require 'spec_helper' require 'rack/test' # rubocop:disable RSpec/SubjectStub, RSpec/MessageSpies, RSpec/VerifiedDoubles describe Loga::Rack::Logger do subject { } let(:env) { Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/about_us?limit=1', options) } let(:options) { {} } let(:app) { ->(_env) { [response_status, {}, ''] } } let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger, info: nil, error: nil) } let(:tags) { [] } let(:configuration) do instance_double( Loga::Configuration, filter_exceptions: %w[ActionController::RoutingError], filter_parameters: [], logger: logger, tags: tags, ) end before { Loga.instance_variable_set(:@configuration, configuration) } shared_examples 'logs the event' do |details| let(:level) { details[:level] } before do allow(subject).to receive(:started_at).and_return(:timestamp) allow(subject).to receive(:duration_in_ms).with(any_args).and_return(5) end it 'instantiates a Loga::Event' do expect(Loga::Event).to receive(:new).with( data: { request: { 'status' => response_status, 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/about_us', 'params' => { 'limit' => '1' }, 'request_id' => nil, 'request_ip' => nil, 'user_agent' => nil, 'duration' => 5, }, }, exception: logged_exception, message: %r{^GET \/about_us\?limit=1 #{response_status} in \d+ms$}, timestamp: :timestamp, type: 'request', ) end it "logs the Loga::Event with severity #{details[:level]}" do allow(logger).to receive(level) expect(logger).to have_received(level).with(an_instance_of(Loga::Event)) end end describe '#call(env)' do let(:exception) { } let(:logged_exception) { nil } let(:response_status) { 200 } let(:exception_class) { } context 'when an exception is raised' do let(:app) { ->(_env) { raise exception_class } } it 'does not rescue the exception' do expect { }.to raise_error(exception_class) end end context 'when an exception wrapped by ActionDispatch' do let(:response_status) { 500 } let(:logged_exception) { exception } let(:options) { { 'action_dispatch.exception' => exception } } include_examples 'logs the event', level: :error end context 'when an exception wrapped by Sinatra' do let(:response_status) { 500 } let(:logged_exception) { exception } let(:options) { { 'sinatra.error' => exception } } include_examples 'logs the event', level: :error end context 'when the exception is ActionController::RoutingError' do let(:response_status) { 404 } let(:exception) { double(class: 'ActionController::RoutingError') } let(:options) { { 'action_dispatch.exception' => exception } } include_examples 'logs the event', level: :info end context 'when the exception is on rack.exception' do let(:response_status) { 500 } let(:exception) { StandardError } let(:logged_exception) { exception } let(:options) { { 'rack.exception' => exception } } include_examples 'logs the event', level: :error end context 'when no exception is raised' do include_examples 'logs the event', level: :info end context 'when the logger is tagged' do let(:logger) { double(:logger, tagged: true) } before do allow(subject).to receive(:call_app).with(any_args).and_return(:response) allow(subject).to receive(:compute_tags).with(any_args).and_return(:tag) allow(logger).to receive(:tagged).with('hello') do |&block| end end context 'when tags are present' do let(:tags) { [:foo] } it 'yields the app with tags' do allow(logger).to receive(:tagged) expect(logger).to have_received(:tagged).with(:tag) do |&block| expect( eq(:response) end end end end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/SubjectStub, RSpec/MessageSpies, RSpec/VerifiedDoubles