module Bond # Occurs when a mission is incorrectly defined. class InvalidMissionError < StandardError; end # Occurs when a mission action is incorrectly defined. class InvalidMissionActionError < StandardError; end # Occurs when a mission or search action fails. class FailedExecutionError < StandardError; end # Namespace for subclasses of Bond::Mission. class Missions; end # A set of conditions and actions to take for a completion scenario or mission in Bond's mind. class Mission include Search class<<self # default search used across missions attr_accessor :default_search # Handles creation of proper Mission class depending on the options passed. def create(options) if options[:method] elsif options[:object] else new(options) end end #:stopdoc: def action_object @action_object ||= end def current_eval(string, eval_binding=nil) eval_binding ||= default_eval_binding eval(string, eval_binding) end def default_eval_binding Object.const_defined?(:IRB) ? IRB.CurrentContext.workspace.binding : ::TOPLEVEL_BINDING end def default_search @default_search ||= :default end #:startdoc: end attr_reader :action, :condition, :place OPERATORS = ["%", "&", "*", "**", "+", "-", "/", "<", "<<", "<=", "<=>", "==", "===", "=~", ">", ">=", ">>", "[]", "[]=", "^"] # Options are almost the same as those explained at Bond.complete. The only difference is that the action is passed # as an :action option here. def initialize(options) raise InvalidMissionError unless (options[:action] || respond_to?(:default_action)) && (options[:on] || is_a?(Missions::DefaultMission)) raise InvalidMissionError if options[:on] && !options[:on].is_a?(Regexp) @action = options[:action].is_a?(Symbol) && self.class.action_object.respond_to?(options[:action]) ? self.class.action_object.method(options[:action]) : options[:action] raise InvalidMissionActionError if @action && !@action.respond_to?(:call) @condition = options[:on] @place = options[:place] @search = options.has_key?(:search) ? options[:search] : Mission.default_search @search = method("#{@search}_search") unless @search.is_a?(Proc) || @search == false end # Returns a boolean indicating if a mission matches the given input. def matches?(input) @matched = @input = @list_prefix = nil if (match = handle_valid_match(input)) @input.instance_variable_set("@matched", @matched) @input.instance_eval("def self.matched; @matched ; end") end !!match end # Called when a mission has been chosen to autocomplete. def execute(input=@input) completions = completions = (completions || []).map {|e| e.to_s } completions = || '', completions) if @search if @completion_prefix @completion_prefix = @completion_prefix.split(Regexp.union(*Readline::DefaultBreakCharacters.split('')))[-1] completions = {|e| @completion_prefix + e } end completions rescue error_message = "Mission action failed to execute properly. Check your mission action with pattern #{@condition.inspect}.\n" + "Failed with error: #{$!.message}" raise FailedExecutionError, error_message end #:stopdoc: def unique_id @condition end def set_input(input, match) @input = input[/\S+$/] end def handle_valid_match(input) if (match = input.match(@condition)) set_input(input, match) @matched ||= match end match end #:startdoc: end end