include_recipe "pivotal_server::daemontools" include_recipe "pivotal_server::libxml_prereqs" src_dir = "/usr/local/src/postgres" install_dir = "/usr/local/pgsql" # mysql_root_password = "password" # mysql_user_name = "app_user" # mysql_user_password = "password" # { # "cmake" => "2.6.4-5.el5.2", # "bison" => "2.3-2.1", # "ncurses-devel" => "5.5-24.20060715" # }.each do |package_name, version_string| # package package_name do # action :install # version version_string # end # end user "postgres" run_unless_marker_file_exists("postgres_9_0_4") do execute "download postgres src" do command "mkdir -p #{src_dir} && curl -Lsf | tar xvj -C#{src_dir} --strip 1" end execute "config" do command "./configure --disable-debug --enable-thread-safety --with-gssapi --with-krb5 --with-openssl --with-libxml --with-libxslt --with-perl --bindir=/usr/local/bin" cwd src_dir end execute "make" do command "make" cwd src_dir end execute "make install" do command "make install" cwd src_dir end directory "#{install_dir}/data/" do owner "postgres" end execute "init db" do command "initdb -E UTF8 #{install_dir}/data/" user "postgres" end end execute "create daemontools directory" do command "mkdir -p /service/postgres" end template "/service/postgres/run" do source "postgres-run-script.erb" mode 0755 end file "/etc/" do content "/usr/local/pgsql/lib" end execute "add postgres to ldconf" do command "/sbin/ldconfig" end ruby_block "wait for postgres to come up" do block do Timeout::timeout(60) do until system("ls /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432") sleep 1 end end end end