= Introduction

This library enables you to make evented HTTP calls if an EventMachine reactor is running.

If not, it falls back to a regular synchronous HTTP call. In both cases, you specify a proc which will be used as a callback with the HTTP code and the HTTP body being passed as parameters.

The aim of this library is to make a consistent API for both synchronous and evented HTTP calls.

== Sample Code which uses EventedNet::HTTP POST call

  require 'rubygems'
  require 'evented_net'
  require 'evma_httpserver'
  require 'cgi'

  class Handler  < EventMachine::Connection
    include EventMachine::HttpServer

    def process_evented_http_req(code, body)
      puts "Code: #{code} Body: #{body}"
    def process_http_request
      uri = URI.parse('http://www.cs.tut.fi/cgi-bin/run/~jkorpela/echo.cgi')
      EventedNet::HTTP.post(uri, :callback => method(:process_evented_http_req), :params => {:Comments => 'Testing Attention Please'})

  EventMachine::run {
    # When running on Mac OS X, use EventMachine.kqueue
    # When running on Linux 2.6.x kernels, use EventMachine.epoll
    EventMachine::start_server("", 8082, Handler)
    puts "Listening"