require 'spec_helper.rb' describe Daru::Vector do [:array, :gsl].each do |dtype| #nmatrix still unstable describe dtype do before do @dv = [323, 11, 555, 666, 234, 21, 666, 343, 1, 2], dtype: dtype @dv_with_nils = [323, 11, 555, nil, 666, 234, 21, 666, 343, nil, 1, 2] end context "#mean" do it "calculates mean" do expect(@dv.mean).to eq(282.2) expect(@dv_with_nils.mean).to eq(282.2) end end context "#sum_of_squares" do it "calcs sum of squares, omits nil values" do v = [1,2,3,4,5,6], dtype: dtype expect(v.sum_of_squares).to eq(17.5) end end context "#standard_deviation_sample" do it "calcs standard deviation sample" do @dv_with_nils.standard_deviation_sample end end context "#variance_sample" do it "calculates sample variance" do expect(@dv.variance).to be_within(0.01).of(75118.84) end end context "#standard_deviation_population" do it "calculates standard deviation population" do @dv.standard_deviation_population end end context "#variance_population" do it "calculates population variance" do expect(@dv.variance_population).to be_within(0.001).of(67606.95999999999) end end context "#sum_of_squared_deviation" do it "calculates sum of squared deviation" do expect(@dv.sum_of_squared_deviation).to eq(676069.6) end end context "#skew" do it "calculates skewness" do @dv.skew end end context "#max" do it "returns the max value" do @dv.max end end context "#min" do it "returns the min value" do @dv.min end end context "#sum" do it "returns the sum" do @dv.sum end end context "#product" do it "returns the product" do v = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype: dtype expect(v.product).to eq(120) end end context "#median" do it "returns the median" do @dv.median end end context "#mode" do it "returns the mode" do @dv.mode end end context "#kurtosis" do it "calculates kurtosis" do @dv.kurtosis end end context "#count" do it "counts specified element" do @dv.count(323) end it "counts total number of elements" do expect(@dv.count).to eq(10) end end context "#value_counts" do it "counts number of unique values in the Vector" do vector = ["America","America","America","America","America", "India","India", "China", "India", "China"]) expect(vector.value_counts).to eq([5,3,2], index: ["America", "India", "China"])) end end context "#coefficient_of_variation" do it "calculates coefficient_of_variation" do @dv.coefficient_of_variation end end context "#percentile" do it "calculates mid point percentile" do expect(@dv.percentile(50)).to eq(278.5) end end context "#average_deviation_population" do it "calculates average_deviation_population" do a =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype: dtype) expect(a.average_deviation_population).to eq(20.quo(9).to_f) end end context "#proportion" do it "calculates proportion" do expect(@dv.proportion(dtype == :gsl ? 1.0 : 1)).to eq(0.1) end end context "#proportions" do it "calculates proportions" do @dv.proportions end end context "#standard_error" do it "calculates standard error" do @dv.standard_error end end context "#vector_standardized_compute" do it "calculates vector_standardized_compute" do @dv.vector_standardized_compute(@dv.mean, @dv_with_nils.vector_standardized_compute(@dv.mean, end end context "#vector_centered_compute" do it "calculates vector_centered_compute" do @dv.vector_centered_compute(@dv.mean) @dv_with_nils.vector_centered_compute(@dv.mean) end end end end # ALL DTYPE tests # Only Array tests context "#percentile" do it "tests linear percentile strategy" do values = [102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 115, 116].shuffle expect(values.percentil(0, :linear)).to eq(102) expect(values.percentil(25, :linear)).to eq(104.75) expect(values.percentil(50, :linear)).to eq(108.5) expect(values.percentil(75, :linear)).to eq(112.75) expect(values.percentil(100, :linear)).to eq(116) values = [102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 115, 116, 118].shuffle expect(values.percentil(0, :linear)).to eq(102) expect(values.percentil(25, :linear)).to eq(105) expect(values.percentil(50, :linear)).to eq(109) expect(values.percentil(75, :linear)).to eq(115) expect(values.percentil(100, :linear)).to eq(118) end end context "#frequencies" do it "calculates frequencies" do vector =[5,5,5,5,5,6,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,nil,-99,-99]) expect(vector.frequencies).to eq({ 1=>1, 2=>1, 3=>1, 4=>1, 5=>5, 6=>2, 7=>1, 8=>1, 9=>1,10=>1, -99=>2 }) end end context "#ranked" do it "curates by rank" do vector =[nil, 0.8, 1.2, 1.2, 2.3, 18, nil]) expect(vector.ranked).to eq([nil,1,2.5,2.5,4,5,nil])) v = [0.8, 1.2, 1.2, 2.3, 18] expect(v.ranked).to eq( [1, 2.5, 2.5, 4, 5]) end it "tests paired ties" do a = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4] expected = [2, 2, 2, 4.5, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 7.5, 10, 10, 10] expect(a.ranked).to eq(expected) end end context "#dichotomize" do it "dichotomizes" do a = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, nil] exp = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, nil] expect(a.dichotomize).to eq(exp) a = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3] exp = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] expect(a.dichotomize).to eq(exp) a = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, nil] exp = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, nil] expect(a.dichotomize(1)).to eq(exp) a = %w(a a a b c d) exp = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] expect(a.dichotomize).to eq(exp) end end context "#median_absolute_deviation" do it "calculates median_absolute_deviation" do a = [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 6, 9] expect(a.median_absolute_deviation).to eq(1) end end context "#round" do it "rounds non-nil values" do vector =[1.44,55.32,nil,4]) expect(vector.round(1)).to eq([1.4,55.3,nil,4])) end end context "#center" do it "centers" do mean = rand samples = 11 centered = { |i| i - ((samples / 2).floor).to_i }) not_centered = centered.recode { |v| v + mean } obs = centered.each_with_index do |v, i| expect(v).to be_within(0.0001).of(obs[i]) end end end context "#standardize" do it "returns a standardized vector" do vector =[11,55,33,25,nil,22]) expect(vector.standardize.round(2)).to eq([-1.11, 1.57, 0.23, -0.26,nil, -0.44]) ) end it "tests for vector standardized with zero variance" do v1 = { |_i| 1 } exp = { nil } expect(v1.standardize).to eq(exp) end end context "#vector_percentile" do it "replaces each non-nil value with its percentile value" do vector =[1,nil,nil,2,2,3,4,nil,nil,5,5,5,6,10]) expect(vector.vector_percentile).to eq( [10,nil,nil,25,25,40,50,nil,nil,70,70,70,90,100]) ) end end context "#sample_with_replacement" do it "calculates sample_with_replacement" do vec = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, nil, -99, -99], name: :common_all_dtypes) srand(1) expect(vec.sample_with_replacement(100).size).to eq(100) srand(1) expect(vec.sample_with_replacement(100).size).to eq(100) end end context "#sample_without_replacement" do it "calculates sample_without_replacement" do vec = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, nil, -99, -99], name: :common_all_dtypes) srand(1) expect(vec.sample_without_replacement(17).sort).to eq( vec.only_valid.to_a.sort) expect { vec.sample_without_replacement(20) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) srand(1) expect(vec.sample_without_replacement(17).sort).to eq( vec.only_valid.to_a.sort) end end context "#jackknife" do it "jack knife correctly with named method" do a = [1, 2, 3, 4] df = a.jackknife(:mean) expect(df[:mean].mean).to eq (a.mean) df = a.jackknife([:mean, :sd]) expect(df[:mean].mean).to eq(a.mean) expect(df[:mean].sd).to eq( end it "jack knife correctly with custom method" do a = [17.23, 18.71, 13.93, 18.81, 15.78, 11.29, 14.91, 13.39, 18.21, 11.57, 14.28, 10.94, 18.83, 15.52, 13.45, 15.25] ds = a.jackknife(log_s2: ->(v) { Math.log(v.variance) }) exp = [1.605, 2.972, 1.151, 3.097, 0.998, 3.308, 0.942, 1.393, 2.416, 2.951, 1.043, 3.806, 3.122, 0.958, 1.362, 0.937] expect_correct_vector_in_delta ds[:log_s2], exp, 0.001 # expect(ds[:log_s2]).to be_within(0.001).of(exp) expect(ds[:log_s2].mean).to be_within(0.00001).of(2.00389) expect(ds[:log_s2].variance).to be_within(0.001).of(1.091) end it "jack knife correctly with k > 1" do rng = Distribution::Normal.rng(0,1) a = Daru::Vector.new_with_size(6) {} ds = a.jackknife(:mean, 2) mean = a.mean exp = [3 * mean - 2 * (a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5]) / 4, 3 * mean - 2 * (a[0] + a[1] + a[4] + a[5]) / 4, 3 * mean - 2 * (a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3]) / 4] expect_correct_vector_in_delta(exp, ds[:mean], 1e-13) end end before do # daily closes of iShares XIU on the TSX @shares =[17.28, 17.45, 17.84, 17.74, 17.82, 17.85, 17.36, 17.3, 17.56, 17.49, 17.46, 17.4, 17.03, 17.01,16.86, 16.86, 16.56, 16.36, 16.66, 16.77]) end context "#acf" do it "calculates autocorrelation co-efficients" do acf = @shares.acf expect(acf.length).to eq(14) # test the first few autocorrelations expect(acf[0]).to be_within(0.0001).of(1.0) expect(acf[1]).to be_within(0.001) .of(0.852) expect(acf[2]).to be_within(0.001) .of(0.669) expect(acf[3]).to be_within(0.001) .of(0.486) end end context "#diff" do it "performs the difference of the series" do diff = @shares.diff expect(diff.class).to eq(Daru::Vector) expect(diff[@shares.size - 1]).to be_within(0.001).of( 0.11) expect(diff[@shares.size - 2]).to be_within(0.001).of( 0.30) expect(diff[@shares.size - 3]).to be_within(0.001).of(-0.20) end end context "#rolling" do it "calculates rolling mean" do ma10 = @shares.rolling_mean expect(ma10[-1]) .to be_within(0.001).of(16.897) expect(ma10[-5]) .to be_within(0.001).of(17.233) expect(ma10[-10]).to be_within(0.001).of(17.587) # test with a different lookback period ma5 = @shares.rolling :mean, 5 expect(ma5[-1]).to be_within(0.001).of(16.642) expect(ma5[-10]).to be_within(0.001).of(17.434) expect(ma5[-15]).to be_within(0.001).of(17.74) end it "calculates rolling median" do me10 = @shares.rolling_median.round(2) expect(me10).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,17.525,17.525,17.525,17.475,17.430,17.380,17.330,17.165,17.020,16.94,16.860]).round(2)) me5 = @shares.rolling(:median, 5).round(2) expect(me5).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,17.74,17.82,17.82,17.74,17.56,17.49,17.46,17.46,17.46,17.40,17.03,17.01,16.86,16.86,16.66,16.66])) end it "calculates rolling max" do max10 = @shares.rolling_max.round(2) expect(max10).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,17.85,17.85,17.85,17.85,17.85,17.85,17.56,17.56,17.56,17.49,17.46])) max5 = @shares.rolling(:max, 5).round(2) expect(max5).to eq([nil, nil, nil, nil,17.84,17.85,17.85,17.85,17.85,17.85,17.56,17.56,17.56,17.49,17.46,17.40,17.03,17.01,16.86,16.86])) end it "calculates rolling min" do min10 = @shares.rolling_min.round(2) expect(min10).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,17.28,17.30,17.30,17.03,17.01,16.86,16.86,16.56,16.36,16.36,16.36])) min5 = @shares.rolling(:min, 5).round(2) expect(min5).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,17.28,17.45,17.36,17.30,17.30,17.30,17.30,17.30,17.03,17.01,16.86,16.86,16.56,16.36,16.36,16.36])) end it "calculates rolling sum" do sum10 = @shares.rolling_sum.round(2) expect(sum10).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,175.69,175.87,175.82,175.01,174.28,173.32,172.33,171.53,170.59,169.69,168.97])) sum5 = @shares.rolling(:sum, 5).round(2) expect(sum5).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,88.13,88.70,88.61,88.07,87.89,87.56,87.17,87.21,86.94,86.39,85.76,85.16,84.32,83.65,83.30,83.21])) end it "calculates rolling std" do std10 = @shares.rolling_std.round(2) expect(std10).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,0.227227,0.208116,0.212331,0.253485,0.280666,0.295477,0.267127,0.335826,0.412834,0.388886,0.345995]).round(2)) std5 = @shares.rolling(:std, 5).round(2) expect(std5).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,0.248556,0.167780,0.206930,0.263211,0.253811,0.215105,0.103827,0.098082,0.208255,0.237844,0.263002,0.220839,0.187963,0.263629,0.212132,0.193959]).round(2)) end it "calculates rolling variance" do var10 = @shares.rolling_variance.round(2) expect(var10).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,0.051632,0.043312,0.045084,0.064254,0.078773,0.087307,0.071357,0.112779,0.170432,0.151232,0.119712]).round(2)) var5 = @shares.rolling(:variance, 5).round(2) expect(var5).to eq([nil,nil,nil,nil,0.06178,0.02815,0.04282,0.06928,0.06442,0.04627,0.01078,0.00962,0.04337,0.05657,0.06917,0.04877,0.03533,0.06950,0.04500,0.03762]).round(2)) end it "calculates rolling non-nil count" do @shares.rolling_count end end context "#ema" do it "calculates exponential moving average" do # test default ema10 = @shares.ema expect(ema10[-1]) .to be_within(0.00001).of( 16.87187) expect(ema10[-5]) .to be_within(0.00001).of( 17.19187) expect(ema10[-10]).to be_within(0.00001).of( 17.54918) # test with a different lookback period ema5 = @shares.ema 5 expect(ema5[-1]) .to be_within( 0.0001).of(16.71299) expect(ema5[-10]).to be_within( 0.0001).of(17.49079) expect(ema5[-15]).to be_within( 0.0001).of(17.70067) # test with a different smoother ema_w = @shares.ema 10, true expect(ema_w[-1]) .to be_within(0.00001).of(17.08044) expect(ema_w[-5]) .to be_within(0.00001).of(17.33219) expect(ema_w[-10]).to be_within(0.00001).of(17.55810) end end context "#macd" do it "calculates moving average convergence divergence" do # MACD uses a lot more data than the other ones, so we need a bigger vector data = File.readlines("spec/fixtures/stock_data.csv").map(&:to_f)) macd, signal = data.macd # check the MACD expect(macd[-1]).to be_within(1e-6).of(3.12e-4) expect(macd[-10]).to be_within(1e-4).of(-1.07e-2) expect(macd[-20]).to be_within(1e-5).of(-5.65e-3) # check the signal expect(signal[-1]).to be_within(1e-5).of(-0.00628) expect(signal[-10]).to be_within(1e-5).of(-0.00971) expect(signal[-20]).to be_within(1e-5).of(-0.00338) end end context "#cumsum" do it "calculates cumulative sum" do vector =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) expect(vector.cumsum).to eq([1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55])) end end end