#### Mac Install [Xamarin Studio](http://xamarin.com/download). While Xamarin is most known for creating iOS and Android applications, it's still a perfect IDE to create F# console or library projects which is all that's needed for Exercism. Once installed and running, you can validate the installation by starting Xamarin creating a new solution. On the left hand side select .NET, and on the right hand side select Library. Library should have a little button-shapped drop down box to it's right that says C#. Click it and you'll see you can also choose F#. Xamarin New Projct #### Linux The [F# Foundation](http://fsharp.org/) has detailed instructions on different options to install F# on [Linux](http://fsharp.org/use/linux/). #### In Browser You can also create and share F# scripts in your browser at [Try F#](http://www.tryfsharp.org/Create). Silverlight plugin is required. Can also try it out at [.NET Fiddle](https://dotnetfiddle.net/) which has the option of letting you bring in [NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/) packages. #### Windows Install [Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop](http://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs#d-express-windows-desktop). Install the [F# tools for Visual Studio](http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=41654). You can either start by creating your own project for working with the Exercism problems or if you have a **paid version** of Visual Studio you can download a Visual Studio solution that is already set up to work on the problems in as many languages as Visual Studio supports. ![Solution Explorer](/img/setup/visualstudio/SolutionExplorer.png) The following instructions are for using the Visual Studio template with a **paid version** of Visual Studio. By default, Visual Studio does not allow you to organize F# files by folder. This is a problem because Exercism fetches the exercises to sub-folders. To get around this, install the Visual [F# Power Tools extension](http://fsprojects.github.io/VisualFSharpPowerTools/) which enables folder organization and makes writing F# code much easier in Visual Studio. 1. Download the [Exercism.io Visual Studio Template](https://github.com/rprouse/Exercism.VisualStudio) from GitHub by clicking the Download Zip button on the page. 2. Unzip the template into your exercises directory, for example `C:\src\exercises` 2. Install the [Exercism CLI](http://exercism.io/cli) 3. Open a command prompt to your exercise directory 4. Add your API key to exercism `exercism configure --key=YOUR_API_KEY` 5. Configure your source directory in exercism `exercism configure --dir=C:\src\exercises` 6. [Fetch your first exercise](http://exercism.io/how-it-works/newbie) `exercism fetch fsharp` 7. Open the Exercism solution in Visual Studio 8. Expand the Exercism.FSharp project 9. Right click on the project and select **F# Power Tools | New Folder**. Enter the name for the **existing** exercise folder. 10. Right click on the folder and select **Add | Existing item...** and select the problem files in the folder. 11. Get coding... The NUnit NuGet package is included in the project, so you will not need to install it. Install the [NUnit Visual Studio Test Adapter](https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/6ab922d0-21c0-4f06-ab5f-4ecd1fe7175d). This will allow you to run the tests from within Visual Studio. If you have ReSharper installed, you can also [run the tests using ReSharper](https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/features/unit_testing.html). ![Test Explorer](/img/setup/visualstudio/TestExplorer.png) You can also run the tests from the command line by installing [NUnit 3.0.x](http://www.nunit.org/). See the instructions for C#.