# ActsAsIndexed # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011 Douglas F Shearer. # http://douglasfshearer.com # Distributed under the MIT license as included with this plugin. module ActsAsIndexed #:nodoc: class Storage class OldIndexVersion < Exception;end INDEX_FILE_EXTENSION = '.ind' TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION = '.tmp' def initialize(path, prefix_size) @path = path @size_path = path.join('size') @prefix_size = prefix_size prepare end # Takes a hash of atoms and adds these to storage. def add(atoms) operate(:+, atoms) update_record_count(1) end # Takes a hash of atoms and removes these from storage. def remove(atoms) operate(:-, atoms) update_record_count(-1) end # Takes a string array of atoms names # return a hash of the relevant atoms. def fetch(atom_names, start=false) atoms = {} atom_names.uniq.collect{|a| encoded_prefix(a) }.uniq.each do |prefix| pattern = @path.join(prefix.to_s).to_s pattern += '*' if start pattern += INDEX_FILE_EXTENSION Pathname.glob(pattern).each do |atom_file| atom_file.open do |f| atoms.merge!(Marshal.load(f)) end end # Pathname.glob end # atom_names.uniq atoms end # fetch. # Returns the number of records currently stored in this index. def record_count @size_path.read.to_i # This is a bit horrible. rescue Errno::ENOENT 0 rescue EOFError 0 end private # Takes atoms and adds or removes them from the index depending on the # passed operation. def operate(operation, atoms) # ActiveSupport always available? atoms_sorted = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new # Sort the atoms into the appropriate shards for writing to individual # files. atoms.each do |atom_name, records| (atoms_sorted[encoded_prefix(atom_name)] ||= {})[atom_name] = records end atoms_sorted.each do |e_p, atoms| path = @path.join(e_p.to_s + INDEX_FILE_EXTENSION) lock_file(path) do if path.exist? from_file = path.open do |f| Marshal.load(f) end else from_file = {} end atoms = from_file.merge(atoms){ |k,o,n| o.send(operation, n) } write_file(path) do |f| Marshal.dump(atoms,f) end end # end lock. end end def update_record_count(delta) lock_file(@size_path) do new_count = self.record_count + delta new_count = 0 if new_count < 0 write_file(@size_path) do |f| f.write(new_count) end end end def prepare version_path = @path.join('version') if @path.exist? unless version_path.exist? && version_path.read == ActsAsIndexed::INDEX_VERSION raise OldIndexVersion, "Index was created prior to version #{ActsAsIndexed::INDEX_VERSION}. Please delete it, it will be rebuilt automatically." end else @path.mkpath # Do we need to lock for this? I don't think so as it is only ever making # a creation, not a modification. write_file(version_path) do |f| f.write(ActsAsIndexed::INDEX_VERSION) end end end def encoded_prefix(atom) prefix = atom[0, @prefix_size] unless (@prefix_cache ||= {}).has_key?(prefix) if atom.length > 1 @prefix_cache[prefix] = prefix.split(//).map{|c| encode_character(c)}.join('_') else @prefix_cache[prefix] = encode_character(atom) end end @prefix_cache[prefix] end # Allows compatibility with 1.8.6 which has no ord method. def encode_character(char) if @@has_ord ||= char.respond_to?(:ord) char.ord.to_s else char[0] end end def write_file(file_path) new_file = file_path.to_s tmp_file = new_file + TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION File.open(tmp_file, 'w+') do |f| yield(f) end FileUtils.mv(tmp_file, new_file) end # Borrowed from Rails' ActiveSupport FileStore. Also under MIT licence. # Lock a file for a block so only one process can modify it at a time. def lock_file(file_path, &block) # :nodoc: if file_path.exist? file_path.open('r') do |f| begin f.flock File::LOCK_EX yield ensure f.flock File::LOCK_UN end end else yield end end end end