# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require 'buildr/java/version_requirement' module Buildr # An ArtifactNamespace is a hierarchical dictionary used to manage ArtifactRequirements. # It can be used to have different artifact versions per project # or to allow users to select a version for addons or modules. # # Namespaces are opened using the Buildr.artifact_ns method, most important methods are: # [need] Used to create a requirement on the namespace. # [use] Set the artifact version to use for a requirement. # [values_at] Reference requirements by name. # [each] Return each ArtifactRequirement in the namespace. # The method_missing method for instances provides some syntactic sugar to these. # See the following examples, and the methods for ArtifactRequirement. # # = Avoiding constant polution on buildfile # # Each project has its own ArtifactNamespace inheriting the one from the # parent project up to the root namespace. # # Consider the following snippet, as project grows, each subproject # may need diferent artifact combinations and/or versions. Asigning # artifact specifications to constants can make it painful to maintain # their references even if using structs/hashes. # # -- buildfile -- # SPRING = 'org.springframework:spring:jar:2.5' # SPRING_OLD = 'org.springframework:spring:jar:1.0' # LOGGING = ['comons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1', # 'log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.15'] # WL_LOGGING = artifact('bea:wlcommons-logging:jar:8.1').from('path/to/wlcommons-logging.jar') # LOGGING_WEBLOGIC = ['comons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1', # WL_LOGGING] # COMMONS = struct :collections => 'commons-collection:commons-collection:jar:3.1', # :net => 'commons-net:commons-net:jar:1.4.0' # # define 'example1' do # define 'one' do # compile.with SPRING, LOGGING_WEBLOGIC, COMMONS # end # define 'two' do # compile.with SPRING_OLD, LOGGING, COMMONS # end # define 'three' do # compile.with "commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:2.2" # end # end # # # With ArtifactNamespace you can do some more advanced stuff, the following # annotated snipped could still be reduced if default artifact definitions were # loaded from yaml file (see section bellow and ArtifactNamespace.load). # # -- buildfile -- # artifact_ns do |ns| # the current namespace (root if called outside a project) # # default artifacts # ns.spring = 'org.springframework:spring:jar:2.5' # # default logger is log4j # ns.logger = 'log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.15' # # # create a sub namespace by calling the #ns method, # # artifacts defined on the sub-namespace can be referenced by # # name :commons_net or by calling commons.net # ns.ns :commons, :net => 'commons-net:commons-net:jar:1.4.0', # :logging => 'comons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1' # # # # When a child namespace asks for the :log artifact, # # these artifacts will be searched starting from the :current namespace. # ns.virtual :log, :logger, :commons_logging # end # # artifact_ns('example2:one') do |ns| # namespace for the one subproject # ns.logger = artifact('bea:wlcommons-logging:jar:8.1').from('path/to/wlcommons-logging.jar') # end # artifact_ns('example2:two') do |ns| # ns.spring = '1.0' # for project two use an older spring version (just for an example) # end # artifact_ns('example2:three').commons_collections = 2.2' # artifact_ns('example2:four') do |ns| # ns.beanutils = 'commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.5' # just for this project # ns.ns(:compilation).use :commons_logging, :beanutils, :spring # compile time dependencies # ns.ns(:testing).use :log, :beanutils, 'cglib:cglib-nodep:jar:2.1.3' # run time dependencies # end # # define 'example2' do # define 'one' do # compile.with :spring, :log, :commons # uses weblogic logging # end # define 'two' do # compile.with :spring, :log, :commons # will take old spring # end # define 'three' do # compile.with :commons_collections # test.with artifact_ns('example2:two').spring # use spring from project two # end # define 'four' do # compile.with artifact_ns.compilation # test.with artifact_ns.testing # end # task(:down_them_all) do # again, just to fill this space with something ;) # parent.projects.map(&method(:artifact_ns)).map(&:artifacts).map(&:invoke) # end # end # # = Loading from a yaml file (e. profiles.yaml) # # If your projects use lots of jars (after all we are using java ;) you may prefer # to have constant artifact definitions on an external file. # Doing so would allow an external tool (or future Buildr feature) to maintain # an artifacts.yaml for you. # An example usage is documented on the ArtifactNamespace.load method. # # = For addon/plugin writers & Customizing artifact versions # # Sometimes users would need to change the default artifact versions used by some # module, for example, the XMLBeans compiler needs this, because of compatibility # issues. Another example would be to select the groovy version to use on all our # projects so that Buildr modules requiring groovy jars can use user prefered versions. # # To meet this goal, an ArtifactNamespace allows to specify ArgumentRequirement objects. # In fact the only diference with the examples you have already seen is that requirements # have an associated VersionRequirement, so that each time a user tries to select a version, # buildr checks if it satisfies the requirements. # # Requirements are declared using the ArtifactNamespace#need method, but again, # syntactic sugar is provided by ArtifactNamespace#method_missing. # # The following example is taken from the XMLBeans compiler module. # And illustrates how addon authors should specify their requirements, # provide default versions, and document the namespace for users to customize. # # module Buildr::XMLBeans # # # You need to document this constant, giving users some hints # # about when are (maybe some of) these artifacts used. I mean, # # some modules, add jars to the Buildr classpath when its file # # is required, you would need to tell your users, so that they # # can open the namespace and specify their defaults. Of course # # when the requirements are defined, buildr checks if any compatible # # version has been already defined, if so, uses it. # # # # Some things here have been changed to illustrate their meaning. # REQUIRES = ArtifactNamespace.for(self).tap do |ns| # # # This jar requires a >2.0 version, default being 2.3.0 # ns.xmlbeans! 'org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:jar:2.3.0', '>2' # # # Users can customize with Buildr::XMLBeans::REQUIRES.stax_api = '1.2' # # This is a non-flexible requirement, only satisfied by version 1.0.1 # ns.stax_api! 'stax:stax-api:jar:1.0.1' # # # This one is not part of XMLBeans, but is just another example # # illustrating an `artifact requirement spec`. # # ns.need " some_name -> ar:ti:fact:3.2.5 -> ( >2 & <4)" # # # As you can see it's just an artifact spec, prefixed with # # ' some_name -> ', this means users can use that name to # # reference the requirement, also this string has a VersionRequirement # # just after another ->. # end # # # The REQUIRES constant is an ArtifactNamespace instance, # # that means we can use it directly. Note that calling # # Buildr.artifact_ns would lead to the currently executing context, # # not the one for this module. # def use # # test if user specified his own version, if so, we could perform some # # functionallity based on this. # REQUIRES.some_name.selected? # => false # # REQUIRES.some_name.satisfied_by?('1.5') # => false # puts REQUIRES.some_name.requirement # => ( >2 & <4 ) # # REQUIRES.artifacts # get the Artifact tasks # end # # end # # A more advanced example using ArtifactRequirement listeners is included # in the artifact_namespace_spec.rb description for 'Extension using ArtifactNamespace' # That's it for addon writers, now, users can select their prefered version with # something like: # # require 'buildr/xmlbeans' # Buildr::XMLBeans::REQUIRES.xmlbeans = '2.2.0' # # More advanced stuff, if users really need to select an xmlbeans version # per project, they can do so letting :current (that is, the currently running # namespace) be parent of the REQUIRES namespace: # # Buildr::XMLBeans::REQUIRES.parent = :current # # Now, provided that the compiler does not caches its artifacts, it will # select the correct version. (See the first section for how to select per project # artifacts). # # class ArtifactNamespace class << self # Forget all namespaces, create a new ROOT def clear @instances = nil remove_const(:ROOT) if const_defined?(:ROOT) const_set(:ROOT, new('root')) end # Populate namespaces from a hash of hashes. # The following example uses the profiles yaml to achieve this. # # -- profiles.yaml -- # development: # artifacts: # root: # root namespace # spring: org.springframework:spring:jar:2.5 # groovy: org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:jar:1.5.4 # logging: # define a named group # - log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.15 # - commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1 # # # open Buildr::XMLBeans namespace # Buildr::XMLBeans: # xmlbeans: 2.2 # # # for subproject one:oldie # one:oldie: # spring: org.springframework:spring:jar:1.0 # # -- buildfile -- # ArtifactNamespace.load(Buildr.profile['artifacts']) def load(namespaces = {}) namespaces.each_pair { |name, uses| instance(name).use(uses) } end # :call-seq: # ArtifactNamespace.instance { |current_ns| ... } -> current_ns # ArtifactNamespace.instance(name) { |ns| ... } -> ns # ArtifactNamespace.instance(:current) { |current_ns| ... } -> current_ns # ArtifactNamespace.instance(:root) { |root_ns| ... } -> root_ns # # Obtain an instance for the given name def instance(name = nil) case name when :root, 'root' then return ROOT when ArtifactNamespace then return name when Array then name = name.join(':') when Module, Project then name = name.name when :current, 'current', nil then task = Thread.current[:rake_chain] task = task.instance_variable_get(:@value) if task name = case task when Project then task.name when Rake::Task then task.scope.join(':') when nil then Buildr.application.current_scope.join(':') end end name = name.to_s return ROOT if name.size == 0 name = name.to_s @instances ||= Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = new(k) } instance = @instances[name] yield(instance) if block_given? instance end alias_method :[], :instance alias_method :for, :instance # :call-seq: # ArtifactNamespace.root { |ns| ... } -> ns # # Obtain the root namespace, returns the ROOT constant def root yield ROOT if block_given? ROOT end end module DClone #:nodoc: def dclone clone = self.clone clone.instance_variables.each do |i| value = clone.instance_variable_get(i) value = value.dclone rescue clone.instance_variable_set(i, value) end clone end end class Registry < Hash #:nodoc: include DClone attr_accessor :parent def alias(new_name, old_name) new_name = new_name.to_sym old_name = old_name.to_sym if obj = get(old_name, true) self[new_name] = obj @aliases ||= [] group = @aliases.find { |a| a.include?(new_name) } group.delete(new_name) if group group = @aliases.find { |a| a.include?(old_name) } @aliases << (group = [old_name]) unless group group << new_name unless group.include?(new_name) end obj end def aliases(name) return [] unless name name = name.to_sym ((@aliases ||= []).find { |a| a.include?(name) } || [name]).dup end def []=(key, value) return unless key super(key.to_sym, value) end def get(key, include_parent = nil) [].tap { |a| aliases(key).select { |n| a[0] = self[n] } }.first || (include_parent && parent && parent.get(key, include_parent)) end def keys(include_parent = nil) (super() | (include_parent && parent && parent.keys(include_parent) || [])).uniq end def values(include_parent = nil) (super() | (include_parent && parent && parent.values(include_parent) || [])).uniq end def key?(key, include_parent = nil) return false unless key super(key.to_sym) || (include_parent && parent && parent.key?(key, include_parent)) end def delete(key, include_parent = nil) aliases(key).map {|n| super(n) } && include_parent && parent && parent.delete(key, include_parent) end end # An artifact requirement is an object that ActsAsArtifact and has # an associated VersionRequirement. It also knows the name (some times equal to the # artifact id) that is used to store it in an ArtifactNamespace. class ArtifactRequirement attr_accessor :version attr_reader :name, :requirement include DClone # Create a requirement from an `artifact requirement spec`. # This spec has three parts, separated by -> # # some_name -> ar:ti:fact:3.2.5 -> ( >2 & <4) # # As you can see it's just an artifact spec, prefixed with # some_name -> # the :some_name symbol becomes this object's name and # is used to store it on an ArtifactNamespace. # # ar:ti:fact:3.2.5 # # The second part is an artifact spec by itself, and specifies # all remaining attributes, the version of this spec becomes # the default version of this requirement. # # The last part consist of a VersionRequirement. # -> ( >2 & <4) # # VersionRequirement supports RubyGem's comparision operators # in adition to parens, logical and, logical or and negation. # See the docs for VersionRequirement for more info on operators. def initialize(spec) self.class.send :include, ActsAsArtifact unless ActsAsArtifact === self if ArtifactRequirement === spec copy_attrs(spec) else spec = requirement_hash(spec) apply_spec(spec[:spec]) self.name = spec[:name] @requirement = spec[:requirement] @version = @requirement.default if VersionRequirement.requirement?(@version) end end # Copy attributes from other to this object def copy_attrs(other) (ActsAsArtifact::ARTIFACT_ATTRIBUTES + [:name, :requirement]).each do |attr| value = other.instance_variable_get("@#{attr}") value = value.dup if value && !value.kind_of?(Numeric) && !value.kind_of?(Symbol) instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", value) end end def name=(name) @name = name.to_s end # Set a the requirement, this must be an string formatted for # VersionRequirement#create to parse. def requirement=(version_requirement) @requirement = VersionRequirement.create(version_requirement.to_s) end # Return a hash consisting of :name, :spec, :requirement def requirement_hash(spec = self) result = {} if String === spec parts = spec.split(/\s*->\s*/, 3).map(&:strip) case parts.size when 1 result[:spec] = Artifact.to_hash(parts.first) when 2 if /^\w+$/ === parts.first result[:name] = parts.first result[:spec] = Artifact.to_hash(parts.last) else result[:spec] = Artifact.to_hash(parts.first) result[:requirement] = VersionRequirement.create(parts.last) end when 3 result[:name] = parts.first result[:spec] = Artifact.to_hash(parts[1]) result[:requirement] = VersionRequirement.create(parts.last) end else result[:spec] = Artifact.to_hash(spec) end result[:name] ||= result[:spec][:id].to_s.to_sym result[:requirement] ||= VersionRequirement.create(result[:spec][:version]) result end # Test if this requirement is satisfied by an artifact spec. def satisfied_by?(spec) return false unless requirement spec = Artifact.to_hash(spec) hash = to_spec_hash hash.delete(:version) version = spec.delete(:version) hash == spec && requirement.satisfied_by?(version) end # Has user selected a version for this requirement? def selected? @selected end def selected! #:nodoc: @selected = true @listeners.each { |l| l.call(self) } if @listeners self end def add_listener(&callback) (@listeners ||= []) << callback end # Return the Artifact object for the currently selected version def artifact ::Buildr.artifact(self) end # Format this requirement as an `artifact requirement spec` def to_requirement_spec result = to_spec result = "#{name} -> #{result}" if name result = "#{result} -> #{requirement}" if requirement result end def to_s #:nodoc: id ? to_requirement_spec : version end # Return an artifact spec without the version part. def unversioned_spec str = to_spec return nil if str =~ /^:+/ ary = str.split(':') ary = ary[0...-1] if ary.size > 3 ary.join(':') end class << self # Return an artifact spec without the version part. def unversioned_spec(spec) str = spec.to_s return nil if str =~ /^:+/ ary = str.split(':') ary = ary[0...-1] if ary.size > 3 if ary.size > 2 ary.join(':') else new(spec).unversioned_spec end end end end include DClone include Enumerable attr_reader :name def initialize(name = nil) #:nodoc: @name = name.to_s if name end clear def root ROOT end # ROOT namespace has no parent def parent if root? nil elsif @parent.kind_of?(ArtifactNamespace) @parent elsif @parent ArtifactNamespace.instance(@parent) elsif name parent_name = name.gsub(/::?[^:]+$/, '') parent_name == name ? root : ArtifactNamespace.instance(parent_name) else root end end # Set the parent for the current namespace, except if it is ROOT def parent=(other) raise 'Cannot set parent of root namespace' if root? @parent = other @registry = nil end # Is this the ROOT namespace? def root? ROOT == self end # Create a named sub-namespace, sub-namespaces are themselves # ArtifactNamespace instances but cannot be referenced by # the Buildr.artifact_ns, ArtifactNamespace.instance methods. # Reference needs to be through this object using the given +name+ # # artifact_ns('foo').ns(:bar).need :thing => 'some:thing:jar:1.0' # artifact_ns('foo').bar # => the sub-namespace 'foo.bar' # artifact_ns('foo').bar.thing # => the some thing artifact # # See the top level ArtifactNamespace documentation for examples def ns(name, *uses, &block) name = name.to_sym sub = registry[name] if sub raise TypeError.new("#{name} is not a sub namespace of #{self}") unless sub.kind_of?(ArtifactNamespace) else sub = ArtifactNamespace.new("#{self.name}.#{name}") sub.parent = self registry[name] = sub end sub.use(*uses) yield sub if block_given? sub end # Test if a sub-namespace by the given name exists def ns?(name) sub = registry[name.to_sym] ArtifactNamespace === sub end # :call-seq: # artifact_ns.need 'name -> org:foo:bar:jar:~>1.2.3 -> 1.2.5' # artifact_ns.need :name => 'org.foo:bar:jar:1.0' # # Create a new ArtifactRequirement on this namespace. # ArtifactNamespace#method_missing provides syntactic sugar for this. def need(*specs) named = specs.flatten.inject({}) do |seen, spec| if Hash === spec && (spec.keys & ActsAsArtifact::ARTIFACT_ATTRIBUTES).empty? spec.each_pair do |name, spec| if Array === spec # a group seen[name] ||= spec.map { |s| ArtifactRequirement.new(s) } else artifact = ArtifactRequirement.new(spec) artifact.name = name seen[artifact.name] ||= artifact end end else artifact = ArtifactRequirement.new(spec) seen[artifact.name] ||= artifact end seen end named.each_pair do |name, artifact| if Array === artifact # a group artifact.each do |a| unvers = a.unversioned_spec previous = registry[unvers] if previous && previous.selected? && a.satisfied_by?(previous) a.version = previous.version end registry[unvers] = a end group(name, *(artifact.map { |a| a.unversioned_spec } + [{:namespace => self}])) else unvers = artifact.unversioned_spec previous = registry.get(unvers, true) if previous && previous.selected? && artifact.satisfied_by?(previous) artifact.version = previous.version artifact.selected! end registry[unvers] = artifact registry.alias name, unvers unless name.to_s[/^\s*$/] end end self end # :call-seq: # artifact_ns.use 'name -> org:foo:bar:jar:1.2.3' # artifact_ns.use :name => 'org:foo:bar:jar:1.2.3' # artifact_ns.use :name => '2.5.6' # # First and second form are equivalent, the third is used when an # ArtifactRequirement has been previously defined with :name, so it # just selects the version. # # ArtifactNamespace#method_missing provides syntactic sugar for this. def use(*specs) named = specs.flatten.inject({}) do |seen, spec| if Hash === spec && (spec.keys & ActsAsArtifact::ARTIFACT_ATTRIBUTES).empty? spec.each_pair do |name, spec| if ArtifactNamespace === spec # create as subnamespace raise ArgumentError.new("Circular reference") if self == spec registry[name.to_sym] = spec elsif Numeric === spec || (String === spec && VersionRequirement.version?(spec)) artifact = ArtifactRequirement.allocate artifact.name = name artifact.version = spec.to_s seen[artifact.name] ||= artifact elsif Symbol === spec self.alias name, spec elsif Array === spec # a group seen[name] ||= spec.map { |s| ArtifactRequirement.new(s) } else artifact = ArtifactRequirement.new(spec) artifact.name = name seen[artifact.name] ||= artifact end end else if Symbol === spec artifact = get(spec).dclone else artifact = ArtifactRequirement.new(spec) end seen[artifact.name] ||= artifact end seen end named.each_pair do |name, artifact| is_group = Array === artifact artifact = [artifact].flatten.map do |artifact| unvers = artifact.unversioned_spec previous = get(unvers, false) || get(name, false) if previous # have previous on current namespace if previous.requirement # we must satisfy the requirement unless unvers # we only have the version satisfied = previous.requirement.satisfied_by?(artifact.version) else satisfied = previous.satisfied_by?(artifact) end raise "Unsatisfied dependency #{previous} " + "not satisfied by #{artifact}" unless satisfied previous.version = artifact.version # OK, set new version artifact = previous # use the same object for aliases else # not a requirement, set the new values unless artifact.id == previous.id && name != previous.name previous.copy_attrs(artifact) artifact = previous end end else if unvers.nil? && # we only have the version (previous = get(unvers, true, false, false)) version = artifact.version artifact.copy_attrs(previous) artifact.version = version end artifact.requirement = nil end artifact.selected! end artifact = artifact.first unless is_group if is_group names = artifact.map do |art| unv = art.unversioned_spec registry[unv] = art unv end group(name, *(names + [{:namespace => self}])) elsif artifact.id unvers = artifact.unversioned_spec registry[name] = artifact registry.alias unvers, name else registry[name] = artifact end end self end # Like Hash#fetch def fetch(name, default = nil, &block) block ||= lambda { raise IndexError.new("No artifact found by name #{name.inspect} in namespace #{self}") } real_name = name.to_s[/^\w+$/] ? name : ArtifactRequirement.unversioned_spec(name) get(real_name.to_sym) || default || block.call(name) end # :call-seq: # artifact_ns[:name] -> ArtifactRequirement # artifact_ns[:many, :names] -> [ArtifactRequirement] def [](*names) ary = values_at(*names) names.size == 1 ? ary.first : ary end # :call-seq: # artifact_ns[:name] = 'some:cool:jar:1.0.2' # artifact_ns[:name] = '1.0.2' # # Just like the use method def []=(*names) values = names.pop values = [values] unless Array === values names.each_with_index do |name, i| use name => (values[i] || values.last) end end # yield each ArtifactRequirement def each(&block) values.each(&block) end # return Artifact objects for each requirement def artifacts(*names) (names.empty? && values || values_at(*names)).map(&:artifact) end # Return all requirements for this namespace def values(include_parents = false, include_groups = true) seen, dict = {}, registry while dict dict.each do |k, v| v = v.call if v.respond_to?(:call) v = v.values if v.kind_of?(ArtifactNamespace) if Array === v && include_groups v.compact.each { |v| seen[v.name] = v unless seen.key?(v.name) } else seen[v.name] = v unless seen.key?(v.name) end end dict = include_parents ? dict.parent : nil end seen.values end # Return only the named requirements def values_at(*names) names.map do |name| catch :artifact do unless name.to_s[/^\w+$/] unvers = ArtifactRequirement.unversioned_spec(name) unless unvers.to_s == name.to_s req = ArtifactRequirement.new(name) reg = self while reg candidate = reg.send(:get, unvers, false, false, true) throw :artifact, candidate if req.satisfied_by?(candidate) reg = reg.parent end end end get(name.to_sym) end end end def key?(name, include_parents = false) name = ArtifactRequirement.unversioned_spec(name) unless name.to_s[/^\w+$/] registry.key?(name, include_parents) end def delete(name, include_parents = false) registry.delete(name, include_parents) self end # :call-seq: # group :who, :me, :you # group :them, :me, :you, :namespace => ns # # Create a virtual group on this namespace. When the namespace # is asked for the +who+ artifact, it's value is an array made from # the remaining names. These names are searched by default from the current # namespace. # Second form specified the starting namespace to search from. def group(group_name, *members) namespace = (Hash === members.last && members.pop[:namespace]) || :current registry[group_name] = lambda do artifacts = self.class[namespace].values_at(*members) artifacts = artifacts.first if members.size == 1 artifacts end self end alias_method :virtual, :group # Create an alias for a named requirement. def alias(new_name, old_name) registry.alias(new_name, old_name) or raise NameError.new("Undefined artifact name: #{old_name}") end def to_s #:nodoc: name.to_s end # :call-seq: # artifact_ns.cool_aid!('cool:aid:jar:2.3.4', '~>2.3') -> artifact_requirement # artifact_ns.cool_aid = '2.3.5' # artifact_ns.cool_aid -> artifact_requirement # artifact_ns.cool_aid? -> true | false # # First form creates an ArtifactRequirement on the namespace. # It is equivalent to providing a requirement_spec to the #need method: # artifact_ns.need "cool_aid -> cool:aid:jar:2.3.4 -> ~>2.3" # the second argument is optional. # # Second form can be used to select an artifact version # and is equivalent to: # artifact_ns.use :cool_aid => '1.0' # # Third form obtains the named ArtifactRequirement, can be # used to test if a named requirement has been defined. # It is equivalent to: # artifact_ns.fetch(:cool_aid) { nil } # # Last form tests if the ArtifactRequirement has been defined # and a version has been selected for use. # It is equivalent to: # # artifact_ns.has_cool_aid? # artifact_ns.values_at(:cool_aid).flatten.all? { |a| a && a.selected? } # def method_missing(name, *args, &block) case name.to_s when /!$/ then name = $`.intern if args.size < 1 && args.size > 2 raise ArgumentError.new("wrong number of arguments for #{name}!(spec, version_requirement?)") end need name => args.first get(name).tap { |r| r.requirement = args.last if args.size == 2 } when /=$/ then use $` => args.first when /\?$/ then name = $`.gsub(/^(has|have)_/, '').intern [get(name)].flatten.all? { |a| a && a.selected? } else if block || args.size > 0 raise ArgumentError.new("wrong number of arguments #{args.size} for 0 or block given") end get(name) end end # Return an anonymous module # # first create a requirement # artifact_ns.cool_aid! 'cool:aid:jar:>=1.0' # # # extend an object as a cool_aid delegator # jars = Object.new.extend(artifact_ns.accessor(:cool_aid)) # jars.cool_aid = '2.0' # # artifact_ns.cool_aid.version # -> '2.0' def accessor(*names) ns = self Module.new do names.each do |name| define_method("#{name}") { ns.send("#{name}") } define_method("#{name}?") { ns.send("#{name}?") } define_method("#{name}=") { |vers| ns.send("#{name}=", vers) } end end end private def get(name, include_parents = true, include_subs = true, include_self = true) #:nodoc: if include_subs && name.to_s[/_/] # try sub namespaces first sub, parts = self, name.to_s.split('_') sub_name = parts.shift.to_sym until sub != self || parts.empty? if registry[sub_name].kind_of?(ArtifactNamespace) sub = registry[sub_name] artifact = sub[parts.join('_')] else sub_name = [sub_name, parts.shift].join('_').to_sym end end end unless artifact if include_self artifact = registry.get(name, include_parents) elsif include_parents && registry.parent artifact = registry.parent.get(name, true) end end artifact = artifact.call if artifact.respond_to?(:call) artifact end def registry @registry ||= Registry.new.tap do |m| m.parent = parent.send(:registry) unless root? end end end # ArtifactNamespace # :call-seq: # project.artifact_ns -> ArtifactNamespace # Buildr.artifact_ns(name) -> ArtifactNamespace # Buildr.artifact_ns -> ArtifactNamespace for the currently running Project # # Open an ArtifactNamespace. # If a block is provided, the namespace is yielded to it. # # See also ArtifactNamespace.instance def artifact_ns(name = nil, &block) name = self if name.nil? && self.kind_of?(Project) ArtifactNamespace.instance(name, &block) end end