--- title: DaemonSet categories: dsl --- ## Example Here's an example of a DaemonSet. .kubes/resources/shared/daemon_set.rb ```ruby name "calico-node" namespace "kube-system" labels("k8s-app": "calico-node") updateStrategy( type: "RollingUpdate", rollingUpdate: { maxUnavailable: 1 } ) annotations( "*scheduler**.alpha.kubernetes.io/critical-pod": '*' ) ``` Produces: .kubes/output/shared/daemon_set.yaml ```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: annotations: "*scheduler**.alpha.kubernetes.io/critical-pod": "*" name: calico-node labels: k8s-app: calico-node namespace: kube-system spec: updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 1 ``` ## DSL Methods Here's a list of more common methods: * minReadySeconds * revisionHistoryLimit * selector * template * updateStrategy {% include dsl/methods.md name="daemon_set" %}