#include "d_heap.h"
ID id_cmp; // <=>
ID id_ivar_values;
ID id_ivar_scores;
ID id_ivar_d;
#define Get_DHeap(hobj, hstruct) ((hstruct) = get_dheap_struct(hobj))
#define DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap) (DHEAP_SIZE(heap) - 1)
#define DHEAP_IDX_PARENT(heap, idx) ((idx - 1) / heap->d)
#define DHEAP_IDX_CHILD0(heap, idx) ((idx * heap->d) + 1)
#define DHEAP_SIZE(heap) (RARRAY_LEN((heap)->scores))
#define DHEAP_VALUE(heap, idx) RARRAY_AREF((heap)->values, idx)
#define DHEAP_SCORE(heap, idx) RARRAY_AREF((heap)->scores, idx)
#define DHEAP_ASSIGN(heap, idx, scr, val) \
rb_ary_store(heap->scores, idx, scr); \
rb_ary_store(heap->values, idx, val);
#define DHEAP_APPEND(heap, scr, val) \
rb_ary_push((heap)->scores, scr); \
rb_ary_push((heap)->values, val);
#define DHEAP_DROP_LAST(heap) ( \
rb_ary_pop(heap->scores), \
rb_ary_pop(heap->values) \
) // score, value
#define DHEAP_Check_d_size(d) \
if (d < 2) { \
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "DHeap d=%d is too small", d); \
} \
if (d > DHEAP_MAX_D) { \
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "DHeap d=%d is too large", d); \
#define DHEAP_Check_Index(index, last_index) \
if (index < 0) { \
rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "DHeap index %ld too small", index); \
} \
else if (last_index < index) { \
rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "DHeap index %ld too large", index); \
struct dheap_struct {
int d;
VALUE scores;
VALUE values;
typedef struct dheap_struct dheap_t;
static void
dheap_compact(void *ptr)
dheap_t *heap = ptr;
if (heap->scores) dheap_gc_location( heap->scores );
if (heap->values) dheap_gc_location( heap->values );
static void
dheap_mark(void *ptr)
dheap_t *heap = ptr;
if (heap->scores) rb_gc_mark_movable(heap->scores);
if (heap->values) rb_gc_mark_movable(heap->values);
static size_t
dheap_memsize(const void *ptr)
const dheap_t *heap = ptr;
size_t size = sizeof(*heap);
return size;
static const rb_data_type_t dheap_data_type = {
(void (*)(void*))dheap_mark,
(void (*)(void*))RUBY_DEFAULT_FREE,
(size_t (*)(const void *))dheap_memsize,
0, 0,
static VALUE
dheap_s_alloc(VALUE klass)
VALUE obj;
dheap_t *heap;
obj = TypedData_Make_Struct(klass, dheap_t, &dheap_data_type, heap);
heap->d = DHEAP_DEFAULT_D;
heap->scores = Qnil;
heap->values = Qnil;
return obj;
static inline dheap_t *
get_dheap_struct(VALUE self)
dheap_t *heap;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, dheap_t, &dheap_data_type, heap);
Check_Type(heap->scores, T_ARRAY);
return heap;
* @overload initialize(d = DHeap::DEFAULT_D)
* Initialize a _d_-ary min-heap.
* @param d [Integer] maximum number of children per parent
static VALUE
dheap_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 1);
dheap_t *heap;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, dheap_t, &dheap_data_type, heap);
if (argc) {
d = NUM2INT(argv[0]);
heap->d = d;
heap->scores = rb_ary_new_capa(10000);
heap->values = rb_ary_new_capa(10000);
return self;
static inline VALUE
make_dheap_element(VALUE score, VALUE value)
elem_t *elem;
VALUE obj = TypedData_Make_Struct(
elem->score = score;
elem->value = value;
return obj;
#define IsDHeapElem(value) rb_typeddata_is_kind_of((value), &dheap_elem_type)
#define Get_DHeap_Elem(value) \
TypedData_Get_Struct((obj), elem_t, &dheap_elem_type, (elem))
static inline elem_t *
get_dheap_element(VALUE obj)
elem_t *elem;
TypedData_Get_Struct((obj), elem_t, &dheap_elem_type, (elem));
return elem;
#define CMP_LT(a, b) (optimized_cmp(a, b) < 0)
#define CMP_LTE(a, b) (optimized_cmp(a, b) <= 0)
#define CMP_GT(a, b) (optimized_cmp(a, b) > 0)
#define CMP_GTE(a, b) (optimized_cmp(a, b) >= 0)
* short-circuit evaluation for a few basic types.
* Only Integer, Float, and String are optimized,
* and only when both arguments are the same type.
static inline int
optimized_cmp(VALUE a, VALUE b) {
if (a == b) // Fixnum equality and object equality
return 0;
if (FIXNUM_P(a) && FIXNUM_P(b))
return (FIX2LONG(a) < FIX2LONG(b)) ? -1 : 1;
double x, y;
if (isnan(x) || isnan(y)) rb_cmperr(a, b); // raise ArgumentError
return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x == y) ? 0 : 1);
return FIX2INT(rb_big_cmp(a, b));
if (STRING_P(a) && STRING_P(b))
return rb_str_cmp(a, b);
// give up on an optimized version and just call (a <=> b)
return rb_cmpint(rb_funcallv(a, id_cmp, 1, &b), a, b);
dheap_ary_sift_up(dheap_t *heap, long sift_index) {
long last_index = DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap);
DHEAP_Check_Index(sift_index, last_index);
VALUE sift_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, sift_index);
VALUE sift_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, sift_index);
// sift it up to where it belongs
for (long parent_index; 0 < sift_index; sift_index = parent_index) {
debug(rb_sprintf("sift up(%"PRIsVALUE", %d, %ld)", heap->values, heap->d, sift_index));
parent_index = DHEAP_IDX_PARENT(heap, sift_index);
VALUE parent_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, parent_index);
// parent is smaller: heap is restored
if (CMP_LTE(parent_score, sift_score)) break;
// parent is larger: swap and continue sifting up
VALUE parent_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, parent_index);
DHEAP_ASSIGN(heap, sift_index, parent_score, parent_value);
DHEAP_ASSIGN(heap, parent_index, sift_score, sift_value);
debug(rb_sprintf("sifted (%"PRIsVALUE", %d, %ld)", heap->values, heap->d, sift_index));
return LONG2NUM(sift_index);
dheap_ary_sift_down(dheap_t *heap, long sift_index) {
long last_index = DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap);
DHEAP_Check_Index(sift_index, last_index);
VALUE sift_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, sift_index);
VALUE sift_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, sift_index);
// iteratively sift it down to where it belongs
for (long child_index; sift_index < last_index; sift_index = child_index) {
debug(rb_sprintf("sift dn(%"PRIsVALUE", %d, %ld)", heap->values, heap->d, sift_index));
// find first child index, and break if we've reached the last layer
long child_idx0 = child_index = DHEAP_IDX_CHILD0(heap, sift_index);
if (last_index < child_idx0) break;
// find the min child (and its child_index)
// requires "d" comparisons to find min child and compare to sift_score
long last_sibidx = child_idx0 + heap->d - 1;
if (last_index < last_sibidx) last_sibidx = last_index;
VALUE child_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, child_idx0);
child_index = child_idx0;
for (long sibling_index = child_idx0 + 1;
sibling_index <= last_sibidx;
++sibling_index) {
VALUE sibling_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, sibling_index);
if (CMP_LT(sibling_score, child_score)) {
child_score = sibling_score;
child_index = sibling_index;
// child is larger: heap is restored
if (CMP_LTE(sift_score, child_score)) break;
// child is smaller: swap and continue sifting down
VALUE child_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, child_index);
DHEAP_ASSIGN(heap, sift_index, child_score, child_value);
DHEAP_ASSIGN(heap, child_index, sift_score, sift_value);
debug(rb_sprintf("sifted (%"PRIsVALUE", %d, %ld)", heap->values, heap->d, sift_index));
return LONG2NUM(sift_index);
* @return [Integer] the number of elements in the heap
static VALUE
dheap_size(VALUE self)
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
long size = DHEAP_SIZE(heap);
return LONG2NUM(size);
* @return [Boolean] is the heap empty?
static VALUE
dheap_empty_p(VALUE self)
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
long size = DHEAP_SIZE(heap);
return size == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
* @return [Integer] the maximum number of children per parent
static VALUE
dheap_attr_d(VALUE self)
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
return INT2FIX(heap->d);
* Freezes the heap as well as its underlying array, but does not
* deep-freeze the elements in the heap.
* @return [self]
static VALUE
dheap_freeze(VALUE self) {
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
ID id_freeze = rb_intern("freeze");
rb_funcall(heap->scores, id_freeze, 0);
rb_funcall(heap->values, id_freeze, 0);
return rb_call_super(0, NULL);
* @overload push(score, value = score)
* Push a value onto heap, using a score to determine sort-order.
* Ideally, the score should be a frozen value that can be efficiently compared
* to other scores, e.g. an Integer or Float or (maybe) a String
* Time complexity: O(log n / log d) (worst-case)
* @param score [#<=>] a value that can be compared to other scores.
* @param value [Object] an object that is associated with the score.
* @return [Integer] the index of the value's final position.
static VALUE
dheap_push(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
rb_check_arity(argc, 1, 2);
VALUE scr = argv[0];
VALUE val = argc < 2 ? scr : argv[1];
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
DHEAP_APPEND(heap, scr, val);
long last_index = DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap);
return dheap_ary_sift_up(heap, last_index);
* Pushes a comparable value onto the heap.
* The value will be its own score.
* Time complexity: O(log n / log d) (worst-case)
* @param value [#<=>] a value that can be compared to other heap members.
* @return [self]
static VALUE
dheap_left_shift(VALUE self, VALUE value) {
dheap_push(1, &value, self);
return self;
dheap_t hstruct; \
Get_DHeap(self, hstruct); \
VALUE values = hstruct.values; \
VALUE scores = hstruct.scores; \
VALUE dval = INT2FIX(hstruct.d); \
static inline void
dheap_pop_swap_last_and_sift_down(dheap_t *heap, long last_index)
if (last_index == 0) {
VALUE sift_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, last_index);
VALUE sift_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, last_index);
DHEAP_ASSIGN(heap, 0, sift_score, sift_value);
dheap_ary_sift_down(heap, 0);
* Returns the next value on the heap to be popped without popping it.
* Time complexity: O(1) (worst-case)
* @return [Object] the next value to be popped without popping it.
static VALUE
dheap_peek(VALUE self) {
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
if (DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap) < 0) return Qnil;
return DHEAP_VALUE(heap, 0);
* Pops the minimum value from the top of the heap
* Time complexity: O(d log n / log d) (worst-case)
static VALUE
dheap_pop(VALUE self) {
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
long last_index = DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap);
if (last_index < 0) return Qnil;
VALUE pop_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, 0);
dheap_pop_swap_last_and_sift_down(heap, last_index);
return pop_value;
* Pops the minimum value only if it is less than or equal to a max score.
* @param max_score [#<=>] the maximum score to be popped
* @see #pop
static VALUE
dheap_pop_lte(VALUE self, VALUE max_score) {
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
long last_index = DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap);
if (last_index < 0) return Qnil;
VALUE pop_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, 0);
VALUE pop_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, 0);
if (max_score && !CMP_LTE(pop_score, max_score)) return Qnil;
dheap_pop_swap_last_and_sift_down(heap, last_index);
return pop_value;
* Pops the minimum value only if it is less than a max score.
* @param max_score [#<=>] the maximum score to be popped
* Time complexity: O(d log n / log d) (worst-case)
static VALUE
dheap_pop_lt(VALUE self, VALUE max_score) {
dheap_t *heap = get_dheap_struct(self);
long last_index = DHEAP_IDX_LAST(heap);
if (last_index < 0) return Qnil;
VALUE pop_value = DHEAP_VALUE(heap, 0);
VALUE pop_score = DHEAP_SCORE(heap, 0);
if (max_score && !CMP_LT(pop_score, max_score)) return Qnil;
dheap_pop_swap_last_and_sift_down(heap, last_index);
return pop_value;
id_cmp = rb_intern_const("<=>");
id_ivar_values = rb_intern_const("values");
id_ivar_scores = rb_intern_const("scores");
id_ivar_d = rb_intern_const("d");
rb_cDHeap = rb_define_class("DHeap", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(rb_cDHeap, dheap_s_alloc);
rb_define_const(rb_cDHeap, "MAX_D", INT2NUM(DHEAP_MAX_D));
rb_define_const(rb_cDHeap, "DEFAULT_D", INT2NUM(DHEAP_DEFAULT_D));
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "initialize", dheap_initialize, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "d", dheap_attr_d, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "freeze", dheap_freeze, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "size", dheap_size, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "empty?", dheap_empty_p, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "peek", dheap_peek, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "push", dheap_push, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "<<", dheap_left_shift, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "pop", dheap_pop, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "pop_lt", dheap_pop_lt, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_cDHeap, "pop_lte", dheap_pop_lte, 1);