# frozen_string_literal: true module Discorb # # Represents a Discord audit log. # class AuditLog < DiscordModel # @return [Array] The webhooks in this audit log. attr_reader :webhooks # @return [Array] The users in this audit log. attr_reader :users # @return [Array] The threads in this audit log. attr_reader :threads # @return [Array] The entries in this audit log. attr_reader :entries # # Initializes a new instance of the AuditLog class. # @private # def initialize(client, data, guild) @client = client @guild = guild @webhooks = data[:webhooks].map { |webhook| Webhook.new([@client, webhook]) } @users = data[:users].map { |user| client.users[user[:id]] || User.new(@client, user) } @threads = data[:threads].map { |thread| client.channels[thread[:id]] || Channel.make_channel(@client, thread, no_cache: true) } @entries = data[:audit_log_entries].map { |entry| AuditLog::Entry.new(@client, entry, guild.id) } end def inspect "<#{self.class} #{@entries.length} entries>" end # # Gets an entry from entries. # # @param [Integer] index The index of the entry. # # @return [Discorb::AuditLog::Entry] The entry. # @return [nil] If the index is out of range. # def [](index) @entries[index] end # # Represents an entry in an audit log. # class Entry < DiscordModel # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the entry. attr_reader :id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the user who performed the action. attr_reader :user_id # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the target of the action. attr_reader :target_id # @return [Symbol] The type of the entry. # These symbols will be used: # # * `:guild_update` # * `:channel_create` # * `:channel_update` # * `:channel_delete` # * `:channel_overwrite_create` # * `:channel_overwrite_update` # * `:channel_overwrite_delete` # * `:member_kick` # * `:member_prune` # * `:member_ban_add` # * `:member_ban_remove` # * `:member_update` # * `:member_role_update` # * `:member_move` # * `:member_disconnect` # * `:bot_add` # * `:role_create` # * `:role_update` # * `:role_delete` # * `:invite_create` # * `:invite_update` # * `:invite_delete` # * `:webhook_create` # * `:webhook_update` # * `:webhook_delete` # * `:emoji_create` # * `:emoji_update` # * `:emoji_delete` # * `:message_delete` # * `:message_bulk_delete` # * `:message_pin` # * `:message_unpin` # * `:integration_create` # * `:integration_update` # * `:integration_delete` # * `:stage_instance_create` # * `:stage_instance_update` # * `:stage_instance_delete` # * `:sticker_create` # * `:sticker_update` # * `:sticker_delete` # * `:guild_scheduled_event_create` # * `:guild_scheduled_event_update` # * `:guild_scheduled_event_delete` # * `:thread_create` # * `:thread_update` # * `:thread_delete` attr_reader :type # @return [Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Changes] The changes in this entry. attr_reader :changes # @return [Discorb::Channel, Discorb::Role, Discorb::Member, Discorb::Guild, Discorb::Message] The target of the entry. attr_reader :target # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] The optional data for this entry. # @note You can use dot notation to access the data. attr_reader :options # @!attribute [r] user # @return [Discorb::User] The user who performed the action. # # @return [{Integer => Symbol}] The map of events to their respective changes. # @private # EVENTS = { 1 => :guild_update, 10 => :channel_create, 11 => :channel_update, 12 => :channel_delete, 13 => :channel_overwrite_create, 14 => :channel_overwrite_update, 15 => :channel_overwrite_delete, 20 => :member_kick, 21 => :member_prune, 22 => :member_ban_add, 23 => :member_ban_remove, 24 => :member_update, 25 => :member_role_update, 26 => :member_move, 27 => :member_disconnect, 28 => :bot_add, 30 => :role_create, 31 => :role_update, 32 => :role_delete, 40 => :invite_create, 41 => :invite_update, 42 => :invite_delete, 50 => :webhook_create, 51 => :webhook_update, 52 => :webhook_delete, 60 => :emoji_create, 61 => :emoji_update, 62 => :emoji_delete, 72 => :message_delete, 73 => :message_bulk_delete, 74 => :message_pin, 75 => :message_unpin, 80 => :integration_create, 81 => :integration_update, 82 => :integration_delete, 83 => :stage_instance_create, 84 => :stage_instance_update, 85 => :stage_instance_delete, 90 => :sticker_create, 91 => :sticker_update, 92 => :sticker_delete, 100 => :guild_scheduled_event_create, 101 => :guild_scheduled_event_update, 102 => :guild_scheduled_event_delete, 110 => :thread_create, 111 => :thread_update, 112 => :thread_delete, }.freeze # # The converter for the change. # @private # CONVERTERS = { channel: ->(client, id, _guild_id) { client.channels[id] }, thread: ->(client, id, _guild_id) { client.channels[id] }, role: ->(client, id, guild_id) { client.guilds[guild_id]&.roles&.[](id) }, member: ->(client, id, guild_id) { client.guilds[guild_id]&.members&.[](id) }, guild: ->(client, id, _guild_id) { client.guilds[id] }, message: ->(client, id, _guild_id) { client.messages[id] }, }.freeze # # Initializes a new AuditLog entry. # @private # def initialize(client, data, guild_id) @client = client @guild_id = Snowflake.new(guild_id) @id = Snowflake.new(data[:id]) @user_id = Snowflake.new(data[:user_id]) @target_id = Snowflake.new(data[:target_id]) @type = EVENTS[data[:action_type]] @target = self.class.converts[@type.to_s.split("_")[0].to_sym]&.call(client, @target_id, @gui) @target ||= Snowflake.new(data[:target_id]) @changes = data[:changes] && Changes.new(data[:changes]) @reason = data[:reason] data[:options]&.each do |option, value| define_singleton_method(option) { value } if option.end_with?("_id") define_singleton_method(option.to_s.sub("_id", "")) do self.class.converts[option.to_s.split("_")[0].to_sym]&.call(client, value, @guild_id) end end end @options = data[:options] || {} end def user @client.users[@user_id] end # # Get a change with the given key. # # @param [Symbol] key The key to get. # # @return [Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Change] The change with the given key. # @return [nil] The change with the given key does not exist. # def [](key) @changes[key] end def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{@changes&.data&.length || "No"} changes>" end class << self attr_reader :events, :converts end # # Represents the changes in an audit log entry. # class Changes < DiscordModel attr_reader :data # # Initializes a new changes object. # @private # # @param [Hash] data The data to initialize with. # def initialize(data) @data = data.to_h { |d| [d[:key].to_sym, d] } @data.each do |k, v| define_singleton_method(k) { Change.new(v) } end end # # Formats the changes into a string. # def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{@data.length} changes>" end # # Get keys of changes. # # @return [Array] The keys of the changes. # def keys @data.keys end # # Get a change with the given key. # # @param [Symbol] key The key to get. # # @return [Discorb::AuditLog::Entry::Change] The change with the given key. # @return [nil] The change with the given key does not exist. # def [](key) @data[key.to_sym] end end # # Represents a change in an audit log entry. # @note This instance will try to call a method of {#new_value} if the method wasn't defined. # class Change < DiscordModel # @return [Symbol] The key of the change. attr_reader :key # @return [Object] The old value of the change. attr_reader :old_value # @return [Object] The new value of the change. attr_reader :new_value # # Initializes a new change object. # @private # def initialize(data) @key = data[:key].to_sym method = case @key.to_s when /.*_id$/, "id" ->(v) { Snowflake.new(v) } when "permissions" ->(v) { Discorb::Permission.new(v.to_i) } when "status" ->(v) { Discorb::ScheduledEvent.status[v] } when "entity_type" ->(v) { Discorb::ScheduledEvent.entity_type[v] } when "privacy_level" ->(v) { Discorb::StageInstance.privacy_level[v] || Discorb::ScheduledEvent.privacy_level[v] } else ->(v) { v } end @old_value = method.call(data[:old_value]) @new_value = method.call(data[:new_value]) end # # Send a message to the new value. # def method_missing(method, ...) @new_value.__send__(method, ...) end # # Format the change into a string. # # @return [String] The string representation of the change. # def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{@key.inspect} #{@old_value.inspect} -> #{@new_value.inspect}>" end # # Whether the change responds to the given method. # # @return [Boolean] Whether the change responds to the given method. # def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) @new_value.respond_to?(method, include_private) end end end # # Represents an integration in an audit log entry. # class Integration < DiscordModel # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the integration. attr_reader :id # @return [Symbol] The type of the integration. attr_reader :type # @return [String] The name of the integration. attr_reader :name # @return [Discorb::Integration::Account] The account of the integration. attr_reader :account # # Initializes a new integration object. # @private # def initialize(data) @id = Snowflake.new(data[:id]) @type = data[:type].to_sym @name = data[:name] @data = data @account = Discorb::Integration::Account.new(@data[:account]) if @data[:account] end def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{@id}>" end end end end