# frozen_string_literal: true # holder is a particle that contain an atome so we use my_objet.holder.left(33) # and it will move the atome contain in the holder particle to be manipulated # it facilitate the access of some atome without being worried about their id # this is mainly used int context of input , slider , etc... # simple example b=box({color: :black}) c=b.circle({width: 10, height: 10, color: :red}) b.holder(c) wait 1 do b.holder.center(true) end # second example ( holder is build in the input molecule) text({ left: 33, top: 33, data: 'data collected', id: :infos }) inp = A.input({ width: 166, trigger: :up, back: :orange, shadow: { id: :s2, left: 3, top: 3, blur: 3, invert: true, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.9 }, text: :black, smooth: 3, left: 66, top: 33, default: 'type here' }) do |val| grab(:infos).data(val) end wait 2 do inp.top(12) wait 1 do inp.width(666) inp.holder.blur(6) wait 1 do inp.holder.blur(0) inp.holder.data('injected data') end end end