module HaveErrorMatchers class HaveError def initialize(ya, *type_and_opts) @ya = ya @options = type_and_opts.extract_options! @type = type_and_opts.shift || :invalid end def on(attribute) @attribute = attribute return self end def matches?(record) @record = record @record.send(:run_validations!) unless @options.delete(:skip_validate) @record.errors[@attribute].include?(@record.errors.generate_message(@attribute, @type, @options)) end def failure_message_for_should "Expected #{@record.class.model_name.human} record to have an error of type :#@type for attribute #{@record.class.human_attribute_name(@attribute)}." end def failure_message_for_should_not "Expected #{@record.class.model_name.human} record to NOT have an error of type :#@type for attribute #{@record.class.human_attribute_name(@attribute)}." end def description ["have a :#@type validation error", *("on :#@attribute" if @attribute)].join(' ') end end def have_error(*type_and_opts), *type_and_opts) end # RSpec::Matchers.define :have_error do |*type_and_opts| # match do |actual| # opts = type_and_opts.extract_options! # type = type_and_opts.shift || :invalid # actual.send(:run_validations!) unless opts.delete(:skip_validate) # actual.errors # WIP # end # end end