var JsUnitTest = { Unit: {}, inspect: function(object) { try { if (typeof object == "undefined") return 'undefined'; if (object === null) return 'null'; if (typeof object == "string") { var useDoubleQuotes = arguments[1]; var escapedString = this.gsub(object, /[\x00-\x1f\\]/, function(match) { var character = String.specialChar[match[0]]; return character ? character : '\\u00' + match[0].charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16); }); if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; return "'" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'"; }; return String(object); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...'; throw e; } }, $: function(element) { if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) elements.push(this.$(arguments[i])); return elements; } if (typeof element == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); return element; }, gsub: function(source, pattern, replacement) { var result = '', match; replacement = arguments.callee.prepareReplacement(replacement); while (source.length > 0) { if (match = source.match(pattern)) { result += source.slice(0, match.index); result += JsUnitTest.String.interpret(replacement(match)); source = source.slice(match.index + match[0].length); } else { result += source, source = ''; } } return result; }, scan: function(source, pattern, iterator) { this.gsub(source, pattern, iterator); return String(source); }, escapeHTML: function(data) { return data.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(//g,'>'); }, arrayfromargs: function(args) { var myarray = new Array(); var i; for (i=0;i\s*/, adjacent: /^\s*\+\s*/, descendant: /^\s/, // selectors follow tagName: /^\s*(\*|[\w\-]+)(\b|$)?/, id: /^#([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/, className: /^\.([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/, pseudo: /^:((first|last|nth|nth-last|only)(-child|-of-type)|empty|checked|(en|dis)abled|not)(\((.*?)\))?(\b|$|(?=\s|[:+~>]))/, attrPresence: /^\[((?:[\w]+:)?[\w]+)\]/, attr: /\[((?:[\w-]*:)?[\w-]+)\s*(?:([!^$*~|]?=)\s*((['"])([^\4]*?)\4|([^'"][^\]]*?)))?\]/ }; var assertions = { tagName: function(element, matches) { return matches[1].toUpperCase() == element.tagName.toUpperCase(); }, className: function(element, matches) { return Element.hasClassName(element, matches[1]); }, id: function(element, matches) { return === matches[1]; }, attrPresence: function(element, matches) { return Element.hasAttribute(element, matches[1]); }, attr: function(element, matches) { var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(element, matches[1]); return nodeValue && operators[matches[2]](nodeValue, matches[5] || matches[6]); } }; var e = this.expression, ps = patterns, as = assertions; var le, p, m; while (e && le !== e && (/\S/).test(e)) { le = e; for (var i in ps) { p = ps[i]; if (m = e.match(p)) { // use the Selector.assertions methods unless the selector // is too complex. if (as[i]) { tokens.push([i, Object.clone(m)]); e = e.replace(m[0], ''); } } } } var match = true, name, matches; for (var i = 0, token; token = tokens[i]; i++) { name = token[0], matches = token[1]; if (!assertions[name](element, matches)) { match = false; break; } } return match; }, toQueryParams: function(query, separator) { var query = query ||; var match = query.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/); if (!match) return { }; var hash = {}; var parts = match[1].split(separator || '&'); for (var i=0; i < parts.length; i++) { var pair = parts[i].split('='); if (pair[0]) { var key = decodeURIComponent(pair.shift()); var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0]; if (value != undefined) value = decodeURIComponent(value); if (key in hash) { var object = hash[key]; var isArray = object != null && typeof object == "object" && 'splice' in object && 'join' in object if (!isArray) hash[key] = [hash[key]]; hash[key].push(value); } else hash[key] = value; } }; return hash; }, String: { interpret: function(value) { return value == null ? '' : String(value); } } }; JsUnitTest.gsub.prepareReplacement = function(replacement) { if (typeof replacement == "function") return replacement; var template = new Template(replacement); return function(match) { return template.evaluate(match) }; };