Feature: Define default process environment Say you want to have a default set of environment variables, then use this code. ~~~ruby Aruba.configure do |config| config.command_runtime_environment = { 'MY_VARIABLE' => 'x' } end ~~~ This can be changed via `#set_environment_variable`, `#append_environment_variable`, `#delete_environment_variable` or `#prepend_environment_variable`. Background: Given I use the fixture "cli-app" Scenario: Overwrite existing variable with new default value Given a file named "spec/environment_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' ENV['LONG_LONG_VARIABLE'] = 'y' Aruba.configure do |config| config.command_runtime_environment = { 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE' => 'x' } end RSpec.describe 'Environment command', :type => :aruba do before(:each) { run('env') } before(:each) { stop_all_commands } it { expect(last_command_started.output).to include 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE=x' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: Overwrite default value for variable Given a file named "spec/environment_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' ENV['LONG_LONG_VARIABLE'] = 'y' Aruba.configure do |config| config.command_runtime_environment = { 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE' => 'x' } end RSpec.describe 'Environment command', :type => :aruba do before(:each) { set_environment_variable 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE', 'z' } before(:each) { run('env') } before(:each) { stop_all_commands } it { expect(last_command_started.output).to include 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE=z' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: Append value to default value Given a file named "spec/environment_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' ENV['LONG_LONG_VARIABLE'] = 'y' Aruba.configure do |config| config.command_runtime_environment = { 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE' => 'x' } end RSpec.describe 'Environment command', :type => :aruba do before(:each) { append_environment_variable 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE', 'z' } before(:each) { run('env') } before(:each) { stop_all_commands } it { expect(last_command_started.output).to include 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE=xz' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: Prepend value Given a file named "spec/environment_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' ENV['LONG_LONG_VARIABLE'] = 'y' Aruba.configure do |config| config.command_runtime_environment = { 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE' => 'x' } end RSpec.describe 'Environment command', :type => :aruba do before(:each) { prepend_environment_variable 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE', 'z' } before(:each) { run('env') } before(:each) { stop_all_commands } it { expect(last_command_started.output).to include 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE=zx' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass Scenario: Remove variable from default set of variables Given a file named "spec/environment_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'spec_helper' ENV['LONG_LONG_VARIABLE'] = 'y' Aruba.configure do |config| config.command_runtime_environment = { 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE' => 'x' } end RSpec.describe 'Environment command', :type => :aruba do before(:each) { delete_environment_variable 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE' } before(:each) { run('env') } before(:each) { stop_all_commands } it { expect(last_command_started.output).not_to include 'LONG_LONG_VARIABLE' } end """ When I run `rspec` Then the specs should all pass