module Flexirest module Validation module ClassMethods def validates(field_name, options={}, &block) @_validations ||= [] @_validations << {field_name:field_name, options:options, block:block} end def _validations @_validations ||= [] @_validations end end def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end def valid? @errors = {|h,k| h[k] = []} self.class._validations.each do |validation| value = self.send(validation[:field_name]) validation[:options].each do |type, options| if type == :presence if value.nil? @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be present" elsif value.blank? @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be present" end elsif type == :existence if value.nil? @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be not be nil" end elsif type == :length if options[:within] @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be within range #{options[:within]}" unless options[:within].include?(value.to_s.length ) end if options[:minimum] @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be at least #{options[:minimum]} characters long" unless value.to_s.length >= options[:minimum] end if options[:maximum] @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be no more than #{options[:minimum]} characters long" unless value.to_s.length <= options[:maximum] end elsif type == :numericality numeric = (true if Float(value) rescue false) if !numeric @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be numeric" else if options.is_a?(Hash) if options[:minimum] @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be at least #{options[:minimum]}" unless value.to_f >= options[:minimum] end if options[:maximum] @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be no more than #{options[:minimum]}" unless value.to_f <= options[:maximum] end end end elsif type == :minimum && !value.nil? @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be at least #{options}" unless value.to_f >= options.to_f elsif type == :maximum && !value.nil? @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be no more than #{options}" unless value.to_f <= options.to_f elsif type == :inclusion @errors[validation[:field_name]] << "must be included in #{options[:in].join(", ")}" unless options[:in].include?(value) end end if validation[:block] validation[:block].call(self, validation[:field_name], value) end end @errors.empty? end def full_error_messages return "" unless _errors.present? _errors.reduce([]) do |memo, (field, errors)| memo << "#{field.to_s} #{errors.join(' and ')}" end end def _errors @errors ||= {|h,k| h[k] = []} @errors end end end