require 'erb' module Voom module Presenters module WebClient # This class renders a given component. # First it looks for plugins that override default behavior # If they don't exist then it renders the base components class ComponentRenderer extend Pluggable include_plugins(:WebClientComponents) def initialize(comp, render:, components:, index:, scope: nil) @comp = comp @index = index @components = components @scope = scope @render = render initialize_plugins end def render comp = components = { |c| } return public_send(:"render_#{@scope ? "_#{@scope}_" : nil}#{@comp.type}", comp, components: components, index: @index, render: @render) if respond_to?(:"render_#{@comp.type}") :erb, :"components#{@scope ? "/#{@scope}" : nil}/#{@comp.type}", :locals => {comp: comp, components: components, index: @index} end private def initialize_plugins self.class.include_plugins(:WebClientComponents, plugins: @comp.send(:_plugins_)) end end end end end