module ZMQ # "Native 0MQ error codes" # Each is defined in zmq.h and is not a standard errno code # Description for each error code is paraphrased from the zmq man pages { :EFSM => "Finite state machine is in the wrong state", :ENOCOMPATPROTO => "The requested protocol is not compatible", :ETERM => "The context was terminated", :EMTHREAD => "No I/O thread is available to accomplish the task", }.each do |name, message| klass = SystemCallError do define_singleton_method :exception do |*args| superclass.superclass.singleton_class .instance_method(:new).bind(self).call(*args).tap { |exc| exc.define_singleton_method(:message) { message } exc.define_singleton_method(:to_s) { message } exc.define_singleton_method(:inspect) { "#" } } end end klass.const_set :Errno, ZMQ.const_get(name) Errno.const_set name, klass end # A hash of error number => exception class. # Example: 1 => Errno::EPERM @error_map = Errno.constants .map { |x| Errno.const_get x } .select { |x| x.is_a?(Class) && x < SystemCallError } .each { |x| @error_map[x.const_get(:Errno)] = x } # Checks the libzmq global error number and raises it as an exception. # Should be used after calling a libzmq resource that returns -1 on error. # Example: ZMQ.error_check if rc == -1 def self.error_check(adjust_backtrace=false) errno = LibZMQ.zmq_errno backtrace = adjust_backtrace ? caller[0...-2] : caller if @error_map.has_key? errno raise @error_map[errno], '', backtrace else raise SystemCallError, errno.to_s, backtrace end end end