# rubocop:disable HandleExceptions module Actions module Katello module Repository class Sync < Actions::EntryAction include Helpers::Presenter middleware.use Actions::Middleware::KeepCurrentUser middleware.use Actions::Middleware::ExecuteIfContentsChanged input_format do param :id, Integer param :sync_result, Hash end # @param repo # @param pulp_sync_task_id in case the sync was triggered outside # of Katello and we just need to finish the rest of the orchestration # @param source_url optional url to override source URL with def plan(repo, pulp_sync_task_id = nil, source_url = nil, incremental = false) action_subject(repo) if repo.url.blank? && source_url.blank? fail _("Unable to sync repo. This repository does not have a feed url.") end sequence do sync_args = {:pulp_id => repo.pulp_id, :task_id => pulp_sync_task_id, :source_url => source_url} sync_args[:remove_missing] = false if incremental output = plan_action(Pulp::Repository::Sync, sync_args).output contents_changed = output[:contents_changed] plan_action(Katello::Repository::IndexContent, :id => repo.id, :contents_changed => contents_changed) plan_action(Katello::Foreman::ContentUpdate, repo.environment, repo.content_view, repo) plan_action(Katello::Repository::CorrectChecksum, repo) concurrence do plan_action(Katello::Repository::ErrataMail, repo, nil, contents_changed) plan_self(:id => repo.id, :sync_result => output, :user_id => ::User.current.id, :contents_changed => contents_changed) plan_action(Pulp::Repository::RegenerateApplicability, :pulp_id => repo.pulp_id, :contents_changed => contents_changed) end plan_action(Katello::Repository::ImportApplicability, :repo_id => repo.id, :contents_changed => contents_changed) end end def run ForemanTasks.async_task(Repository::CapsuleGenerateAndSync, ::Katello::Repository.find(input[:id])) rescue ::Katello::Errors::CapsuleCannotBeReached # skip any capsules that cannot be connected to end def humanized_name _("Synchronize") # TODO: rename class to Synchronize and remove this method, add Sync = Synchronize end def presenter Helpers::Presenter::Delegated.new(self, planned_actions(Pulp::Repository::Sync)) end def pulp_task_id pulp_action = planned_actions(Pulp::Repository::Sync).first if (pulp_task = Array(pulp_action.external_task).first) pulp_task.fetch(:task_id) end end def rescue_strategy Dynflow::Action::Rescue::Skip end end end end end