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Make sure the type is defined in Assembly Qualified Name formAssembly referenced by a  for Type "{0}", concrete key "{1}" node in StructureMap.config cannot be loaded into the current AppDomain.MMissing a mandatory "ConcreteKey" attribute in a node for Type "{0}"RAn exception occurred while trying to create an InstanceFactory for PluginType {0}[Could not create the type {0} specified in the [PluginFamily] attribute on PluginFamily {1}-Cannot plug an abstract class or an interface*System object for {0} could not be created/Requested type {0} could not be found while {1}=The file {0} referenced in an node cannot be opened4Cannot find required node in file {0}5Missing @File attribute on node on file {0}+Cannot open Xml configuration from file {0}oUnable to find the exported Type's in assembly {0}. One or more of the assembly's dependencies may be missing.`StructureMap cannot construct objects of Class {0} because there is no public constructor found.8The Profile {0} referenced by Machine {1} does not existNCould not find referenced instance named {0} of PluginType {1} for Profile {2}9Could not find an Instance named "{0}" for PluginType {1}SUnrecognized ConcreteKey "{0}" configured for InstanceKey "{1}" of PluginFamily {2}0No Default Instance defined for PluginFamily {0}UInternal exception in MementoSource creating an InstanceMemento for InstanceKey "{0}"+Internal exception in InstanceMemento "{0}"?Missing requested Instance property "{0}" for InstanceKey "{1}",Invalid property value(s), InstanceKey "{0}"pInternal exception while creating Instance '{0}' of PluginType {1}. Check the inner exception for more details.HThe designated default instance '{0}' for PluginType {1} cannot be found1Cannot "Stub" type {0} with an object of type {1}kCannot call "FillDependencies" on type {0}. Check that the type is concrete and has no primitive argumentsCannot use the "TheDefaultIsConcreteType" method with an object that has primitive constructor arguments. Use the "Use()" method instead and specify the primitive constructor argumentsSProperty {0} does not exist on the PluggedType {1} or does not have a public setter7Error while trying to create an InstanceBuilder for {0}%Only a concrete type may be used here&The named Template {0} cannot be found/Malformed InstanceMemento {0} of PluginType {1}?Instance specific interception failed for {0} of PluginType {1}%Requested Profile {0} cannot be foundQOnly open generic types can be used in the call to Container.ForGenericType(type)2Could not load the designated Registry class '{0}'KBidirectional Dependency Problem detected with {0}. 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get_Senderset_Senderget_Receiverset_Receiverk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldTextSenderReceiverSendSendMessageFluentlySendMessageAsParameterIsEmptyIsNotEmptyToFormatToDelimitedArray_excludes_includesget_Includesset_Includesget_Excludesset_ExcludesIncludesExcludes_matchesAll_matchesAny_matchesNoneop_AdditionMatchesAllMatchesAnyMatchesNoneDoesNotMatcheAny_conventionOnAddedPluginTypes_getNameNameBySetFamilyConfigurationActionRegisterTypeRegisterSingleImplementationsFindPluginType_openType_builders_plugins_setterRulesGetPluginFindBuilderStoreResetAllAddFilledType_openInstanceTypeEjectAll_http_nonHttpget_DefaultHasImplementationsEjectAndRemoveEjectAndRemoveAllDefaultEjectHasBeenCreated_familyStructureMap.Query.IFamily.EjectStructureMap.Query.IFamily.BuildStructureMap.Query.IFamily.HasBeenCreatedget_PluginTypesHasDefaultImplementationForInstancesOfHasImplementationsForDefaultTypeForEjectAndRemoveTypesEjectAndRemovePluginTypesGetAllPossiblePluginTypes_sessionget_ElementTypeConvertElementType_casesIfget_Predicateset_Predicateset_Instancek__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldPredicate_enumerableTypesget_OpenEnumerableTypes_coercionget_ChildrenDetermineCoerciondetermineCoercionTypebuildObjectsIsEnumerableOpenEnumerableTypesChildrenITEM_NAMEHasContextDisposeAndClearAllfindHttpDictionaryget_LockerDisposeAndClearLockerGetLifecycle_library_pipelineResolveConstructNewApplyInterceptionSystem.WebSystem.Web.SessionStateHttpSessionStateSystem.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorCopyToget_SyncRootget_IsSynchronizedIDictionaryEnumeratorset_Itemget_Keysget_Valuesget_IsReadOnlyget_IsFixedSizeSyncRootIsSynchronizedKeysValuesIsReadOnlyIsFixedSizeguaranteeHashExistsget_cacheget_factorytoRefcachefactoryEjectObjectObjectHasBeenCreatedToNameFillSafeDisposeTryGetTKeyTValueIsInClosesIsInNamespaceGetReferenceToIsOpenGenericIsConcreteAndAssignableToImplementsInterfaceTemplateFindFirstInterfaceThatClosesFindInterfacesThatCloserawFindInterfacesThatClosesIsNullableGetInnerTypeFromNullableGetNameGetFullNameAllInterfacesCanBeCastToIsExplicitlyMarkedAsPluginIsStringIsPrimitiveIsSimpleIsChildIsChildArrayIsPrimitiveArrayIsConcreteIsAutoFillableBootstrapStructureMapset_UseDefaultStructureMapConfigFileset_IgnoreStructureMapConfigUseDefaultStructureMapConfigFileIgnoreStructureMapConfigk__BackingFieldget_pluginTypesfindForFamilypluginTypesget_RequestedTypeRequestedType_concreteType_requestedType_nextAttachDetachToStackString_current_rootget_CurrentPushPopCurrentget_Propertiesget_ArraysPropertiesArraysset_PluginTypeget_Sessionset_Sessionk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldSessionEqualToAppSettingMemoryStream_streamCTORTYPEgetArgumentNameForTypeSETTERTYPESetterTheArrayOfEnumerableOfIsTheDefaultMODELMemberExpressiongetMemberExpressionGetMethodVMemberBindingVisitBindingElementInitVisitElementInitializerUnaryExpressionVisitUnaryBinaryExpressionVisitBinaryTypeBinaryExpressionVisitTypeIsConstantExpressionVisitConstantConditionalExpressionVisitConditionalVisitParameterVisitMemberAccessMethodCallExpressionVisitMethodCallSystem.Collections.ObjectModelReadOnlyCollection`1VisitListMemberAssignmentVisitMemberAssignmentMemberMemberBindingVisitMemberMemberBindingMemberListBindingVisitMemberListBindingVisitBindingListVisitElementInitializerListLambdaExpressionVisitLambdaNewExpressionVisitNewMemberInitExpressionVisitMemberInitListInitExpressionVisitListInitNewArrayExpressionVisitNewArrayInvocationExpressionVisitInvocationget_ConstructorAddLifecycleTypeAddMementoSourceType_values_getKey_onMissingset_OnMissingget_GetKeyset_GetKeyget_FirstTryRetrieveExistsGetAllWithValueOnMissingGetKeyFirsttargetpluginTypenamedefaultObjectinterceptorLibrarygraphvalueinstanceinstancescreatorregistryactionconcreteTypefuncobjectscopelifecycleinstanceNameprofileNametypePathinstanceKeypluginGraphbuildDependencyobjdependencywritercountwidthaddwidthscharactercodemessageerrorCodeargsParamArrayAttributeexexceptionerrordependenciesdescriptionpathcontextloginstanceTokencontentscolumnCountstringWriterinfoargargNametypepluggedTypevisitorparameterTypeexpressionpropertyisMandatoryparametersourceassembliesfilterassemblyassemblyNameassemblyFilterscannerexcludenameSpacepredicateconventionmodifyGraphopenGenericTyperesultmatchinterceptionmethodprofileManagercallbackgenericsGraphfamilysessiontemplateTypesrawValuetypespropertyNamebuildSessioncannotFindchildrenargumentsdependencyTypebuildermementotemplateTypehandlerchildTypechildinterceptoranObjectdestinationsourceTypedestinationTypeprofilebasicTypetemplatedTypeprototypereferenceKeyreferencedInstanceurlExportedTypeconcreteKeyobjectTypefilenamestructureMapNodexpathnodelistconfigurationconfigurekeyargValueparenttalterationothermementoCreatorfamilyElementelementpluginElementregistryTypeNamepluginTypePathregistriesgraphBuilderparentElementfunctionoverrideElementfullNameinstanceElementfullTypeNamedefaultKeyconfigContextsectionmsgpluginTypeNameInnerExceptionsourceFamilyruleargumentNamepluggedTypessettersclassNameassemblyQualifiedNamesubjectcdefaultInstancerequestedNameparameterTypesKeyinterceptorspropertiestemplateNameMementochildMementostargetTypedocumentparserparsersstylenodeChildNodedirectoryextensionmementoStylefilePathdocfolderPathfileNamenodeNameinnerSourcetemplateSourcerawMementotypeAttributekeyAttributeAttributeNametemplateNodesubstitutionsubstitutionValueattributeValuebuiltObjecttheObjecttemplateattributeNamedefaultValueattributePathconstructorreportbootstrapperTypeNametextsenderreceivermessageSenderrequestenumerableparameterscontentinvokesconfigurePluginTypegetNameconfigureFamilyinterfaceTypeopenTypeopenInstanceTypepropertyTypeelementTypepipelinelibraryactualValuearrayindexdictionarynullableTyperequestedTypenextframepropertyValueappSettingKeyconstructorArgctorOrPropertyNameexpbindinginitializerubpmoriginalassignmentlambdanexinitnaivonMissingSystem.Runtime.InteropServicesOutAttributeAssemblyTitleAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeSystem.Runtime.CompilerServicesInternalsVisibleToAttributeSystem.SecurityAllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttributeComVisibleAttributeAssemblyVersionAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeAssemblyConfigurationAttributeAssemblyInformationalVersionAttributeAssemblyFileVersionAttributeSystem.DiagnosticsDebuggableAttributeDebuggingModesCompilationRelaxationsAttributeRuntimeCompatibilityAttributeExtensionAttribute<>c__DisplayClass3<>4__this<.ctor>b__1<.ctor>b__0CompilerGeneratedAttributeGetTypeRuntimeTypeHandleGetTypeFromHandle<>c__DisplayClass6b__5b__8xSystem.LinqEnumerableSelectget_FullNameObsoleteAttribute<>c__DisplayClassab__9<>c__DisplayClass1b__0<>c__DisplayClass4b__3<>c__DisplayClass7b__6b__9<>c__DisplayClassdb__c<>c__DisplayClass10b__fraw<>c__DisplayClass14b__12b__13o<>c__DisplayClass17b__16<>c__DisplayClass1ab__19<>c__DisplayClass1db__1cb__0ReferenceEqualsWriteLineStringPadRightConcatget_InnerExceptionInt32FormatIsNullOrEmptyValueCollectionContainsKeyMoveNextEnumeratorKeyValuePair`2op_EqualityToArrayget_LengthConsoleSerializableAttributeGetConstructorsMethodBaseGetParametersget_ParameterTypeb__0b__1CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate2WhereFirstOrDefaultget_IsEnum<>c__DisplayClass8b__5b__6CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate7<>c__DisplayClass2GetExportedTypes<>c__DisplayClass5b__4SelectManyAppDomainget_CurrentDomainLoadb__0b__1Activatorb__2get_Assemblyb__3CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate5b__4CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate6b__7get_Namespace<>c__DisplayClassbb__ab__db__eaCS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatefget_BaseDirectoryAppDomainSetupget_SetupInformationget_PrivateBinPathDirectoryb__10CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate11b__12fileCS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate13PathGetExtensionStringComparisonGetFilesLoadFrom<>c__DisplayClass18b__14b__17CS$<>8__locals19b__15b__16AssemblyNameStackTraceGetExecutingAssemblyStackFrameGetFrameMemberInfoget_DeclaringTypeget_FrameCountArgumentNullExceptionb__0CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate4<.ctor>b__2<.ctor>b__3<.ctor>b__8CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate9b__aCS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatebd__cSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator<>2__currentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.ResetSystem.IDisposable.Dispose<>1__state<>l__initialThreadIdSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current<>3__container5__d5__e<>7__wrapf<>m__Finally10<>m__Finally11<>7__wrap12<>7__wrap13System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.CurrentDebuggerHiddenAttributeSystem.ThreadingThreadget_CurrentThreadget_ManagedThreadIdNotSupportedExceptionMonitorEnterget_KeyExitget_IsGenericType<>c__DisplayClass1bb__17b__19b__18b__1ab__1dCS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate1eToList<>c__DisplayClass21<>c__DisplayClass23b__1fCS$<>8__locals22fb__20iGuidNewGuidb__2ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionDateTimeSystem.ComponentModelTypeDescriptorTypeConverterGetConverterSystem.GlobalizationCultureInfoget_InvariantCultureITypeDescriptorContextConvertFromInvalidCastExceptionclosedInstanceb__5MakeGenericType<>c__DisplayClass9`1b__8<>c__DisplayClassc`1b__b<>c__DisplayClass1`1b__0<>c__DisplayClass4`1b__3<.ctor>b__6sget_PropertyTypeGetElementTypeb__0d__0System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current5__1<>7__wrap2<>m__Finally3System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.Currentb__6b__9b__cSystem.Web.UIPageTemplateControlControlLoadControlAttributeUsageAttributeAttributeTargetsGetCustomAttributesGetCustomAttributeArrayListGetPropertiesGetMethodsSelectSingleNodeXmlAttributeCollectionget_AttributesXmlAttributeget_ItemOfincludePathb__3CombineGetDirectoryNameb__6b__9AddRangeb__0CS$<>8__locals4b__1b__7<>c__DisplayClasscCS$<>8__localsbabsolutePathb__9pathToStructureMapConfigb__eFileIsPathRootedget_ApplicationBaseb__6<>c__DisplayClass9b__8b__7b__bb__cb__fb__10<>c__DisplayClass12`1b__11<>c__DisplayClass15b__14b__17b__1ab__1bb__1c<>c__DisplayClass22b__1fb__20b__21<>c__DisplayClass26b__24b__25<>c__DisplayClass2ab__28b__29<>c__DisplayClass2eb__2cb__2d<>c__Displa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