@import compass/css3.sass @import fancy_gradient.sass !fb_gradient_style ||= "glossy" !fb_invert_on_click ||= 1 !fb_font_size ||= 18px !fb_color ||= #444 !fb_font_weight ||= "bold" !fb_border_width ||= 1px !fb_radius ||= 6px !fb_light_text ||= #fff !fb_dark_text ||= #222 !fb_gradient ||= 1 // Make a fancy button. =fancy-button(!color= !fb_color, !font_size= !fb_font_size, !radius= !fb_radius, !border_width= !fb_border_width) +fancy-button-structure(!font_size, !radius, !border_width) +fancy-button-colors(!color) // Style the button's colors, picking the most appropriate color set for the base color. =fancy-button-colors(!color = !fb_color, !hover = 0, !active = 0) +fb-color(!color, "default") &.disabled:active, &.disabled:hover, &[disabled]:active, &[disabled]:hover +fb-color(!color, "default") &:hover, &:focus @if !hover == 0 +fb-color(darken(!color, 3), "hover", !color) @else +fb-color(!hover, "hover") &:active @if !active == 0 +fb-color(darken(!color, 6), "active", !color) @else +fb-color(!active, "active") =fancy-button-matte(!color= !fb_color, !font_size= !fb_font_size, !radius= !fb_radius, !border_width= !fb_border_width) +fancy-button-structure(!font_size, !radius, !border_width) +fancy-button-colors-matte(!color) =fancy-button-custom(!color= !fb_color, !font_size= !fb_font_size, !radius= !fb_radius, !border_width= !fb_border_width) +fancy-button-structure(!font_size, !radius, !border_width) +fancy-button-colors-custom(!color, !font_size, !radius, !border_width) =fancy-button-colors-matte(!color = !fb_color, !hover = 0, !active = 0) !fb_current_style = !fb_gradient_style !fb_gradient_style = "matte" +fancy-button-colors(!color, !hover, !active) !fb_gradient_style = !fb_current_style =fancy-button-colors-custom(!color = !fb_color, !hover = 0, !active = 0) !fb_current_style = !fb_gradient_style !fb_gradient_style = "custom" +fancy-button-colors(!color, !hover, !active) !fb_gradient_style = !fb_current_style // Default state color settings =fb-color(!color, !state, !lumins = !color) !gradient_top = lighten(!color, 15) !gradient_bottom = darken(!color, 06) !border_color = darken(!color, 08) @if !fb_invert_on_click != 0 !border_color = darken(!color, 15) @if saturation(!color) > 0 !color = saturate(!color, 40) @else if luminosity(!lumins) >= luminosity(#aaa) !color = lighten(!color, 20) +fb-state-colors(!color, !gradient_top, !gradient_bottom, !border_color, !state, !lumins) // Apply the button colors specified for the button state into which it is mixed. =fb-state-colors(!color, !gradient_top, !gradient_bottom, !border, !state, !lumins = !color) background-color= !color @if !fb_gradient != 0 @if !fb_gradient_style == "glossy" @if !fb_invert_on_click != 0 and !state == "active" +invert-fancy-gradient(!gradient_top, !gradient_bottom) @else +fancy-gradient(!gradient_top, !gradient_bottom) @else if !fb_gradient_style == "matte" @if !fb_invert_on_click and !state == "active" +invert-fancy-matte-gradient(!gradient_top, !gradient_bottom) @else +fancy-matte-gradient(!gradient_top, !gradient_bottom) @else if !fb_gradient_style == "custom" @if !fb_invert_on_click and !state == "active" +invert-custom-fancy-gradient(!gradient_top, !gradient_bottom) @else +custom-fancy-gradient(!gradient_top, !gradient_bottom) border: color= !border !text_shadow_settings = "0px 1px 1px" @if !fb_invert_on_click != 0 and !state == "active" !text_shadow_settings = "0px -1px -1px" @if luminosity(!lumins) < luminosity(#aaa) text-shadow= darken(!color, 25) !text_shadow_settings color= !fb_light_text @else text-shadow= lighten(!color, 15) !text_shadow_settings color= !fb_dark_text =fancy-button-text-colors(!color, !hover, !active) color= !color &:hover, &:focus color= !hover &:active color= !active &.disabled:active, &.disabled:hover, &[disabled]:active, &[disabled]:hover color= !color // Apply this mixin to a nested element to style an arrow =fancy-arrow(!font_size) font-size= !font_size + 4px line-height= !font_size - 4px margin-left= 4px // Layout the button's box =fancy-button-structure(!font_size = !fb_font_size, !radius = !fb_radius, !border_width = !fb_border_width, !line_height = !font_size * 1.2) +fb-reset +fancy-button-size(!font_size, !radius, !border_width, !line_height) =fancy-button-size(!font_size = !fb_font_size, !radius = !fb_radius, !border_width = !fb_border_width, !line_height = !font_size * 1.2) // better padding for smaller buttons !v_padding = 0 !h_padding = 0 @if !font_size > 15 !v_padding = floor(!font_size/3.5) !h_padding = !font_size @else !v_padding = floor(!font_size/5) !h_padding = floor(!font_size/1.2) @if !radius > 0 +border-radius(!radius) font-size= !font_size line-height= !line_height +fancy-button-padding(!v_padding, !h_padding, !border_width) =fancy-button-padding(!v_padding, !h_padding, !border_width = !fb_border_width) !v_padding_active = !v_padding - 1px !h_padding_active = !h_padding - 1px padding= !v_padding !h_padding border-width= !border_width &:active padding= !v_padding_active !h_padding_active border-width= !border_width + 1px &.disabled:active, &[disabled] padding= !v_padding !h_padding border-width= !border_width // Reset the button's important properties to make sure they behave correctly =fb-reset(!font_weight = !fb_font_weight) font-family: "Lucida Grande", Lucida, Arial, sans_serif background: #{image_url("button_bg.png")} repeat-x bottom left margin: 0 width: auto overflow: visible display: inline-block cursor: pointer text-decoration: none border-style: solid font-weight= !font_weight &::-moz-focus-inner border: none padding: 0 &:focus outline: none &.disabled, &[disabled] +disable-button =disable-button(!opacity = .7) +opacity(!opacity) &:hover, &:focus cursor: default