//self")}) end end end class HyperlinkTest < MiniTest::Spec describe "Hyperlink" do subject { link(:rel => "self", "href" => "http://self", "data-whatever" => "Hey, @myabc") } it "accepts string keys in constructor" do assert_equal "Hey, @myabc", subject.send("data-whatever") end it "responds to #rel" do assert_equal "self", subject.rel end it "responds to #href" do assert_equal "http://self", subject.href end it "responds to #replace with string keys" do subject.replace("rel" => "next") assert_equal nil, subject.href assert_equal "next", subject.rel end it "responds to #each and implements Enumerable" do assert_equal ["rel:self", "href:http://self", "data-whatever:Hey, @myabc"], subject.collect { |k,v| "#{k}:#{v}" } end end describe "Config inheritance" do # TODO: this section will soon be moved to uber. describe "inheritance when including" do # TODO: test all the below issues AND if cloning works. module TestMethods def representer_for(modules=[Roar::Representer::Feature::Hypermedia, Representable], &block) do extend TestMethods include *modules module_exec(&block) end end end include TestMethods it "inherits to uninitialized child" do representer_for do # child include(representer_for do # parent representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links) << "bar" end) end.representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links).must_equal(["bar"]) end it "works with uninitialized parent" do representer_for do # child representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links) << "bar" include(representer_for do # parent end) end.representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links).must_equal(["bar"]) end it "inherits when both are initialized" do representer_for do # child representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links) << "bar" include(representer_for do # parent representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links) << "stadium" end) end.representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links).must_equal(["bar", "stadium"]) end it "clones parent inheritables" do # FIXME: actually we don't clone here! representer_for do # child representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links) << "bar" include(parent = representer_for do # parent representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links) << "stadium" end) parent.representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links) << "park" # modify parent array. end.representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links).must_equal(["bar", "stadium"]) end it "doesn't mess up with inheritable_array" do # FIXME: remove this test when uber is out. do include Roar::Representer::JSON include( do include Roar::Representer::JSON include Roar::Representer::Feature::Hypermedia property :bla link( :self) {"bo"} #puts "hey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" #puts representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links).inspect end) #puts representable_attrs.inheritable_array(:links).inspect property :blow include Roar::Representer::Feature::Hypermedia link(:bla) { "boo" } end).to_hash.must_equal({"links"=>[{:rel=>:self, :href=>"bo"}, {:rel=>:bla, :href=>"boo"}]}) end end end end