# encoding: utf-8 require 'nokogiri' require 'http_client_patch/include_client' require 'httpclient' # Right now for EbscoHost API (Ebsco Integration Toolkit/EIT), # may be expanded or refactored for EDS too. # # == Required Configuration # # * profile_id # * profile_password # * databases: ARRAY of ebsco shortcodes of what databases to include in search. If you specify one you don't have access to, you get an error message from ebsco, alas. # # # == Limits # # While waiting for a future bento_box generalized limit api, this engine # accepts custom search arguments to apply limits: # # [:peer_reviewed_only] Set to boolean true or string 'true', to restrict # results to peer-reviewed only. (Or ask EBSCOHost # api to do so, what we get is what we get). # [:pubyear_start] # [:pubyear_end] Date range limiting, pass in custom search args, # one or both of pubyear_start and pubyear_end # #to_i will be called on it, so can be string. # .search(:query => "foo", :pubyear_start => 2000) # [:databases] List of licensed EBSCO dbs to search, can override # list set in config databases, just for this search. # # == Custom response data # # Iff EBSCO API reports that fulltext is available for the hit, then # result.custom_data["fulltext_formats"] will be non-nil, and will be an array of # one or more of EBSCO's internal codes (P=PDF, T=HTML, C=HTML+Images). If # no fulltext is avail according to EBSCO API, result.custom_data["fulltext_formats"] # will be nil. # # #link_is_fulltext also set to true/false # # You can use this to, for instance, hyperlink the displayed title directly # to record on EBSCO if and only if there's fulltext. By writing a custom # decorator. See wiki on decorators. # # == Limitations # We do set language of ResultItems based on what ebsco tells us, but ebsoc # seems to often leave out language or say 'english' for things that are not # (maybe cause abstract is in English?). Config variable to tell us to ignore language? # # == Note on including databases # # Need to specifically configure all databases your institution licenses from # EBSCO that you want included in the search. You can't just say "all of them" # the api doesn't support that, and also more than 30 or 40 starts getting # horribly slow. If you include a db you do not have access to, EBSCO api # fatal errors. # # You may want to make sure all your licensed databases are included # in your EIT profile. Log onto ebscoadmin, Customize Services, choose # EIT profile, choose 'databases' tag. # # === Download databases from EBSCO api # # We include a utility to download ALL activated databases for EIT profile # and generate a file putting them in a ruby array. You may want to use this # file as a starting point, and edit by hand: # # First configure your EBSCO search engine with bento_search, say under # key 'ebscohost'. # # Then run: # rails generate bento_search:pull_ebsco_dbs ebscohost # # assuming 'ebscohost' is the key you registered the EBSCO search engine. # # This will create a file at ./config/ebsco_dbs.rb. You may want to hand # edit it. Then, in your bento search config, you can: # # require "#{Rails.root}/config/ebsco_dbs.rb" # BentoSearch.register_engine("ebscohost") do |conf| # # .... # conf.databases = $ebsco_dbs # end # # == Vendor documentation # # Vendor documentation is a bit scattered, main page: # * http://support.ebsco.com/eit/ws.php # Some other useful pages we discovered: # * http://support.ebsco.com/eit/ws_faq.php # * search syntax examples: http://support.ebsco.com/eit/ws_howto_queries.php # * Try construct a query: http://eit.ebscohost.com/Pages/MethodDescription.aspx?service=/Services/SearchService.asmx&method=Search # * The 'info' service can be used to see what databases you have access to. # * DTD of XML Response, hard to interpret but all we've got: http://support.ebsco.com/eit/docs/DTD_EIT_WS_searchResponse.zip # # Hard to find docs page on embedding EBSCO limiters (like peer reviewed only "RV Y") in search query: # http://support.epnet.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=5397 # # EBSCO searchable support portal has a section for the EIT api we use here: # http://support.epnet.com/knowledge_base/search.php?keyword=&interface_id=1082&document_type=&page_function=search class BentoSearch::EbscoHostEngine include BentoSearch::SearchEngine # Can't change http timeout in config, because we keep an http # client at class-wide level, and config is not class-wide. # Change this 'constant' if you want to change it, I guess. # # In some tests we did, 5.2s was 95th percentile slowest, but in # actual percentage 5.2s is still timing out way too many requests, # let's try 6.3, why not. HttpTimeout = 6.3 extend HTTPClientPatch::IncludeClient include_http_client do |client| client.connect_timeout = client.send_timeout = client.receive_timeout = HttpTimeout end # Include some rails helpers, text_helper.trucate def text_helper @@truncate ||= begin o = Object.new o.extend ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper o end end def search_implementation(args) url = query_url(args) Rails.logger.debug("EbscoHostEngine Search for: #{url}") results = BentoSearch::Results.new xml, response, exception = nil, nil, nil begin response = http_client.get(url) xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) rescue TimeoutError, HTTPClient::ConfigurationError, HTTPClient::BadResponseError, Nokogiri::SyntaxError => e exception = e end # error handle if ( response.nil? || xml.nil? || exception || (! HTTP::Status.successful? response.status) || (fault = xml.at_xpath("./Fault"))) results.error ||= {} results.error[:api_url] = url results.error[:exception] = exception if exception results.error[:status] = response.status if response if fault results.error[:error_info] = text_if_present fault.at_xpath("./Message") end return results end # the namespaces they provide are weird and don't help and sometimes # not clearly even legal. Remove em! xml.remove_namespaces! results.total_items = xml.at_xpath("./searchResponse/Hits").text.to_i xml.xpath("./searchResponse/SearchResults/records/rec").each do |xml_rec| results << item_from_xml( xml_rec ) end return results end # Method to get a single record by "identifier" string, which is really # a combined "db:id" string, same string that would be returned by # an individual item.identifier # # Returns an individual BentoSearch::Result, or raises an exception. # Can raise BentoSearch::NotFound, BentoSearch::TooManyFound, or # any other weird random exception caused by problems fetching (network # error etc. Is it bad that we don't wrap these in an expected single # exception type? Should we?) def get(id) # split on first colon only. id =~ /^([^:]+)\:(.*)$/ db = $1 ; an = $2 raise ArgumentError.new("EbscoHostEngine#get requires an id with a colon, like `a9h:12345`. Instead, we got #{id}") unless db && an # "AN" search_field is not listed in our search_field_definitions, # but it is an internal EBSCOHost search index on 'accession number' results = search(an, :search_field => "AN", :databases => [db]) raise (results.error[:exception] || Exception.new) if results.failed? raise BentoSearch::NotFound.new("For id: #{id}") if results.length == 0 raise BentoSearch::TooManyFound.new("For id: #{id}") if results.length > 1 return results.first end # pass in nokogiri record xml for the records/rec node. # Returns nil if NO fulltext is avail on ebsco platform, # non-nil if fulltext is available. Non-nil value will # actually be a non-empty ARRAY of internal EBSCO codes, P=PDF, T=HTML, C=HTML with images. # http://support.epnet.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?topic=996&id=3778&page=1 def fulltext_formats(record_xml) fulltext_formats = record_xml.xpath("./header/controlInfo/artinfo/formats/fmt/@type").collect {|n| n.text } return nil if fulltext_formats.empty? return fulltext_formats end # Pass in a nokogiri node, return node.text, or nil if # arg was nil or node.text was blank? def text_if_present(node) if node.nil? || node.text.blank? nil else node.text end end # Figure out proper controlled format for an ebsco item. # EBSCOHost (not sure about EDS) publication/document type # are totally unusable non-normalized vocabulary for controlled # types, we'll try to guess from other metadata features. def sniff_format(xml_node) return nil if xml_node.nil? if xml_node.at_xpath("./dissinfo/*") :dissertation elsif xml_node.at_xpath("./jinfo/*") && xml_node.at_xpath("./artinfo/*") "Article" elsif xml_node.at_xpath("./dissinfo/disstl") :dissertation elsif xml_node.at_xpath("./bkinfo") && xml_node.at_xpath("./chapinfo") :book_item elsif xml_node.at_xpath("./bkinfo/btl") && xml_node.at_xpath("./artinfo/tig/atl") && (text_if_present(xml_node.at_xpath "./bkinfo/btl") != text_if_present(xml_node.at_xpath "./artinfo/tig/atl")) # pathological case of book_item, if it has a bkinfo and an artinfo # but the titles in both sections MATCH, it's just a book. If they're # differnet, it's a book section, bah@ :book_item elsif xml_node.at_xpath("./bkinfo/*") "Book" elsif xml_node.at_xpath("./jinfo/*") :serial else nil end end # Figure out uncontrolled literal string format to show to users. # We're going to try combining Ebsco Publication Type and Document Type, # when both are present. Then a few hard-coded special transformations. def sniff_format_str(xml_node) pubtype = text_if_present( xml_node.at_xpath("./artinfo/pubtype") ) doctype = text_if_present( xml_node.at_xpath("./artinfo/doctype") ) components = [] components.push pubtype components.push doctype unless doctype == pubtype components.compact! components = components.collect {|a| a.titlecase if a} components.uniq! # no need to have the same thing twice # some hard-coded cases for better user-displayable string, and other # normalization. if ["Academic Journal", "Journal"].include?(components.first) && ["Article", "Journal Article"].include?(components.last) return "Journal Article" elsif components.last == "Book: Monograph" return "Book" # Book: Monograph what?? elsif components.first == "Book Article" return "Book Chapter" elsif components.first == "Periodical" && components.length > 1 return components.last elsif components.size == 2 && components.first.include?(components.last) # last is strict substring, don't need it return components.first elsif components.size == 2 && components.last.include?(components.first) # first is strict substring, don't need it return components.last end return components.join(": ") end # pass in nokogiri, will determine best link def get_link(xml) text_if_present(xml.at_xpath("./pdfLink")) || text_if_present(xml.at_xpath("./plink") ) end # escape or replace special chars to ebsco def ebsco_query_escape(txt) # it's unclear if ebsco API actually allows escaping of special chars, # or what the special chars are. But we know parens are special, can't # escape em, we'll just remove em (should not effect search). # undocumented but question mark seems to cause a problem for ebsco, # even inside quoted phrases, not sure why. Square brackets too. txt = txt.gsub(/[)(\?\[\]]/, ' ') # 'and' and 'or' need to be in phrase quotes to avoid being # interpreted as boolean. For instance, when people just # paste in a title: << A strategy for decreasing anxiety of ICU transfer patients and their families >> # You'd think 'and' as boolean would still work there, but it resulted # in zero hits unless quoted, I dunno. lowercase and uppercase and/or/not # both cause observed weirdness. if ['and', 'or', 'not'].include?( txt.downcase ) txt = %Q{"#{txt}"} end return txt end # Actually turn the user's query into an EBSCO "AND" boolean query, # seems only way to get decent results where terms can match cross-fields # at the moment, for EIT. We'll see for EDS. def ebsco_query_prepare(txt) # use string split with regex cleverly to split into space # seperated terms and phrases, keeping phrases as unit. terms = txt.split %r{[[:space:]]+|("[^"]+")} # Remove parens in non-phrase-quoted terms terms = terms.collect do |t| ebsco_query_escape(t) end # Remove empty strings. Remove terms that are solely punctuation # without any letters. terms.delete_if do |term| ( term.blank? || term =~ /\A[^[[:alnum:]]]+\Z/ ) end terms.join(" AND ") end def query_url(args) url = "#{configuration.base_url}/Search?prof=#{configuration.profile_id}&pwd=#{configuration.profile_password}" query = if args[:query].kind_of?(Hash) # multi-field query args[:query].collect {|field, query| fielded_query(query, field)}.join(" AND ") else fielded_query(args[:query], args[:search_field]) end # peer-reviewed only? if [true, "true"].include? args[:peer_reviewed_only] query += " AND (RV Y)" end if args[:pubyear_start] || args[:pubyear_end] from = args[:pubyear_start].to_i from = nil if from == 0 to = args[:pubyear_end].to_i to = nil if to == 0 query += " AND (DT #{from}-#{to})" end url += "&query=#{CGI.escape query}" # startrec is 1-based for ebsco, not 0-based like for us. url += "&startrec=#{args[:start] + 1}" if args[:start] url += "&numrec=#{args[:per_page]}" if args[:per_page] # Make relevance our default sort, rather than EBSCO's date. args[:sort] ||= "relevance" url += "&sort=#{ sort_definitions[args[:sort]][:implementation]}" # Contrary to docs, don't pass these comma-seperated, pass em in seperate # query params. args databases overrides config databases. (args[:databases] || configuration.databases).each do |db| url += "&db=#{db}" end return url end def fielded_query(query, field = nil) output = ebsco_query_prepare(query) # wrap in (FI $query) if fielded search if field.present? output= "(#{field} #{query})" end return output end # pass in a nokogiri representing an EBSCO result, # we'll turn it into a BentoSearch::ResultItem. def item_from_xml(xml_rec) info = xml_rec.at_xpath("./header/controlInfo") item = BentoSearch::ResultItem.new # Get unique id. Think we need both the database code and accession # number combined, accession numbers not neccesarily unique accross # dbs. We'll combine with a colon. db = text_if_present xml_rec.at_xpath("./header/@shortDbName") accession = text_if_present xml_rec.at_xpath("./header/@uiTerm") item.unique_id = "#{db}:#{accession}" if db && accession item.link = get_link(xml_rec) # EBSCO is somewhat inconsistent with where it puts the ISSN item.issn = text_if_present(info.at_xpath("./jinfo/issn")) || text_if_present(info.at_xpath("./jinfo/jid[@type='issn']")) # Dealing with titles is a bit crazy, while articles usually have atitles and # jtitles, sometimes they have a btitle instead. A book will usually have # both btitle and atitle, but sometimes just atitle. Book chapter, oh boy. jtitle = text_if_present(info.at_xpath("./jinfo/jtl")) btitle = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./bkinfo/btl") atitle = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./artinfo/tig/atl") if jtitle && atitle item.title = atitle item.source_title = jtitle elsif btitle && atitle && atitle != btitle # for a book, sometimes there's an atitle block and a btitle block # when they're identical, this ain't a book section, it's a book. item.title = atitle item.source_title = btitle else item.title = atitle || btitle end # EBSCO sometimes has crazy long titles, truncate em. if item.title.present? item.title = text_helper.truncate(item.title, :length => 200, :separator => ' ', :omission => '…') end item.publisher = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./pubinfo/pub") # if no publisher, but a dissertation institution, use that # as publisher. unless item.publisher item.publisher = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./dissinfo/dissinst") end # Might have multiple ISBN's in record, just take first for now item.isbn = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./bkinfo/isbn") item.year = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./pubinfo/dt/@year") # fill in complete publication_date too only if we've got it. if (item.year && (month = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./pubinfo/dt/@month")) && (day = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./pubinfo/dt/@day")) ) if (item.year.to_i != 0 && month.to_i != 0 && day.to_i != 0) item.publication_date = Date.new(item.year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i) end end item.volume = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./pubinfo/vid") item.issue = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./pubinfo/iid") item.start_page = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./artinfo/ppf") item.doi = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./artinfo/ui[@type='doi']") item.pmid = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./artinfo/ui[@type='pmid']") item.abstract = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./artinfo/ab") # EBSCO abstracts have an annoying habit of beginning with "Abstract:" if item.abstract item.abstract.gsub!(/^Abstract\: /, "") end # authors, only get full display name from EBSCO. info.xpath("./artinfo/aug/au").each do |author| a = BentoSearch::Author.new(:display => author.text) item.authors << a end item.format = sniff_format info item.format_str = sniff_format_str info # Totally unreliable, seems to report english for everything? Maybe # because abstracts are in english? Nevertheless we include for now. item.language_code = text_if_present info.at_xpath("./language/@code") # why does EBSCO return 'undetermined' sometimes? That might as well be # not there, bah. item.language_code = nil if item.language_code == "und" # array of custom ebsco codes (or nil) for fulltext formats avail. item.custom_data["fulltext_formats"] = fulltext_formats xml_rec # if any fulltext format, mark present item.link_is_fulltext = item.custom_data["fulltext_formats"].present? return item end # This method is not used for normal searching, but can be used by # other code to retrieve the results of the EBSCO API Info command, # using connection details configured in this engine. The Info command # can tell you what databases your account is authorized to see. # Returns the complete Nokogiri response, but WITH NAMESPACES REMOVED def get_info url = "#{configuration.base_url}/Info?prof=#{configuration.profile_id}&pwd=#{configuration.profile_password}" noko = Nokogiri::XML( http_client.get( url ).body ) noko.remove_namespaces! return noko end def public_settable_search_args super + [:peer_reviewed_only, :pubyear_start, :pubyear_end] end # David Walker says pretty much only relevance and date are realiable # in EBSCOhost cross-search. def sort_definitions { "relevance" => {:implementation => "relevance"}, "date_desc" => {:implementation => "date"} } end def search_field_definitions { nil => {:semantic => :general}, "AU" => {:semantic => :author}, "TI" => {:semantic => :title}, "SU" => {:semantic => :subject}, "IS" => {:semantic => :issn}, "IB" => {:semantic => :isbn}, "SO" => {:semantic => :source_title}, # These may not be defined in all databases.... "VI" => {:semantic => :volume}, "IP" => {:semantic => :issue}, "SP" => {:semantic => :start_page}, "AF" => {:semantic => :author_affiliation} } end def multi_field_search? true end def max_per_page # Actually only '50' if you ask for 'full' records, but I don't think # we need to do that ever, that's actually getting fulltext back! 200 end def self.required_configuration ["profile_id", "profile_password"] end def self.default_configuration { # /Search :base_url => "http://eit.ebscohost.com/Services/SearchService.asmx", :databases => [] } end end