shared_examples_for "ActiveAdmin::Config" do describe "namespace" do it "should return the namespace" do config.namespace.should == namespace end end describe "page_presenters" do it "should return an empty hash by default" do config.page_presenters.should == {} end end it { respond_to :controller_name } it { respond_to :controller } it { respond_to :route_prefix } it { respond_to :route_collection_path } it { respond_to :comments? } it { respond_to :belongs_to? } it { respond_to :action_items? } it { respond_to :sidebar_sections? } describe "Naming" do it "implements #resource_label" do expect { config.resource_label }.should_not raise_error end it "implements #plural_resource_label" do expect { config.plural_resource_label }.should_not raise_error end end describe "Menu" do describe "menu item" do it "initializes a new menu item with defaults" do config.menu_item.label.should == config.plural_resource_label end it "initialize a new menu item with custom options" do :label => "Hello" config.menu_item.label.should == "Hello" end it "initialize a new menu item with label as Proc object" do :label => proc { "Hello" } config.menu_item.label.should == "Hello" end end describe "#include_in_menu?" do it "should be included in menu by default" do config.include_in_menu?.should == true end it "should not be included in menu when menu set to false" do false config.include_in_menu?.should == false end end describe "parent menu item name" do it "should be nil when not set" do config.parent_menu_item_name.should == nil end it "should return the name if set" do :parent => "Blog" config.parent_menu_item_name.should == "Blog" end it "initialize a new parent menu item with label as Proc object" do :parent => proc{ "Blog" } config.parent_menu_item_name.should == "Blog" end end end end